The white ocean turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. Everyone in the church could not feel the terrifying temperature that it should have. Even the flowers, plants and trees in the sea of ​​​​fire were still intact. Only the eyes and ears could truly confirm this scene. It was a jumping flame, and with my ears, I could hear the maddening cries of the big rabbits, which gradually weakened, became inaudible, and then disappeared completely.

The aroma of barbecue began to fill the air.

With Igarashi's current level, even the most useless magic can make it have the power of forbidden magic. Even if the flame has properties against big rabbits, the power should not be reduced.

Well, of the tens of thousands of big rabbits, a few hundred will be left for barbecue, and the rest will be burned to ashes. One for each person in the Great Holy Cathedral is almost enough.

The big rabbit was eliminated, and while the others were stunned, Petra rushed out of the church, just in time to hear Igarashi's muttering, and was stunned.

Um, Lord Igarashi, you just said...

Oh? Petra, you were the first one to run out? You are very brave. Come on, come on, try it. Even though I just let the flames burn, these hundreds of them also took good care of the heat and did not burn. Jiao, um, sprinkle some more seasoning on it and open your mouth.


Seeing Igarashi take out a knife, fork and plate out of nowhere, put a roast rabbit on the plate, cut off a small piece of meat and handed it to his mouth. Petra, who was used to being obedient, was a little obedient. Opening his mouth, he took a few bites of the grilled meat sprinkled with seasonings by Igarashi, and his eyes lit up.


As long as it's delicious, I'll give this one to you.

Sure enough, foodies don’t care whether food is cute or not.

Well, I just told Mr. Liuzi that this kind of monster will split into new individuals. If I eat a piece of meat, will there be many monsters in my stomach?

Petra's little face turned pale, and Igarashi smiled and pinched her face.

Believe me, the thing I want to kill cannot survive and is really dead. If there is a monster in your stomach, then just eat me into your stomach and kill the monster.

This joke was so cold that Petra was immediately stunned.

I will not hurt Igarashi-sama...

At this time, everyone huddled in the church saw that Igarashi and Petra who ran out were fine, but they came out carefully in twos and threes. Igarashi, the hero who single-handedly destroyed the rabbit, , but did not get the cheers it deserved.

Power in the normal sense makes people respect it, but a monster like Big Rabbit that has been around for hundreds of years is wiped out so easily by one person. It is so powerful that people cannot understand it and make people stay away from it.

At this moment, except for Petra, who was addicted to food, the only people around Igarashi were Lucius and Frandelica. The others dispersed away from the direction where the big rabbit group was.

You... passed the trial?

Chapter 756 Thank you in person

I passed the first trial, but if I want to liberate the sanctuary by conventional means, I have to pass a total of three trials.

At this point, Ryuzi is no longer stupid enough to ask why Igarashi used conventional means to describe it. After passing the test in such a short period of time and destroying the big rabbit so easily, Ryuzi can be sure that Igarashi Arashi does have the ability to completely remove barriers through violent means.

You deliberately left so many barbecues for other people in the sanctuary to eat? It's a pity that they all ran away. Even though I distributed the barbecues to them one by one at this time, I saw with my own eyes the origin of the barbecues. Everyone, you will reject it, the big rabbit is a monster that brings fear to people, and just now, most people witnessed this fear with their own eyes and even barely escaped death. It is impossible to eat it.

Oh, it doesn't matter. They are a group of guys I don't know anyway. Also, can you stop calling yourself Laosen all the time? It feels weird. If we talk about lifespan, a lifespan of hundreds of years is not too long. Come on, after all, I am a superficial guy who judges people by their appearance.

It's getting late, please go to bed early. Frandelica knows where the guest room is and she will take you there.

Ryuz seemed troubled by Igarashi's words, or had something important to do, so he left in a hurry.

Igarashi turned his head and looked at Petra, who was speechless and focused on eating meat. He turned his attention to Frandelica, who was standing quietly aside.

You should try it too.

After taking a few seconds to season another piece of grilled meat, Igarashi handed it to Frandelica.

As a maid, it's really rude for you to let Igarashi-sama entertain you.

After apologizing, Frandelica did not refuse. She thought that the taste of something that was killed by flames and turned into barbecue was not very good, but Igarashi’s movements in those few seconds seemed more casual and did not Frandelica, who didn't have much expectations for the taste, took a bite. The rich aroma of meat and just the right seasoning instantly filled her mouth, making her eyes widen in surprise.

You may not believe it, but I am actually very good at cooking.

Frandelica's reaction was as expected. She boasted, and Igarashi picked up a piece and ate it with them, and then came to the so-called guest room.

A room with a layout similar to an ordinary residential room, but with a different shape.

It should have been a normal residence for residents of the sanctuary before, but due to unknown reasons, it was reduced to a guest room.

Igarashi and the two maids were in a separate room.

Not long after, when the maid fell asleep——

On the hills of the green grassland, there is a cool and warm breeze that only comes in spring.

The refreshing wind swayed the tall green grass, blowing towards the distant place where there were cumulonimbus clouds in the clear sky.

Looking at the figure sitting on the white chair with his slender legs crossed, Igarashi spoke helplessly.

I thought I would see you again during the second trial tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to invite me again. Is it really so boring?

I am the [Desire Witch] who is supposed to know everything in the world. Although I can conclude from your words that the things I know are only things that a certain existence allows me to know, but I don't let a mysterious figure stand in front of me. Exploring is not my style.”

Having said this, Echidna slowly stretched out her hand, picked up the full teacup and tea tray on the table, and handed it to Igarashi.

This is the witch's tea party. I am the host and you are the guest. Although you are a guest who can knock the host down, how about you abide by the etiquette a little and establish proof of acceptance of hospitality first?

Inexplicably persistent.

The liquid tasted pretty good and was harmless to me. Igarashi, who couldn't understand the meaning of Echidna's actions, sighed and took a sip of tea.

Because it was created by Echidna and she calls it a bodily fluid, let's call it Dona tea.

I'm a witch. Don't compare me with other ordinary girls. Those girls are pitiful, right?

Echidna smiled, and Igarashi admired the other's smile.

I don't know whether you are boasting or deprecating yourself. And although your emotions are obvious when you talk to me, you also have a mysterious feeling. If I weren't quite confident in my own strength, I would be flustered.

If you were an ordinary person, just seeing me would make you gasp in horror.

Watching Igarashi finish the tea, Echidna, who was also holding a cup of tea and slowly sipping it, suddenly clapped her hands as if she remembered something.

By the way, where are the words of thanks? I don't remember hearing them yet.

Tsk, there are so many etiquettes. Thank you for the tea.

Igarashi looked around, with a different kind of brilliance in his eyes.

This world seems to be disconnected from the time outside. The time outside and the time here do not affect each other. Is it your ability? To be honest, this is not a good thing. I can almost understand why you died.

You mean, jealousy is really jealous of me?

Echidna was thoughtful.

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