This was the first time in her life that the miko felt that even the ten covenants could not protect her safety.

May I?

A gentleman's smile appeared on Igarashi's face.

Yes, yes...please be gentle.

Facing Igarashi, the miko is as timid as a rabbit facing a hungry wolf.

Plum blinked, unable to understand the miko's attitude. Although Igarashi won the beastman game, it seemed to be just a territorial dispute, right? He didn't win against the plenipotentiary agent of the orcs. I heard that this miko was a legendary figure. Why was she so weak?

Igarashi put his hand on the miko's chest. Seeing Plum's encouraging look towards him, he understood that such a simple contact was of no use, so he squeezed it.


With a soft cry, the originally frightened miko's expression gradually changed.

She felt something seemed to be activated inside her body, and her expression changed.

Then, she slowly moved her gaze towards Igarashi and spoke intoxicatedly.

What, what is this? This feeling of hair standing on end all over your disgusting and makes you angry? Is this [love]?

It doesn't matter if he is unhappy or angry. Igarashi also knows that sometimes the things he does will make girls angry, but what the hell is disgusting? In terms of handsomeness, I should be as invincible as my strength. And is this considered love?

Igarashi took back his hand and covered his chest, making a pained gesture.

I'm a little hurt.

Yes, I'm sorry! Although I have an inexplicable and disgusting feeling, I can definitely tell that I have fallen in love with His Majesty Igarashi. This magic... is really wonderful.

The corners of Igarashi's mouth kept twitching. He felt that the vampires must have some misunderstanding about [love], but Plum instead stood up proudly and confidently.

Hehehe, please listen to my explanation...this is exactly the point.

As if to say that this is a technique that only vampires can achieve, the face that was once filled with panic and timidity only looked dazzling and proud at this moment.

Love magic has been circulated in ancient and modern times, but no one has realized it. The principle of this kind of magic has not even been thought out, but we vampires have an outline. Love is an emotion whose specific expression is uncertain, but it is not certain. If so, let it be determined. This definition is decided by us vampires without authorization!

Igarashi, who guessed the nature of this so-called love magic from Plum's words, covered his face, but Plum did not notice Igarashi's speechlessness and continued happily.

If Miko-sama thinks that feeling is love, then it is love!

Secrecy and Illusion—the race that is best at manipulating spirit and cognition, asserted this categorically, and said to Igarashi excitedly.

Okay, Your Majesty Igarashi, the miko-sama has recognized [disgusting] as the feeling of love! Now please strike while the iron is hot and say the most disgusting and disgusting line to her!

This so-called love magic only makes people feel sick, and then uses the unique magic of vampires [Secretness and Illusion] to replace the caster's description of nausea with love. It is a completely brainless replacement.

Looking at Plum with a proud expression, Igarashi said helplessly.

No need, I already understand the 'power' of your magic. Let's dispel the magic.


Plum looked pityful.

Sensing that the miko had returned to normal, he shook his head in the face of her apologetic look, indicating that she didn't have to worry about it. Igarashi didn't point out the ridiculousness of this magic and asked Plum.

Why don't you vampires try to use this magic yourself?

Because vampires have been deliberately controlled by another magic that they studied a long time ago to make their offspring female to avoid the covenant with sea-dwelling species, so now vampires are as useless as sea-dwelling species. Male, and the queen of the sea-dwelling species asked the prince to wake her up.

Chapter 836 Princes

Elkia Royal Castle, in the dormitory that once belonged to the late king.

Enjoying the peaceful sleep she hadn't had in a long time, Stephanie wandered in her dreams——

boom! !

Was woken up by a loud noise.

Fa, what happened!?

Stephanie, who was in great pain from hitting her head, shouted. Stephanie, who was so flustered by the popping sound, even forgot she was wearing pajamas. She lifted the quilt and immediately headed in the direction of the sound - that is, towards the big meeting. In the direction of the room, he rushed out of the room. As expected, as if she was about to kick open the door of the large conference room, what Stephanie saw as she hurried over was——

The person who caused the explosion just now—, it couldn't be wrong—was none other than Jibril.

Hatsuse Ino, who played the game on Stephanie's behalf, and the opponents, the princes, had their cards and a large number of documents floating in the air, and the large conference room filled with smoke was in ruins.

And the source of this change in the world seems to have been found in Stephanie.

Oh, hello, Xiaoduo. Although the master ordered us to use space to transfer to Elkia, there were too many people, so I opened a slightly larger hole in the space - are you okay?

Jibril heard Igarashi's voice transmission before, and first used the Flügel's [Tian Shift] to teleport from the Kingdom of Elkia to Wuyan, the capital of the Orcs, and then took Igarashi, Plum and The miko who offered to accompany her moved together from Wuyan to King Elkia's castle.

All this was because Igarashi wanted to act as a human without many special powers in front of Plum, who had hidden part of his purpose, so he caused a lot of turmoil in the palace and damaged some items in the jeep. Lil and Igarashi did not accuse, but looked at Hatsuse Ino and the princes.

Are you playing a game?

Different from the officials in the palace, the princes who are enfeoffed by some insane human king and can be hereditary are equivalent to the emperor in their respective territories. They can obey and disobey the king's orders. They are very powerful. Now I see Igarashi and Hatsuse Ino almost lost the game, and they were overjoyed to give up their original territory.

Your Majesty, you are back. I heard that you won the land war with the orcs? Please return our original fiefdom to us!

The originally chaotic palace suddenly fell silent. Jibril and the miko showed contempt and pity in their eyes. Stephanie knew that Igarashi would not suffer and looked forward to the next development. However, Plum did not understand the situation well and remained quiet. .

Your territory was taken away before, and the officials came to the royal city to report. Where have you been?

The princes looked at each other and hesitated for a moment, thinking that if the new king wanted to check, he should be able to find out the movements of himself and others. When the time came, he realized that he was not good at lying, so he told the truth, but embellished it a little.

Before, I stayed in the [Eastern United] temporarily. Ah, I have been waiting for the day when you can conquer the lost territory. His Majesty's ability to achieve such a record may also be related to our daily prayers.

Well, thank you for your hard work. Next, the capital will be short of a few farmers, so go ahead.

The first half of Igarashi's words made the princes look happy, but the second half of his words made them all stunned and in disbelief.

Planting, farming?! Your Majesty, you...

It's my mercy to let you farm and pray together in the east? Is it because the orcs have a large territory and want to abandon their human identity and unite to survive in the east? Stephanie, what is the punishment for treason?

Seeing Igarashi looking at her, Stephanie scratched her head and answered cautiously.

Well... because human countries are being destroyed and shrunk one after another, it is common for humans to run away from their own country to other kingdoms, so...

Oh? It turns out there was no treason before, but now it is. Traitors will be killed. If you don't want to die, go farm now.

Igarashi's cold words made the princes take a few steps back in fear. Some of them were bold enough to raise objections in front of Igarashi, who was all restrained in his power at this moment.

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