If he had taken the first move against Igarashi, Tetu felt that he should be able to win now, or at least draw. However, now that Shiro has taken the first step, and he is the second mover, and then let Igarashi go, it is completely What a shame.

Igarashi still took care of Tetu, who had survived for 5,900 years, and did not specifically help Shiro. Under Shiro's deliberately pitiful look, he also did not quietly tell Shiro how to reverse the decline. After all, Shiro was not the only god. Tetu's opponent, whose strength far exceeded that of a human, was still defeated after a short period of time.

If you lose, you will lose. I have been defeated many times in the hands of Igarashi. I am almost used to losing. Shiro will not collapse because of this. Of course, these are based on the fact that the other party is not an ordinary person. It is with Wu. A special existence like Shilan is still called the One God.

Huh, let's go back to our world.

Tetu, who won the victory, did not issue any declaration of victory. Instead, he opened a large hole in the space without waiting for Igarashi's response, allowing Shiro and Igarashi, who did not want to resist, to fall into it.

Chapter 810 The world on the chessboard

There are floating islands in the sky, giant dragons flying at the end of the field of vision, and huge chess pieces visible deep in the mountains on the other side of the horizon. Because they are so big, they can be observed across extremely long distances.

The vast sea of ​​clouds was very close. This was the situation before. The sea of ​​clouds that was originally very close gradually became farther and farther away in just a few seconds.

The person is falling, falling from an unknown height in the sky. Due to gravity, the speed of the fall is constantly accelerating, so fast that the wind whines in the ears, and so fast that the white face turns pale. , that delicate little face was distorted and transformed into a somewhat funny expression due to the rapid breaking of the air and the wind in the sky.

Shiro was so frightened that he lost his voice. He closed his eyes and tears continued to flow out. He looked pitiful. Igarashi watched it with interest and malice for five seconds before slowly creating a protective shield to block the violent wind. Being isolated, the gravity was tampered with, so that the falling speed was no longer so fast and became acceptable to Bai.

Feeling some changes, Shiro opened his eyes. In addition to finding that there seemed to be an invisible layer of protection around him and the invisible ground beneath his feet, he also saw the guy who claimed to be the only god, lying affectionately on Igarashi's back. , holding Igarashi's neck, looking like he was enjoying it.

Shiro slowly puffed up his face. Shiro was full of gratitude for Oni-chan who protected him. He didn't know that Igarashi could actually take measures earlier to reassure him. But facing the culprit who made him fall from a high altitude The culprit, Bai, was very angry.

Tetu didn't pay attention to Shiro, but shouted in Igarashi's ear with a high-pitched voice of joy.

Welcome to the [World on the Chessboard, Disbod]! Well, you also know the ten covenants, so I won't introduce them. Igarashi, come play a game with me. It's been a whole five thousand nine hundred years. Year, it needs to be a grand enough game. Each intelligent race has a chess piece that symbolizes their race. Collect the chess pieces, use the world as the chessboard, and then play a game of chess with me, right?

I don't.

Igarashi refused without hesitation.

Hey?! Why?

After uttering bold words but receiving such a response, Tetu looked surprised, and then quickly started to act cute and coquettish, his specialty that had been neglected for 5,900 years.

Come on, it's very interesting, isn't it? This kind of game can only be played here, right?

The ten covenants you made are too troublesome. I don't want to scheming and playing word-brain games with those weaklings who can be knocked down by just blowing my breath seriously.

Igarashi told the reason for her refusal, but Tetu did not give up, and she showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

Now, the ten covenants are not absolutely fair. As long as the other party doesn't find out, you can cheat. With the power of your laws, cheating or something like that is easy, right?

How can my majestic laws be used to cheat in small games? What do you think of me and my laws?

Igarashi spoke righteously, with a serious face. Shiro, who was watching silently, was stunned. Tetu was also like this at first, and then he smiled softly as if he remembered something.

Five thousand and nine hundred years ago, Disbod was a land of outstanding people, but there were many beautiful girls. In addition to the races you know about, such as humans, elves, Ex-Machines, and Flügels, there were also many other intelligent races. Beautiful ones. I know a lot about beautiful girls and so on.”

Ahem, there's nothing we can do about it in this case. Well, after all, I'll let you wait for 5,900 years, so I promise.

Igarashi's words made Shiro show contempt, but then he found that he seemed to be in a trance.

Regarding the human species and forest elf species mentioned by Tetu, Igarashi was not too exaggerated except for feeling a little nostalgic. After all, the future of these two races was already well planned.

However, Ex-Machina and Flügel.

Because of the ambiguous attitude of the Ex-Machina towards him, Igarashi asked them to search for hearts without any plans for their future, and the Flügel was even more exaggerated.

Igarashi killed their creator, the marrow was shattered, and he never went to the Flügel's floating city after that.

What are you going to do? Igarashi felt that he had to bear the resentful gazes of the Flügels, which were composed entirely of beautiful girls, and it felt a little uncomfortable to think about it.

If nothing happened and Igarashi was asked to choose his favorite race based on his first impression, Igarashi would definitely choose the Flügel.

But their creator died at the hands of Igarashi.

Although gods born from concepts do not have the word death as long as the concept is immortal, for Flügel, gods are dead.

Artosh, the God of War, was already begging for death. Even if Igarashi vaguely said that he could let him go, he would die with all his heart. This is the pursuit of the God of War, to pursue an opponent, and then pursue a defeat, and Igarashi will be satisfied. Got him.

Maybe Artosh, the God of War, doesn't hate Igarashi, and is even grateful, but what about the Flügel.

Igarashi would not feel uncomfortable if necessary. After knowing that the Flügel did not commit suicide, Igarashi did not go to the Flügel's territory in the past hundred years.

Shaking his head, Igarashi changed the topic and looked at Tetu with a smile.

If you use other races as pawns to play chess like this, if they find out, maybe it will cause a riot?

Tetu curled his lips disdainfully upon hearing this.

Riot? I think I have declared to the whole world a long time ago that no matter who it is or what race it is, as long as they gather chess pieces other than the [god race], they can challenge me and defeat me. That person will be the new one. The only god. If someone had such courage, these five thousand and nine hundred years might still be interesting. But, unfortunately, five thousand nine hundred years have passed, and no race has done it. Even they can't even collect the information of other races. None of the chess pieces have great intentions, most of them are just thinking about fighting for the country.”

While talking, the group of people came to the ground. Igarashi turned to look at Tetu who was holding his neck with no intention of letting go, and smiled.

What, do you want to watch me collect the chess pieces?

Well, I think it will be interesting, but for now, I'll give you a little time to understand the changes in the world. I'll watch you in the sky, and come back to you when I'm bored.

Tetu specially emphasized the words I see you in the sky, as if to remind Igarashi not to think about doing bad things.

Chapter 811 Gambling Conference

The continent of Lucia, the capital of the Kingdom of Elkia - Elkia.

It was a small city in a small country located in the westernmost part of the continent south of the equator and extending to the northeast.

This country, which in ancient times once covered half of the continent, is no longer as powerful as it once was, and now only the last city remains - a small country with only its capital.

This is also the last country of the human species.

On the outskirts a little away from the center of the city, on the first floor of a pub and hotel, there were two girls, surrounded by many onlookers, sitting on both sides of the same table, playing games face to face.

One of the girls with shoulder-length red hair, her clothing and behavior all revealed her upper-class temperament, while the other black-haired girl should be about the same age as the red-haired girl, but she wore the same clothes as if she was attending a funeral. The black veil and shawl, as well as her calm temperament, make people feel that she is much older.

They were playing poker. The red-haired girl looked serious and a little anxious at the same time. On the other side, the black-haired girl had an expressionless face and looked calm at the same time. In addition, there were a lot of gold coins piled in front of the black-haired girl. , and the red-haired girl only has a little bit left, the situation is obvious——

The red-haired girl lost completely. Even if she tried her best and risked everything and won, it would only slightly narrow the gap between her and the black-haired girl, or even just delay her time.

Outside the bar, Shiro, who was sitting at a table with open-air seats and peering into the room from the window, pulled on Igarashi's clothes.

It's so lively there, what are you doing?

Shiro meant to ask Igarashi to find out about the situation. Shiro, who didn’t like talking to others or coming into contact with others, still had a nature to join in the fun, or a curiosity to explore the unknown. Shiro didn’t want to join in the fun in person, but If Igarashi is allowed to go, then Shiro will have no objection.

Anyway, the other party is a beautiful girl, Igarashi should be impatient, Shiro thinks so.

Before Igarashi could answer, another person sitting not far away answered first. He was probably so kind because he saw Bai was cute.

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