Igarashi appeared next to Rick and did not treat him. Instead, he sat directly on the ground and looked at the demons approaching in the distance. With a flick of his finger, the air was stimulated by terrifying power and turned into invisible energy. With his blade, he chopped into powder all the monsters that would undoubtedly catch up with most of the previous adventurers and destroy the human gathering place at the same time.

Kami-sama, I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing?

If you hadn't saved me, I would have died in the first battle and been killed by the demons that followed.

Without me, you would have deserved your death. It will take some time for the demon species to eat your body. This time is enough for others to escape back to the gathering place. Then I will keep my promise and protect everyone in the gathering place. You are very considerate.

Rick's eyes became a little evasive when Igarashi saw through his plan, while Igarashi shrugged nonchalantly.

But you didn't consider the situation after your death. Without you, it would be a pity. I estimate that of the other eighty-six people who accepted my gift, only a dozen or so would die in the end. Of course, these dozen or so people will Become a true adventurer and a powerful warrior.

But more than seventy people would still die.

Igarashi's words made Rick's heart tighten, and the panic of being discovered filled his heart.

With God, Rick wanted to die with peace of mind.

If the death of more than seventy people is not as good as the comfort of death you pursue, then you can continue to find ways to die in the future.

Rick has a death wish in his heart, but Igarashi does not want him to die. Among the people gathering together, the candidate to be the leader is Rick first, followed by Croni. Igarashi does not want to let the lovely Croni He was trapped by this group of humans, so this hard-working position should be given to Rick.


Okay, you killed a demon species alone. Although it is the lowest level, you have become stronger. Congratulations on taking the first step of success. Take the body back and let someone with skills see if it can be used. Let’s find out what kind of equipment it should be, after you get some rest.”

After Igarashi finished speaking, he left Rick lying on the ground alone and disappeared.

If he could really kill the Youmazu alone, Rick could be promoted to LV2. Unfortunately, Igarashi actually helped him a little and restricted the Youmazu's actions. After all, he was his future brother-in-law.

Now Rick is still a LV1, but he is much better than others.

The adventurers who returned to the gathering place did not enter the depths of the gathering place. Instead, they guarded nervously at the entrance of the gathering place, waiting for the monsters to attack. If the gods could not cope with it, they planned to destroy the entrance.

In the end, of course, the adventurers did not wait for the monster species, but waited until Rick came back dragging the body of a monster species. They curiously asked about his condition, and only then learned that God had eliminated the group of monster species.

The adventurers returned in the early morning. According to their past understanding of their physical strength, after a hard fight, yes, fragile humans also need to fight hard when facing ordinary beasts. They should be exhausted and need to rest for nearly ten years. It only took an hour. Unexpectedly, after just a short nap, I felt that I was almost recovered.

For the first time, the adventurers clearly felt the power of God's gift.

Igarashi did not return directly to the gathering place, but came to another place.

This place should have been a mountain covered with green vegetation, but now it has become a cliff-like terrain. This is a landform that was created when a powerful being bombarded the ground and collapsed it.

Igarashi came here because there was a person here. It may not be appropriate to call him a person, but he should be called an Ex-Machina.

Its existence itself is a mechanical race, with the characteristics of learning the attacks it receives and finding ways to deal with them. Although it is not an indiscriminate learning, it requires a qualified machine to release the corresponding attack. However, every Mecha All species are connected to each other to form a network. If any machine is attacked, all other machines can analyze the attack. It is an even greater exaggeration than the current united human beings, and it also has the name of a race as a whole.

However, when Igarashi came into contact with the Ex-Machina, he was attacked by her first. [Apocryphal Code Mori Sky Photography], a weapon that originally belonged to the elf magic, but was reproduced by the Ex-Machina - released countless beams that can Armed with a vacuum blade that cuts through anything.

Chapter 790 Mecha Girl

In this war, the only ones known to have successfully killed gods were the Flügel, and the Ex-Machina was a terrifying race that could fight and kill the Dragon King, who was about the same level as the Gods. Facing the Ex-Machina , the best way is not to take action and avoid making concessions.

Faced with the reappearance of the Ex-Machina, [Apocryphal Mori Sky Photography], even though it is not as powerful as the original version, it still has the power to cut into pieces human beings and even demon species. Igarashi did not dodge, but faced it. Go up.

The vacuum blade disappeared before it touched Igarashi's clothes. At the same time, Igarashi also caught the machine-like species that appeared.

Purple hair, golden eyes, and an instrument-like thing on the head. From a layman's perspective, it looks like decoration. The shoulders are exposed to the machine, there are faint fluorescent lines on the arms, and the legs are what appear to be leg armors. In fact, The armor itself is mechanical.

This is a female Ex-Machina.

Brother, you caught me. I can't bear it anymore. Turn me into a woman.

The Ex-Machina caught by Igarashi said something extremely bold, which shocked Igarashi to a point of confusion.

What Igarashi knows about this world is six thousand years later, and Igarashi is not very clear about what will happen during the current war. The only thing Igarashi knows is that mankind has not perished.

With all kinds of things flashing through his mind, Igarashi, as a powerful person, looked at this mechanical girl who could be described as cute with interest and asked.

Becoming a woman? Do you mean in a physical sense or something else? After all, you are an Ex-Machina, not a human.

Whether it is the magic of the forest elves, the spiritual equipment of the goblins, or the mechas that can reproduce and fight back the breath of the dragon elves, a race that can theoretically be infinitely enhanced has a special property. They will not take the initiative. action.

If attacked, it will retaliate immediately, and will not attack as long as it does not take a hostile attitude towards it. However, the Ex-Machina in front of it tentatively attacked itself.

It is confirmed that what the subject said was intended to be rejection. At the same time, the subject's pulse and heartbeat cannot be read. We can only judge from its surface temperature and expression. The plan failed to achieve the expected response.

The girl muttered this sentence with no expression, no emotion, and no fluctuation in tone.

Understood, I refused to reproduce because I couldn't feel the charm of this machine.

Nodding with a very serious and fully understanding look, the girl sat down in front of Igarashi.

Proposal, let's play the game.

Without waiting for Igarashi to reply, the girl's palms faced the ground, and light appeared in the void, tracing the outline of the chessboard.

Diankai, game 001, chess.

This is the magic of the machine-type, and it is a weapon that manifests itself, but this weapon has no lethality.

Wait! What are you talking about? Are all Ex-Machines like you?

Igarashi feels that he needs to redefine other intelligent races and the ongoing war.

Decisive victory. If I win, I am required to take this machine back to the settlement and practice reproductive behavior.

The girl showed that she knew the location of the human settlement. Igarashi was not surprised. After all, he had always known that this girl had been spying on the settlement for a while. The settlement almost collapsed because of the aftermath of her attack on the demon species. .

Igarashi asked, looking at this seemingly emotionless girl with interest, but actually speaking bold words all the time.

What if I win?

The answer is that you can bring this machine back to the settlement and allow you to practice reproductive behaviors.

Tsk, there's no difference at all, right?!

Send a girl to your door? Although it is indeed very different from humans.

Looking at the Ex-Machina girl's flat chest very pointedly, Igarashi sat down in front of the Ex-Machina girl nonchalantly.

You seem to be very confident in chess? Since you are an Ex-Machina, can you borrow the computing power of your companions?

The answer is that due to the failure of the theory, conflicts often occur, and the ontology is disconnected and abandoned.

Being able to tell the fact that he was abandoned by his companions in such a calm tone is very powerful in a sense, but are Ex-Machines really emotionless machines?

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