No, I think it was the will of the world that killed you or sealed you witches, preventing you from disturbing the order with your ability to break the peace of the world, but you know that it was the one who released this ability first. , so you are not allowed to die completely, but you are tied to a certain location and cannot have much impact.

Ahh! Stop talking. If you say this, I might transfer my hatred of jealousy to this world? Then I will really become a witch that destroys the world. I want to deny it, but I feel that you are saying It's the truth, isn't this normal? Hey, you guy, did you secretly use some tricks?


Although I have never seen the Jealousy Witch, Emilia seems to be very similar to the Jealousy Witch. Igarashi does not want Echidna to anger Emilia. He is changing Echidna's opinion in advance, seeing that he has offended her. Igarashi simply admitted his mistake and completely suppressed his personality again.

Echidna showed a helpless and relieved expression, and then teased.

Is rabbit meat delicious?


That's Daphne, the negative legacy left by Daphne, the gluttonous witch. The original intention of the production was to solve the problem of food and clothing, but now it has become a [natural disaster]. She will feel very guilty for being kind, and she was completely wiped out by you. Do you want her to thank you in person?

Chapter 757 The Second Trial

The souls of the other six, oh no, five witches are all with you?

I don't know. I relied on my understanding of their life trajectories to make them manifest in this castle.

That's it. Let's talk about it later.

After saying this, Igarashi looked at Echidna steadily. For ten minutes, Echidna, who had maintained her graceful movements while drinking tea and looking at the surrounding scenery from time to time, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Hey, I know I'm a cute girl, but I'm staring at people like this for so long. What on earth are you thinking about?

Okay, it's past 0 o'clock now, let's start the second trial.

0 o'clock? What 0 o'clock?

Echidna asked in confusion, then remembered something and continued.

Are you talking about the time in your world?

Yes, in my understanding, the next day is after 0 o'clock. The trial can only be conducted once a day. Now that the day has passed, Echidna, please just go ahead.

You guy...

Echidna looked helpless, put down the tea cup in her hand, and sighed deeply.

Although you have come to my castle and my dream, your body is still in the sanctuary, far away from the tomb. I cannot give you a trial. If my power is really that strong, you will not die. .”

Igarashi's figure paused for an instant, and after almost a second, it became real again.

Okay, now I'm at the tomb to say hello to you.

In an instant, Igarashi had teleported from the guest room in the sanctuary to the tomb and opened the second door.

I feel that for a being with your level of strength, whether it is a trial or a barrier, the distance or even time are of little significance. But let's take a look and look at the impossibility of happening now.

Igarashi left Echidna's tea party talking to himself, and heard her angry and distant voice in his ears.

The first trial is to face one's past, the second trial is the present, so the third trial should be the future, right?

Igarashi thought to himself, watching the changes in the surrounding environment.

Then, I saw Emilia's death, killed by Elsa the Sausage Hunter in the loot warehouse.

Although he knew it was an illusion, Igarashi still planned to take action. Unfortunately, it seemed that Echidna did it deliberately. The illusion was too fragile, and it looked like it was about to collapse before Igarashi took action. Seeing this, Igarashi Lan stopped silently, looking at the illusion in front of him, thinking about how to deal with Echidna later.

As if the night sky is freezing, the cold air filled with white mist dominates the world.

The frozen trees were shattered into dust when blown by the wind, and the forest that had been drained of its magic power had maintained its original form and was all reduced to debris.

Trees, buildings, and even creatures slowly disappeared into the white finality.

The frozen imperial capital and the surrounding forests were turned into flat ground. The cause of such destruction was visible when looking up. It was a four-legged beast with a huge body, looking like a cat with long gray body hair.

It's Parker who has recovered his true form.

The beast's teeth were broken, it looked tired as it breathed repeatedly, and it glared ahead.

I have a rough grasp of what happened. Because of this, I feel very sorry that Lady Emilia is no longer here.

The owner of the voice, standing in front of Parker, was a young man who kept his posture upright and whose red hair was flying in the wind like flames. He was none other than Sword Master Reinhardt.

Emilia is asleep, forever asleep. In a world where that child is not around, I have no purpose to live, so I must abide by the contract and turn the world into frozen soil, this body, and that woman. , are all guilty of the same crime.”

Is this the reason to destroy the world?

I knew I would be stopped, but to do otherwise would be to turn my back on that child.

Puck, the beast of the end, was determined to destroy the world because of Emilia's death, and Reinhardt, the sword master who was responsible for protecting the world, could not change the other's mind, and finally a battle broke out.

The behemoth that turned a city and its surrounding areas into frozen soil could only survive three attacks from Reinhardt.

In terms of single-target attack power, Reinhardt should be undoubtedly the strongest, but in other aspects, I don't know how it compares to the Jealous Witch who devoured half of the world.

Except for feeling the great malice directed at me, there are no other emotional fluctuations... Wouldn't the second trial be meaningless in this way?

Echidna appeared in front of Igarashi in the ice and snow, frowning and showing a troubled look. As a beautiful girl, she made such an appearance, which indeed made people have the urge to lend a helping hand.

But Igarashi is obviously not someone who will be easily impressed by her appearance.

You guy, why do you hate Emilia so much?


Don't pretend to be stupid. You should know my relationship with Emilia, and yet you dare to create the illusion of her dying miserably in front of me. If you're itchy, I'll give you a good beating.

I, I am a dead person? How could you hurt me?


Echidna, who had always looked dignified, was picked up by Igarashi, but what followed was not a warm and ambiguous scene, but was put on the thigh and beaten.

Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt?!

Echidna, who was originally shy about this immature punishment method and didn't care about anything else, turned into a pitiful look the moment Igarashi's palm fell on her body, and kept muttering to herself in surprise. .

Physical means can't hurt the soul body, just use other means. Don't you understand this? You're really stupid.

Even if he could touch Echidna's body, it didn't have the warm jade fragrance of a real body. It had a certain temperature, but lacked a real feeling. Igarashi could guarantee that his mentality was pure at this moment.

No one has ever hit me, you guy, you took my first time, you have to be responsible!

Chapter 758 Angry Witch

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