finally come.

As if welcoming something he had been waiting for for a long time, Artosh looked into the distance and raised his right hand.

Just such an action caused Abant Heim to tremble, and the space also emitted a mournful sound. There were also small screams from the Flügel present, and they were unable to withstand the majesty exuded by the Lord at this moment.

Everyone is ready——

There is only one person who can prepare [all members].

God of War, the strongest god, the King of all kings, the Lord of all power.

It also fused the [Sky Strikes] of all the Flügels that were its creations, and unleashed a devastating blow that was unparalleled in the world, no one, no, unstoppable.

[God Strike].

True, I'm really scared, but my lord, that bunch of scrap metal must be for this purpose too?

Deliberately inducing the God of War to use [Divine Strike] in war, and then imitating and reproducing it, is the purpose of the Ex-Machina. Even if the fragile Ex-Machina has absolutely no chance of surviving under the power of Divine Strike, as long as there is no If it is completely destroyed, there will be a chance of reappearing the divine strike.

It is impossible for its harming power to be equal to that of the Lord, but as long as it is imitated, it is blasphemy to the Lord.

Facing Azriel who made such an advice, the Lord had no intention of obeying.

The target of the divine strike is not the Ex-Machina. Even if it is really the plan of the Ex-Machina, so what?

Isn't the target of the divine strike an Ex-machina?

Azriel was stunned.

If it's not an Ex-Machina, at the level of Forest Elf and Goblin...

Seeing that the Lord stopped talking and just shook his head slightly, Azriel took a deep breath.

The so-called strong one is the Lord, and the so-called weak one is everything except the Lord.

If the weak are showing off their cleverness, then what should the Lord, the strong, the King, do?

In just a moment, Azrael had the answer and shouted.

All Flügels, prepare to use [Sky Strike] and entrust all your power to Lord Artosh, nya.

Like Azriel before, when the Flügel was afraid of being imitated by the Ex-Machina and hesitated because of it——

The Lord is the strongest, an unparalleled existence in this world! In this case!! Seeing the weak showing off their tricks, it is the Lord's behavior to praise them. The Flügels created by the Lord, dedicate your wings To the Lord! Show your power meow!

Let those ignorant people who don’t know what the Lord is know—

The strong one is the one who can do whatever he wants and ravage his opponents with pure dominance!

All the Flügels entrusted all their strength, without any reservation of [Sky Strike], to the Lord's raised arm.

When the planet was crying and the order was about to collapse, the God of War Artexu combined his power with Sky Strike without hesitation and turned it into [Divine Strike]. Its power exceeded [Void Zero Protection] and exceeded [Marrow]. Explosion], surpassing [Collapse Howl], is the strongest blow in this world.

Then Artosh threw it away.

The target is the front, like a forest elf species, a goblin species, or a mecha species.

At this moment, the eyes of all the wise creatures in the world are gathered here, and they have a vague premonition in their hearts that this blow will determine the owner of the Star Grail.

The Red Nirvalen in the center of the forest elves, Hubi in the Ex-Machina, and Croni in the human gathering place, when they discovered the target of the divine strike, they showed undisguised worry. Panic, even fear.

Buzz! ! !

The soul-shaking energy vibrated. Because the divine strike did not explode, the creatures were able to see the scene in the sky. The divine strike did not attack any of the three major races. In a corner of the sky that had been ignored by almost everyone before, it was struck by a The man stretched out a hand to block it.

The attack that should have shattered the continent, shattered the planet, and destroyed the tyrannical three races and even any other race, was blocked. The divine attack was like a child that had hit an adult, struggling under the adult's arms. However, these struggles eventually ended Too weak, the attack is gradually weakening.

That's...the Lord Protector!!

Azriel looked at this scene and was stunned for a long time. She suddenly remembered what Jibril said, the ability to return attacks - the law, like a cuckoo crying for blood, and she whined.

Oh? You're so excited. What did Jibril tell you? It seems a bit misunderstood. The so-called law is not to return the attacks received, but to change everything that is lower than me based on the level of strength. I am strong, so I can command all laws in the world, and it seems that if I use this divine strike that combines the power of the Flügel to kill Artosh, you Flügels will hate you and be dissatisfied, so forget it.

As Igarashi's words fell, the divine strike that was indeed capable of destroying the world and even killing the strongest god of war suddenly disappeared.

Chapter 803 The God of War is defeated

Almost all the sounds dissipated together with the divine strike, leaving only the suddenly thickened breathing of each race. Who could be able to eliminate the divine strike so easily? Who is this person?


Among the goblin battleships, the supreme commander took a deep breath to calm down. Looking at Igarashi and the God of War Artosh who were motionless for the time being, he shouted to the secret communicator used by the goblin battleships to communicate with each other.

Preparing to launch [Marrow Explosion], the left wing fleet targets the mysterious man Igarashi who blocked the divine attack, and the right wing fleet targets the God of War Artosh.

Commander, will this...

No need to say more. Artosh and the Flügel used almost all their energy to launch the strongest divine attack. It is impossible for Igarashi to resolve it without loss. His loss should be very large, so much that now he can only pretend to be as if nothing happened to avoid being destroyed. Let’s attack in groups, now is the time for us goblins to show our strength to the world!”

Marrow blast, prepare all bombs, launch!

The continuous explosions, [Marrow Explosion] were prepared to kill gods. Half of the targets were Artesio. The Flügel created by him knew full well that the main power would be weakened after using the divine strike. Although the Marrow Explosion was far inferior to the Divine Strike, it was much more terrifying than the Sky Strike. He panicked and wanted to use his body as a shield to block it, but before that, Artosh once again called on his power to defend against the Marrow Explosion. live.

Repeatedly forcibly calling on power, even the God of War has reached the point where he is almost overdrawn. From the outside, although he is still majestic, the faint sense of oppression is much lower.

And on Igarashi's side——

The smoke and dust dissipated, just like the divine strike. The marrow explosion did not cause any damage to Igarashi, but it did not dissipate directly like the divine strike. Instead, Igarashi was caught in his hand as if he were grabbing a physical object.

I first let the Ex-Machina attack the Flügel, which started the battle, so the Flügel and the God of War jointly launched a divine attack to attack me. I am not angry. The attacker must be aware of being attacked, but you, goblins Zhong, I gave you a chance back then, and if you had launched a marrow blast at me, I would not have fought back, but now I am arrogantly adding insult to injury - you should taste the power of this marrow blast for yourselves.

With a flick like playing marbles, the several light balls scattered and blasted towards the entire goblin fleet under the movement of Igarashi's fingers, as if they were being pulled by invisible forces.

This is all my personal command. Please don't anger the entire goblin race and kill them all!

The supreme commander of the goblin fleet found that one of his decisions had not achieved the desired effect. He finally lost all reason before the marrow explosion destroyed the fleet. He said the words of prayer in a roaring tone. The god of the goblin is dead, and the marrow of the goblin is dead. The explosion has been used up, and now this strongest fleet is destined to be completely destroyed. Once the opponent seeks revenge, the goblin race will be destroyed from now on.

The goblin race, as well as the intelligent race that is paying attention to this battle, I will not drive out any race. Is this promise enough?

Igarashi's calm words spread throughout the world, causing the eyes of many intelligent races to change.

That's enough, that's enough.

Having said this, the goblin supreme commander, along with his fleet, were wiped out in the marrow explosion.

And because she contributed her power to the Creator, Azriel took on the form of a young girl and left the throne room, standing on the edge of the Flügel residence, glaring at Igarashi.

Do you want to rely on profits to seduce the intelligent races to join forces to challenge my lord? Hum, come on then, meow, my lord is the strongest God of War!

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