
Chapter 788: Commit yourself to me!

Lord God, I...

When the crowd dispersed, Rick, who had accepted the gift but had not yet left, seemed a little hesitant because he had to resist the shell of the demon species and did not act. He also wanted to go out to hunt wild beasts and become stronger.

Rick, I think most highly of you. Compared to others, you are wiser and have a better perspective on the overall situation. You have kindness hidden in your heart, but you can weigh the pros and cons at critical times and sacrifice the lives of your companions. This is not a shortcoming. But it’s an advantage, you don’t have to blame yourself.”

Looking at Rick who bowed his head under his words, Igarashi waved his hand and turned the shell of the demon species into a suit of armor, which appeared on Rick.

So, I hope you can become stronger than others and become a leader who can also lead others in terms of strength. This armor made of the shell of a demon species can ensure that you can withstand the full blow of a low-level demon species and survive. Don’t be seriously injured, make good use of it, I can only help you so much, do you understand?”

If it is mud that cannot be lifted up, then it is okay not to lift it up.

It's true that Igarashi gave everyone a way to become stronger, but that's all. He never intended to protect these humans all the time. As his strength increased, although he didn't forget his love, Igarashi had already passed it because of the other party. They are human beings, so during the stage of extra care, agreeing to protect them is just a small way of repaying Ivan for sending him back and Croni for taking care of him.


Rick felt more and more that when facing Igarashi, his locked heart would be easily unlocked. He endured the joy in his heart due to being encouraged, and hammered his chest heavily with his hand. Rick also felt the same. Left the cave.

Then, Croni, who was apparently leaving with the crowd but had actually been quietly observing the situation here, trotted over and bowed deeply to Igarashi.

Thank you! Protect us, give us strength, and let my brother show that expression. I really, really thank you! At least, please make some demands of me so that I can repay you a little!

How about repaying the favor with your own body?


What Igarashi said made Croni think that she heard wrongly. She stayed for a while and then asked carefully.

What did you just say?

Igarashi smiled wildly, put his head next to Croni's ear, and whispered.

Say, how about you pledge yourself to me? Cloni, you are the first person I see when I open my eyes. I like you very much.

It turns out that gods also have feelings for men and women.

Croni blushed and glanced at Igarashi. Although she led the human gathering place for a while before Rick, she was still a young girl. At this time, she was still inevitably shy, but she also showed courage.

If God so desires, I will.

The girl closed her eyes and raised her face slightly towards Igarashi, as if she was waiting for something.

However, Igarashi stretched out his finger and swiped Croni's lips. Seeing the girl open her eyes again, she said with a smile.

Let's put the commitment to each other until the end of the war. Now, you don't have much thoughts on feelings, right?


Croni actually wanted to say that if the other party was Igarashi, she would be willing to put her thoughts here.

The story of a hero rescuing a beauty in times of need would have been deeply touching. What's more, as a transcendent god, even if he suppressed his status with all his strength, Igarashi still had great attraction for intelligent beings, and he also did So many things that originally existed only in human imagination.

Where do you plan to live in the future? Do you need us to build a new house? Although we would like to call it a temple, with our current skills and resources, we really cannot build something that can be called a temple. It can only be regarded as a temple. Log cabin.”

Isn't there two beds in Cloni's house?

Igarashi does not intend to build any temple. With his ability, it is not difficult to build a miracle made of countless rare materials or to turn energy into substance to build a kingdom of gods. But to build such a thing, it will be correspondingly difficult. , people will inevitably have reverence.

Reverence is the emotion furthest from understanding, or so it is.

Igarashi doesn't care about the others. He doesn't want Croni to have a fanatical reverence for him before she has feelings for him.

Okay, okay!

Are you feeling nervous or excited now?

Croni didn't know. The only thing she was sure of was that she had no resistance.

She has mastered power that is unimaginable to humans, has an appearance and temperament that no one in the gathering place can match, and is kind to herself and everyone else. Croni really can't think of a reason why she should resist.

Where Igarashi lives is a matter of concern to the people at the gathering place. Like Croni, they are preparing to build a temple for the god to live in. However, when they learned that Igarashi was going to live in Croni's house, everyone stopped talking. say what.

There was no gossip. On the contrary, everyone felt at ease. Just like Croni had become a chain connecting God and the gathering place, they were not so panicked. One day God would leave them.

As a result, Igarashi did nothing at night and didn't even come back. He didn't know where he went.

Croni, who was originally thinking about what might happen at night, was now sure that she was feeling ashamed and angry.

Obviously everything is ready.

Croni was tossing and turning at home alone, but Igarashi stood in the sky above the gathering place, silently watching those who accepted their gifts and then went out to hunt wild beasts, taking them as experience and achievements, transforming from ordinary humans to A crowd of adventurers.

Humans are too weak. Once their leather clothes are torn off by wild beasts, they are at risk of being corroded by black ash, and blood will attract wild beasts and alien races.

A small group of monsters has begun to approach here.

The gathering place of humans is located on the edge of the battlefield. The demon species that appear here are all low-level existences, but they are not enemies that humans can resist.

The LV1 adventurers who felt the vibration on the ground and judged the number and size of the enemies looked at each other and hesitated whether to escape back to the gathering place. They were a little worried that the gods could not deal with the demon species, and they were also worried that it would harm everyone.

Chapter 789 Adventurers

You go back to the gathering place first. Trust God, I will buy you some time.

Rick, wearing a red armor, stood up. The adventurers all knew that his armor was given by God, but there was no jealousy. In this era, it is already very difficult for humans to live. Mortal, few people would have any negative emotions towards their own kind, let alone those who were responsible for going out and exploring on weekdays, regardless of life and death.


The groups of adventurers were retreating at an extremely fast speed. Now was not the time for hesitation and persuasion. Rick's usual performance had also won their approval. At this juncture, they chose to believe in Rick.

Half a minute later, Rick met a demon species that was faster than other similar species, but this time, he did not run away.

Gripping the dagger in his hand, Rick, who was lying on a high branch, stared closely at the giant centipede-like, four-meter-long ferocious demon species, glanced at the armor on his body, and then jumped down.

He chose to believe what God said. This armor could be one strike lower than a low-level demon species, and he wanted to use this as a means to hunt this demon species.

As for why he concluded that the person in front of him was a low-level demon species, only low-level demon species could be encountered on the edge of the battlefield.

Rick's dagger broke the shell on the monster's head, but the dagger itself was also broken. This did not exceed Rick's expectations. The dagger in the other hand stabbed in the same direction without stopping. Go, at the same time, the demon species also smashed Rick's armor and knocked him away nearly ten meters.

Cough cough cough...

Apart from being out of breath due to the impact, he was indeed not seriously injured, at least he was not incapacitated.


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