Half an hour later.

There are 180 injured, all of whom are minor injuries. They only need a few days of rest to recover. Most of the injured are women. They were affected by the gravel because they did not move fast enough. In addition, the food in the gathering place is basically self-sufficient. …”

Igarashi looked helplessly at Rick, who knelt down on one knee respectfully in front of him and reported on the various situations at the gathering place.

Don't talk to me about this kind of thing. Just treat me as the guardian of the gathering place, and you will handle the rest. In addition, don't cause trouble outside just because you think I exist. Remember, I Just ensure the safety of people in the gathering place.”

Yes, I will keep it in mind, so does God have any other instructions?

Lord God? Ha.

Igarashi's strength has long surpassed that of a god, and now that the power of chaos flows in his body, his strength has increased even more. Although his body has not yet adapted and evolved, every time he uses his power, he will be accompanied by an unforgettable pain, but he feels the gathering place To suffer the disaster of annihilation, Igarashi also forcibly woke up from his sleep.

Despite this, his strength has not decreased but increased, it's just that he feels a little pain when he does it.

Being called God, a word that had little to do with him, Igarashi was dumbfounded and did not refute.

So Rick, as the leader of mankind, do you have any plans for the future, or expectations?


His eyes were like water in an ancient well. Rick, who had no emotion, paused slightly, as if he had thought of something, and a little brilliance bloomed in his eyes, and then quickly dissipated.

I hope the war can end, but... although humans, because of their own weakness, do not know the cause of the war or the conditions for its end, they also know that there must be gods participating in the war. Rick has no intention of asking God to do anything. , but just put forward your wishes as God-sama said.

Really, I understand, then everything will be business as usual at the gathering place.

He raised his head and looked at Igarashi's expression. After a long silence, Rick spoke.

Can Lord God... really protect everyone? Facing orcs, monsters, goblins, and even other more powerful races, I know that my question is due to my distrust of Lord God. Please feel free to punish me as you please. Take my life, but at least answer this question.

Igarashi and Rick looked at each other, looking at the lack of fear of death in his eyes, as well as the trace of prayer and expectation, and nodded.


Really, that's right.

Taking a deep breath, Rick lowered his head and waited for death. Regardless of whether the god in front of him was the creator of mankind, what he just did was undoubtedly blasphemous. He raised questions shortly after the other party saved everyone. Ke was willing to die in order to prevent him from becoming disgusted with humans. In other words, after learning that the safety of humans was greatly guaranteed, Rick longed for death.

What are you doing here? As the leader of mankind, you should have other things to do, right?


Rick's locked heart was shaken, he raised his head and met Igarashi's smiling eyes, nodded, turned around and walked out.

At this moment, Igarashi is occupying the magpie's nest and is occupying the house that originally belonged to Croni as the living room. Of course, so far, he has only met Rick.

Currently, the only people who have the courage to contact Igarashi, who possesses terrifying power, are Rick and Croni. The two top and second-in-commands at the gathering place are indeed the two most courageous.

Cloni had previously been determining the post-disaster situation at the gathering place. Not long after Rick left, it seemed that the discussion had been completed. Cloni returned to her house and looked at Fifty with her eyes closed as if she was thinking or feeling something. Lan, Croni said carefully.

Well, do you want something to eat?

Then she suddenly remembered what Igarashi said before, that the wild jam soup she made was difficult to drink, and Croni showed an unconvinced expression.

It was because you were in coma, so I had to handle the food. In fact, my cooking skills are not that bad at all! Well... I'm sorry.

The existence in front of her seemed to be a god. Croni, who realized that her attitude just now was too casual, finished speaking happily and apologized quickly.

Chapter 786 Revenge for you

No need to apologize. After all, you have taken care of me for so long. I should thank you. If you encounter any difficulties later, let me know.

Your own soul power is mixed with the power of chaos. Before you can control the power of chaos like the power of order, you cannot use it in this world at will, otherwise all creatures within the scope of your soul power will die.

Soul power cannot be used at will, and Igarashi's detection range is unlimitedly weakened, unless magic is used to spy on a specific place. However, this is not a big problem. Even if it is unlimitedly weakened, as long as it is a powerful being Igarashi can easily sense it even if he is within a radius of thousands of miles.

He has long been strong enough to break boundaries. Even if he has some considerations, he still breaks common sense.

No, no need! You were able to save everyone in the previous crisis. Of course I am here to express my gratitude. Just saying thank you is not enough. If you have any instructions, please tell me.

Cloni said in a panic, while she secretly raised her head and looked at Igarashi's side face. When this guy was unconscious, he was manipulated by her at will, poking his chest, pinching his face, etc. Cloni Nidu has done it, and now that he is a god, these things are quite interesting as memories.

Those random actions will only exist in memories in the future.

After suppressing the inexplicable melancholy in her heart, Croni looked serious and respectful.

Igarashi smiled and shook his head. The reason why he just said that Croni can come to him if she encounters any difficulties is because Igarashi has secretly left some power of order in Croni. If she encounters an accident, it will be enough. Keep her safe.

...Where did Ivan die? Ha, I should ask Rick this kind of thing. Let's change the question. Ivan's daughter, Nonna, is she doing well?

More than a hundred days have passed, and Ivan has already reincarnated. There is an Elf Corridor in this world, where the souls of the dead gather. It is also the place where the most important power in the world - elves are produced. Igarashi now possesses the power of chaos. The power is equivalent to half of an evil god. He is still an evil god who cannot control his own power at will. He is very harmful to the world. This world seems to have no world will now. Only Igarashi can exist here. Otherwise, even if he possesses the power of order, , the moment you appear, the will of the world should also appear, so that you should not use it casually before you successfully learn to master the power, because of the harm to the world.

In fact, before Igarashi prevented the rockfall and strengthened the mountain, the entire human gathering place and even the elves outside the gathering place were killed, and even the black and gray Annihilation failed to leave behind.

Now if Igarashi wants to repay the uncle who carried him back, he can only take more care of his daughter, although even if the uncle did not carry him back, he would never die.

Nonna... Huh, how should I put it? It should be said that she has grown up. She is now working very hard to help everyone, but the smile on her face has also disappeared.

Bring her here to see...forget it, I'll go see her, and you can go about your business.

As Igarashi finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

Beings in the order camp, who have practiced to an advanced level, can see and control the axis of space. The specific manifestations are teleportation magic, instant movement, creating space cracks, etc., and the will of the world can also control Time axis, controlling the time of the entire world.

And Igarashi can now see the axis of time.

He did not try to drag it. Once he was dragged, he would not be able to participate in history and would become a bystander.

The current era is the history of this world.

But from the moment Igarashi arrived, history was destined to be different.

You're the one who's unconscious? No, God.

Nonna, who was washing fruits alone in a spring in the cave, heard footsteps coming from behind her. She heard the sound and walked away. When she saw Igarashi, Furui Muha's eyes had changed. Now she was almost mentally dead. In other words, apart from Rick, the murderer who indirectly killed his father, and Sister Cloni, who has been taking care of him, the person who can shake him is also the one who comes, because he is the one who was brought back by his father, and he also went there on his own. Someone you can often meet when playing with Sister Croni.

Sometimes when Nonna couldn't hold it in any longer, she would take advantage of Cloni to go out and come to her room alone, treating the comatose person as someone to confide in and tell her own sorrows. When she saw Igarashi at this moment, Nonna An uncontrollable feeling of intimacy arose in my heart.

I was rescued by your father. You can be more casual with me. If you have any troubles, just tell me like before.

Igarashi's words made Nonna stop washing the fruit, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

You know everything.

I don't know everything. I just pay attention to changes in the outside world sometimes.

Seeing the depression and depression on the young Nonna's face, Igarashi paused and continued.

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