Close the door, and then the lock on your heart is unlocked.

Ahh! You bastard! Speak it out, say it out! Tell her that you let her father act as a bait because you wanted to keep yourself alive! Mark the lives of your companions with value. You who simply abandon your low-value existence in the face of death, how far will you have to sink to be satisfied!

Rick, who was filled with negative emotions that almost overflowed, smashed the wooden furniture at home with his fists and smashed the bookshelf. The sharp wood fragments produced by the wood shattering penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood. , blood flowed out, and the pain finally made Rick sit weakly on the edge of the bed.

When will these days end?! I really want to die! I really want to die!

He was too tired to live, Rick wailed miserably, but he could not die casually. His life was exchanged for the lives of his companions. He is now the leader of the gathering place. If he died and the gathering place fell into chaos, what would happen again? Someone died.

Outside Rick's cabin, Cloni leaned her back against the wall and buried her head, hearing it all.

——My brother’s heart has already been broken.

Chapter 784 Destruction? No, still alive!

The word forever can be used to modify the long-lasting war, and now it has reached the point where it is unclear when it started.

The things called civilization developed by human beings were cleared away like weeds. It was thought that as long as there were thousands of people defending, even if ten times that number of enemy troops came to attack, they would not be able to attack. The fallen fortress was lightly destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between powerful clans.

The past of mankind has become stupid to call it history. It is just a miserable thing passed down by word of mouth. It is covered with black ash. As long as you take a step away from the gathering place, you must be fully prepared.

Even if you face ordinary beasts, you will die if you deal with them rashly. However, if you see the gods and their relatives——[other races], the sight of them will almost mean destruction.

Humanity lives a difficult life, but now, destruction has still come.

The Ex-Machina is a race created by the old God race that has become inactive in an even older era, that is, it cannot show its existence in the world, and even the Ex-Machina itself has forgotten about it. It is composed of machines and is known as A being that cannot be defeated twice by the same means.

Ex-Machina once slayed dragons.

Dragon spirits have huge bodies, powerful strength, profound wisdom and knowledge, and eternal life. They are composed of elves and are completely different from ordinary creatures.

The strongest dragon [Final Dragon] Hardi Reif died in the [Strongest] battle with the God of War Artosh nine thousand years ago. This is not something that brings shame to the dragon elves. On the contrary, this is A symbol of glory, on this battlefield that lasted for countless years, no race could imagine how strong the God of War Artho was, who was born out of battle. The final dragon was able to fight the God of War for several days before finally falling. Defeated, he fought fiercely with the divine race as someone other than the divine race, and he was still the strongest divine race. The power of the dragon spirit race was obvious to all, so even though he was defeated, it was an honor.

As for the Ex-Machina, they fought against another dragon king, [Yan Long] Aaron Leif twelve years ago. They invested a total of nearly four thousand machines, almost the entire race, to defeat [Yan Long] and its seven subordinate dragons. , eight dragons were annihilated, and 1,468 machines were lost.

Now a lone Ex-Machina encounters a small group of Demons. Because the Ex-Machina moves too fast, a few Demons think they are some kind of enemy and try to attack. They are attacked, but the Ex-Machina is unharmed. This part of the demon species is judged as an enemy, and then a counterattack is launched.

It is difficult to explore why the Mechas, which always act in groups, were left alone. However, this small group of demons all died under the attack of this Mecha. The battle took place on the mountain above the human gathering place, and the Mechas Kai Zhong's powerful attack, after destroying the demon species, hit the mountain with unabated force.

boom! !

After the shocking loud noise, the mountain peak began to collapse, and rocks were constantly falling in the caves located on the mountainside.

This is destruction.

Although there are two exits in the human gathering place, the distance is too far. The running speed of weak humans cannot be faster than the speed of the mountain itself. What's more, the outside may be even worse than inside the cave.

After hearing the loud noise, Croni walked out of her house and looked at the falling rocks everywhere, as well as the nearly ten-meter-sized boulder that happened to fall at her position, her eyes blank.

Humanity, whose homeland has been destroyed once, will this time, together with the new homeland and humanity itself, be destroyed?

Gradually, the people who wanted to escape stopped because they all knew they could not escape. Looking at the rain of falling rocks and the noise caused by the continuous collapse of the mountain, everyone had despair in their eyes and a hint of relief. .

This is simply not a world in which humans can survive. Perhaps it is a kind of mercy to die like this.


I didn't expect that the home of the kindhearted people who took me in just after I woke up would be destroyed.

Croni suddenly heard voices coming from a very close distance. She turned around and saw the comatose person she had been taking care of for a long time. He had already woken up. She had no time to think about why he could still smile in this situation. Croni's expression changed. He sighed darkly.

You woke up at the wrong time. You could have died painlessly.

Not always.

What is not certain? Can you still survive in such a situation?

Croni had mixed feelings in her heart, and suddenly noticed something unusual. She had seen a huge boulder about to hit her before, but now at least a few seconds had passed. Why was she still alive?

Croni looked up strangely, and then she saw the rain composed of huge rocks, just stopped in mid-air as if being caught by invisible force. The rocks that human flesh and blood could never bear were falling. Bits and pieces disintegrated and turned into dust, and then even the last bit of dust disappeared.

At the same time, the mountain that should have collapsed has also stopped changing. The cave is still a cave, and humans are still alive. Although there are a few dust on the ground that fell before the boulders and are still gravel, it just makes this gathering place a little messy and makes less Some people suffered minor injuries, but others remained unchanged.

Human beings were shocked when they came back from a desperate situation after death. But before they could feel ecstasy, they were shrouded in even greater doubts, because this was definitely not something humans could do, nor was it caused by natural causes. Who took action to protect it? Human is not human, what is that.

Croni and the people who lived closer to Croni, who heard the strange voice just now and knew where it came from, turned their eyes and looked at the undressed woman who appeared at the door of Croni's house. The strange existence in a black coat of an old style, humanoid, no mechanical features, male, no pointed ears, which eliminates the possibility that it is an Ex-Machina, a Flügel, or an Elf. The Orcs cannot do this with their blood. , he also doesn’t have the characteristics of an orc.

If all this is because of him, then he is definitely not a human being, but the undisputed number one among many powerful races - the divine race.

No, there is no need to use such an uncertain word. Combined with his words that were not high-pitched just now, but strangely spread to the ears of everyone in the gathering, combined with the changes caused by his appearance, there is no doubt that he is a god. .

What do you think of me like that? My name is Igarashi. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. Cloni, by the way, the wild fruit paste you gave me is really unpalatable.

Chapter 785 Can

Is this what gods are like?

Everyone present and hearing the words spoken by the man named Igarashi had such doubts.

You... no! Are you a divine species? The divine species that created us humans?

Compared to others, Croni was stronger in her ability to accept and react. She looked at Igarashi, the existence she had taken care of for a long time but didn't understand at all, and asked tremblingly.

Among the powerful races participating in the war, some have their own gods, living gods who can manifest their holiness in the world. Before the strongest god of war attacks the gods of these races, the races with gods are the undisputed powerful ones. clan.

No matter how strong or weak other races are, the race of gods deserves to be number one. If humans can also have gods...

Such thoughts occupied the minds of everyone at the gathering. People who had been struggling to survive were full of expectations when they saw hope, but they were also afraid that the facts would not be what they thought.



Igarashi was about to say this, and then he saw the expectant and fearful trembling eyes of Nonna, including Croni, and Ivan's daughter, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Humanity was not created by anyone, but if you want me to protect humanity, you can.

Glancing at the messy ground, Igarashi, who was standing on the spot, stepped lightly, and the air began to vibrate. The colorless ripples visible to the naked eye instantly cleaned the cave by annihilating the stone residue. Looking at the group of people who were still there, Igarashi smiled at the people who looked dumb.

Although I really don't want to put all the troubles on my shoulders by leaving everything to me in the future, it is not difficult for me to just protect this cave and everything in the cave. I can guarantee that the cave People inside can survive, so cheer.


There was a long silence, and then just when Igarashi himself felt a little embarrassed——


With tears and shouts of being freed from shackles, the entire cave resounded. The huge noise caused a shock. If Igarashi had not strengthened the entire mountain to the extent that it could not be destroyed casually, maybe it would have happened again because of these shouts. What commotion occurred.

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