No, I'm just facing a person who dares to attack me. Before he dies, satisfy his not-so-excessive wish. To eradicate the roots? This kind of thing also requires those potential enemies to really have the strength and ability to take revenge. It takes courage, and even the current God of War is not difficult to deal with other races.”

After answering Azriel's question nonchalantly, Igarashi looked across the barriers and looked at Artosh, the God of War, who was between the thrones. He grinned after a moment.

It seems that your condition is not very good now. You are running out of energy. Do you need me to wait until you recover completely?

Igarashi's words were not loud, but they reached the ears of all the creatures between him and Artosh. They looked shocked. Isn't it the most correct choice to attack while the strongest god is weak? ? He even said that he would wait until he recovered. Could it be to confuse the enemy?

No, this is war. There is no need for pity or concession. The strong is strong and the weak is weak. Even if the weak have been recharging their strength for hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand years, they still cannot defeat the strong.

The majestic divine voice spread to every corner of the world. Faintly, Artosh seemed to reveal that he was the weak one in front of Igarashi, causing all races, including the Flügel, to show expressions of disbelief. .

[Divine Strike] is my strongest strike. Can you show me your attack?

[Marrow Explosion] constructed with the depth of the divine seed.

As Igarashi finished speaking, a ball of light that was indistinguishable from the terrifying attack launched by the goblin just appeared next to him.

Based on the thought of the genius girl of the elves as a blueprint, and gathering the power of all the elves, the [Zero Protection of the Void] was formed.

New light appeared next to the light ball.

[Bengxiao] can only be used at the cost of the life of the dragon king of the dragon spirit species.

Next to the light, a group of energy that was contained but not emitted was condensed.

A [Sky Strike] at the expense of all the Flügel's power.

The orthodox Sky Strike was also condensed. As if they remembered something, Azrael, Jibril, and many other Flügels showed fearful expressions. The special moves of many races had been revealed, and only - —

Finally, with the power of the God of War Artosh, I gathered the [Sky Strike] of all the Flügels and released the [Divine Strike].

The ultimate light and the strongest terror all appeared.

Just as words are spoken, the strongest attack in the world is now revealed under Igarashi's words. This is no longer the so-called god-killing or star-destroying attack. This is indeed capable of destroying the entire world and crushing it. With all the attacks in the world, the world began to tremble, and the Elf Corridor was on the verge of collapse. The star cup, which was shining with light and eclipsed the world, appeared on its own initiative and appeared within Igarashi's reach, as if silently asking him to stop.

Hubie, Zhenhong, Croni, these girls who are close to Igarashi showed surprise and pride. Other intelligent races have determined the outcome of the war, and are tremblingly preparing to show their loyalty later. At the same time, there is a faint panic in their hearts. Should they? Yes, the whole world will be destroyed because of this, right? The Flügels were filled with despair. Now, any one of these attacks could defeat the weak Lord, let alone all the horrors gathered together.

From now on, the God of War and the Flügel will become the dust of history.

And the God of War Artho stood up.

These attacks are very terrifying. Any one of them can kill me now, but I hope to see your attacks instead of these. This is the first time that I, the God of War Arteo, have made a request to my opponent in countless years. This is a request for life in this world. Can you agree? Igarashi.


As Igarashi's words fell, all the attacks of Destruction disappeared, only the star cup was still shining, floating in front of Igarashi.

The things they fought for in the war that was so long ago that they had forgotten the beginning were right in front of them, but no race dared to snatch them away. They could only watch.

Flügel, after my marrow is shattered, follow Igarashi's order and explore the reason for his strength. This is the last order... please.

Artosh left the throne room and stood in the sky, allowing countless creatures to see this most powerful god for the first time. The first time they saw it was the scene of his imminent defeat.

The Flügel were speechless. They wanted to refuse, but because of Artosh's words after the last order, they couldn't find the words to disobey.

Igarashi glanced at the Flügel with a look of despair and hatred on his face. The attitude of that race of beautiful girls still had a lot of influence on him.

Arteo, how's that done? The Star Cup is not what you're after, right?

Igarashi's words made the Flügel reveal their undisguised surprise. The Lord was not invincible. They knew this, but they did not want the Lord to die.

And the God of War, Artosh, opened his arms as if embracing the world.

What I pursue is to fight, an opponent who can defeat and kill me. Now that this opponent is right in front of me, there is no reason to risk my life and survive.

The God of War is already begging for death.

Igarashi raised his fist, and two misty powers wrapped around it. The moment these two powers appeared, the star cup that could have almost eclipsed everything became dim.

So, this is the power of order and the power of chaos. You are the first being in the entire world, and even in the known chaos, to withstand this attack!

Make a fist, then swing it.

Order, chaos, that's it, that's it! Hahahaha.

The God of War disappeared in the color of unknown light or darkness, leaving his last laugh before disappearing completely.

Chapter 804 The Only God

It really hurts.

Igarashi's right hand is twitching because of pain. Now his body has not fully adapted to the power of chaos. There will be side effects when using it. The biggest side effect is that Igarashi's current will is also somewhat unbearable pain. In many cases, Under the gaze of the intelligent race, Igarashi did not deliberately pretend to be calm, but instead covered his right hand and grinned.

But no one dares to ridicule or take advantage of others' danger. No one dares to take away the star cup that floats in front of Igarashi and represents the supreme star of the planet.

Isn't there anyone here to grab it? Is this the Star Cup?

Igarashi had no intention of grabbing the Star Cup immediately. He stood in the sky, looked around, looked at the things on the ground, and asked with a faint smile, and his voice spread far and wide.

In the human gathering place, Croni, who was watching this scene through a telescope, sighed helplessly, while Hubie among the Ex-Machina kept an expressionless posture, and the True Red Nirvalian, surrounded by the elves, Showing some anxiety, if there is any hidden behind-the-scenes person coming out now, Igarashi's condition is not very good. If there is another battle, the outcome is unknown...

If there is no one - Tetu, pick up the Star Grail, you will become the [Sole God], and the peace of the world will be left to you in the future.

Igarashi grinned and said something that was beyond everyone's expectations.

Who is Tetu? never heard of that.

The concept of gods is born from faith. It may come from one thing or from some intelligent life. However, Tetu, the god of games, was intentionally created by Igarashi and relied on his thoughts. The divine species that was born as he expected.

A cute god with colorful dazzling eyes, red hearts under the corners, and short hair.

I remember I set you as a girl.

Igarashi looked at the special figure that materialized in front of him. He stayed for a while on her lovely face, then looked at her slender limbs from top to bottom, and finally looked at her and the clothes of the men in the human gathering place. He stayed in the same outfit and frowned.

Can't girls wear boys' clothes?

Tetu folded his arms very boyishly and pouted at Igarashi in dissatisfaction, but judging from the meaning of her words, Tetu was indeed a girl.

Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief.

This fact made Croni and Zhenhong show a little dissatisfaction. Although they were surprised that Igarashi could create a god with her own thoughts, and judging from the divine power she revealed, her strength was extremely terrifying. However, After discovering the fact that even the gods created by Igarashi were beautiful girls, Croni and Mahong were speechless.

Pick up the Star Cup and become the only god. This opportunity is placed in front of Tetu, and no one can stop him.

But she didn't move, her eyes flickered as she looked at the guy who played chess with her and gave her the proof of her existence, her creator, and asked.

Why shouldn't you? This should be your trophy.

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