Ah? Don't you know? You foreigners...ah, by the way, there are no foreign countries left in humans.

The word foreign country made Igarashi frown slightly. In these five thousand and nine hundred years, has the human kingdom ever been divided? Tsk, it’s true that he was born in sorrow and died in happiness.

So what's going on there?

Igarashi had no intention of explaining to the interloper and asked plainly, but the middle-aged man who was originally a little curious about the origins of the two people suddenly felt that he should not continue to ask, but should answer the other party's questions truthfully. psychology.

This strange psychology seemed very natural to a middle-aged man, and he had no doubts at all.

Elkia is currently holding a gambling meeting [to select the next king].

Choose the next king?

It was Shiro who asked, and Igarashi was a little helpless. He found that although he had done a lot of things six thousand years ago, six thousand years later, human beings were like mud that couldn't hold up the wall, and they ended up in the current situation.

Perhaps the adventurers who accepted the gift of their gods died as time went by, and it was also the reason why humans had neither sufficient strength nor smart minds, but Igarashi still felt sad for his misfortune and angry at him.

Yes, because the previous king had his last words when he died, the next king will not be my blood relative, but will be crowned [the strongest gambler in mankind]. Unless someone comes out from the Holy Land, unless someone has disappeared for 5,900 years [Guardian of Mankind] returns, otherwise [Mankind’s Strongest Gambler] will be king.”

After saying this, the middle-aged man took a breath and added.

However, only the royal family has always entered the Holy Land, and no one has come out of the Holy Land. At the same time, the person who is called the [Guardian of Humanity] by us humans and the [God of Outsiders] by the superior races, except for this title , we don’t know anything about him, not even his name. Maybe the upper races with unbroken inheritance know, maybe our human royal family knows, but I don’t know, but I also hope that there is such a existence. , where is the way out for mankind now? Well, mankind has failed miserably in the battle for land, and now there is only one country and one city like Elkia left, so we have no choice but to risk our lives.

Igarashi's face, which was originally unhappy, gradually softened. For 5,900 years, humans have not forgotten that there used to be a patron saint, although now civilians seem to only know this title.

The middle-aged man was placing bets with bottle caps while talking. He placed the bet on the black-haired girl. Of course, in today's situation, even if you don't understand how poker is played, you can tell just by looking at his expression. The hair girl is about to win.

The king of a country was actually chosen in a tavern in the suburbs?

Igarashi's words made the middle-aged man nod and shake his head in agreement.

Actually, any human being can participate. If there are still challengers, even if the black-haired girl can win, she will continue to challenge. However, she has defeated many powerful gamblers. The results are obvious and few Someone challenged again. As for the red-haired girl, she was Stephanie Dora, a blood relative of the former king. According to the last words of the former king, if someone who was not of royal blood became the king, she would lose everything, so she also wanted to Let’s compete for the throne of the next king.”

The blood relatives of the former king who allowed humanity to lose to this level really wanted to desperately retain their status.

Knowing that this sentence was too rude to say, the middle-aged man thought about it in his mind, looked at the scene in the room, and couldn't help but sigh.

Like the former king, this guy has no talent as a gambler, so he might as well just hand over the throne.

Seeing that the game was still going on, the middle-aged man continued as if to kill time.

A round-robin gambling tournament is currently being held. Anyone of the human species who wants to become a king only needs to state his or her name. The winner will be determined through games. The loser will be eliminated, and the last remaining person will be elected.

Chapter 812 I have something to ask

...Hey, can you hurry up?

It's so noisy. I'm thinking about it now.

Hearing the conversation between the two girls, the people watching in the tavern burst into laughter. These actions also put a look of annoyance on the red-haired girl's face.

And Igarashi was betting against another pretty elder sister. The bet was currency, which of course Igarashi didn’t have. How could Igarashi have something that was 5,900 years later? Although he could easily He broke the ten covenants and took some, or made some, but Igarashi just abided by Tetu's rules and played the game.

It's also a poker game.

Brother looks very handsome. If there is no place to live, sister, I will live alone, right?

Facing the temptation of this big sister, Igarashi showed helplessness as he endured the itchy feeling caused by Shiro constantly poking his palm while holding her hand.

You only have one bed if you live alone? There's nothing you can do about it. I have a cute little sister to take care of.

Really, what a shame.

The eldest sister shook her head regretfully, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. While using dialogue to divert the other party's attention, she had secretly taken out a few playing cards hidden in her pocket and exchanged them with the ones in her hand. After a while, she exchanged the cards in her hand. Turning towards Igarashi.

Three Belts and Ones, I won. I'm sorry, little brother. Do you want to stop considering the previous proposal?

But Igarashi showed his cards nonchalantly.

It seems that I am more powerful, Royal Flush, I'm sorry, little sister.

Facing this almost impossible and strongest hand, the seductive and mature smile on the eldest sister's face could no longer be maintained. She wanted to slam the table and question the other party. Looking at the other party's face that is very attractive to women, And because of his good attitude, he didn't rebuke him coldly. He took a deep breath, tried to calm down the shock in his heart and the irritability of losing the game, and whispered.

Are you cheating?

Igarashi spread his hands innocently.

No, if you don't believe it, you can count the cards. The number and suit of each card in a deck of playing cards are fixed. In addition, my royal flush and your three-band-one don't have similar cards. I'm very lucky. Well, we can clearly distinguish who is cheating.

He had indeed cheated. Once a detailed investigation was carried out, he would definitely be found out. The eldest sister, who had to pay extra compensation, looked at Igarashi steadily for a long time, and then showed a helpless smile.

You are very powerful, so I'll give you a bet. Besides, sister, I also like you very much. Come and play if you have time. It's best to come alone.

After glancing at Shiro who was glaring at her with hostility, the eldest sister handed a bag of money to Igarashi and left with a smile.

And Igarashi shook his money bag with a winner's smile on his face.

How did Onii-chan do it?


Royal Flush, that's a one in 650,000 chance. Normally it won't happen at all.

Because I'm lucky.

Igarashi did not cheat. Even though he cheated blatantly due to his speed, no one could see it clearly, even if he just saw it.

As a high-status terrorist, as long as you play a game of probability, luck will always be on Igarashi's side. That big sister asked Igarashi to play poker, just for fun.

The smart ones are white, but even if they play games like chess all the time, they just lose.

In the tavern, the red-haired girl still had a clearly distressed expression on her face, which lasted for quite some time. Unfortunately, no matter how long she maintained her expression, it was impossible to make people think that she still had hope of victory.

Others regarded the royal bloodline as the bloodline of idiots because of the late king's actions. The red-haired girl was acting like she was about to lose but stubbornly refused to admit it. She was indeed very stupid, and the onlookers gradually regarded her as a joke.

But to Igarashi, the red-haired girl is someone who needs to be taken care of.

Is the red-haired girl a descendant of Rick? Probably not. I haven't heard of Rick getting married. Probably Rick passed the throne to a child who lost his parents in the gathering place, and let him inherit the surname Dora. The red-haired girl should be the descendant of that child. , just this surname is enough for Igarashi to help.

He lightly snapped his fingers, causing the people sitting around to look at him curiously. At the same time, the magic power that humans could not feel became disordered, and was quietly performing magic, affecting the appearance of a hidden forest elf species in the gambling game. As if she had received some kind of shock, she coughed unbearably, causing the black-haired girl sitting opposite the red-haired girl to show a slightly frightened expression.

The red-haired girl looked at Igarashi inexplicably, then looked at the black-haired girl whose expression changed obviously for the first time since the beginning of the gambling game, and scratched her head inexplicably.

Igarashi, on the other hand, showed no other signs, and He Bai enjoyed the food in the tavern leisurely. Although the tavern owner wanted to trick someone when he saw a young combination of a man and a woman, he had never seen two people want too much before. Buying groceries at a low price, after being glared at by Igarashi, he immediately became honest.

In the end, the red-haired girl still lost. The victorious black-haired girl was a little panicked and quickly left with an attitude that was inconsistent with the winner. The red-haired girl sat there blankly for a long time before coming to Igarashi. before.

I am Stephanie Dora. I would like to ask you something about what happened just now...

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