
Rias absentmindedly recalled her previous conversation with her brother Sirzechs, and was full of doubts about his suspicious attitude. However, as far as the result was concerned, the marriage contract that she had been having a headache for seemed to be resolved. At this thought, Rias's face showed An easy smile.

Let's go back. Well, we encountered something happy recently. How about we go back and have a little dinner together?

Okay, I'll go find Mr. Igarashi. After all, he wants to help you, so he can be considered a member of our side.

What Himejima Akeno is saying now is just an excuse. She is simply curious about Igarashi. Otherwise, with her character, if it is not a big deal, even if Rias takes the initiative to ask her to help, she will be excused. , how could you take the initiative to propose what to do?

Go ahead, it just so happens that I have something to ask him... No, even if I ask him, he won't tell me. Just think of it as a thank you this time. The matter of my engagement has been settled.

Solved? So quickly?!

Akeno Himejima, Koneko Tashiro, and Yuto Kiba were all a little confused. They only saw Igarashi agree to this matter yesterday, but today Rias said it was resolved? Is that guy so efficient?

My brother decided to come forward. I don't know who Igarashi is, but he can actually make the Demon King change his mind.

Rias didn't know Isazex's character. If she really didn't want to, he wouldn't force it. Now Rias puts all the credit on Igarashi.

Himejima Akeno's eyes flickered, but she didn't say anything else, but in her heart, she became more and more interested in Igarashi.

The next day, when Igarashi finished his classes and was about to go to Sona Shitori or Rias as the student council president to talk about Asia's enrollment, he was stopped by Yuma Amano.

Teacher Igarashi, you haven't talked to me for a long time. Are you avoiding me on purpose?

Amano Yuma is pitiful, and Igarashi even suspects that the two forms of Linali and Amano Yuma correspond to two personalities respectively.

Well, I've been a little busy recently.

Are you busy making out with Rias-senpai? I'm obviously the teacher's girlfriend!

Amano Yuma felt aggrieved, even sobbing in her voice. Although the other girls who were watching felt that Igarashi was not a bad guy, they still inevitably looked at her with disgust.

Ah, Yuma-san is quite bold, but talking about other people's things behind their back is not very friendly.

An enchanting figure appeared, walking over with an invincible aura, holding her chest and looking down at the shorter Amano Yuma.


Amano Yuma was still playing a weak role. Faced with Himejima Akeno's words that were obviously aimed at her, she did not refute verbally. Instead, she cowered timidly behind Igarashi, most likely mistaking Igarashi for her. Meaning of safe haven.

Teacher Igarashi wants a hero to save a beauty? And I play a bad guy? If the teacher likes this tone, I don't mind.

Himejima Akeno already knew from Rias that Amano Yuma was a fallen angel. She watched Amano Yuma shrinking behind Igarashi with a look of fear on her face, while Igarashi had no intention of avoiding it and his face was full of teasing. meaning.

Shura field?

The scene in front of them looked like a Shura field to other students. Although they were very interested in gossip, they thought of the scary look sometimes shown by Himejima Akeno, who was always smiling. The students carefully stepped away to avoid harming themselves. Then, peeking from a distance, the person with special powers had good eyesight and his eyes were shining brightly, while the ordinary girls took out their binoculars from nowhere and watched excitedly.

Ahem, don't get me wrong, it's just because your aura just now was a bit scary. The naive, timid and cowardly Yuma-san was frightened.

Since Amano Yuma wanted to establish such an image in Kuoh Academy, Igarashi cooperated with her and took the opportunity to tease her verbally.

Originally, Himejima Akeno wanted to find Igarashi in private, but unfortunately, this guy only came to school ten minutes before class, and left immediately after class. It is really not easy to meet him once, and there are so many people watching now. During the test, Himejima Akeno directly explained the purpose of her visit.

The Occult Research Department will hold a small banquet. Teacher Igarashi, I have always wanted you to be the instructor of our club. How about it? Do you want to attend?

Clubs need to have at least one instructor, which is the school's rule.

Of course, as a subordinate force of the devil, all the rules of Kuao Academy cannot restrain Rias and her club, as well as Shitori Sona, the sister of another devil king. But now, under the watch of a group of classmates, Akeno Himejima Let’s talk about this rule.



It was only the morning, so there was plenty of time, but there was no conflict. The Occult Research Department was full of lovely girls. Igarashi nodded simply.


After getting Igarashi's answer, although he was a little unwilling to not know more about him, Himejima Akeno turned around and left directly and continued to stay here. Apart from talking nonsense with the fallen angel who likes acting, there will be no other gains. Anyway, I have more time in the evening.

Thank you, Igarashi-sensei.

Amano Yuma leaned close to Igarashi's ear, thanked him softly, and deliberately blew into the ear a few times, as if he wanted to make Igarashi look embarrassed.

I hope I can express my gratitude more sincerely next time. You have become my public girlfriend now, Xiao Xima.

After glancing at the distant Yuma Amano, Igarashi was not angry. As for the banquet Akeno Himejima mentioned, it seemed that Rias's engagement had come to an end.

Hehe, if the teacher is looking forward to it.

The girl who looked pitiful just a moment ago ran away with a smile on her face, without even giving Igarashi a chance to say anything. Igarashi, who was originally in an atmosphere like a Shura field, now became alone again. .

Igarashi looked at the peeping students in the distance, causing them to shrink back like little rabbits. They seemed to have regarded him as a scourge, staring at whoever was pregnant. Of course, there were also those who boldly blushed and smiled. Shilan looked at each other, apparently wanting to have a baby.

Teacher Igarashi, you are very beautiful. It seems that I have overlooked the most attractive treatment before, the many beautiful girls in Kuao Academy.

A girl appeared again to relieve Igarashi's loneliness, but her attitude was still not friendly.

It was the student council president Shitori Sona who allowed Igarashi to enter Kuoh Academy as a teacher.

Chapter 597 It’s so romantic

Everywhere, it all depends on President Cangna's support.


Shitori Sona thought that Igarashi would pretend not to hear, refuse to admit it, and be complacent, but she didn't expect that he would compliment her humbly. This feeling was weird.

Then why does President Sona, who has so many things to do, come to me? Doesn't the student union also have to hold a small banquet, or is there a shortage of instructors?

In fact, Shitori Sona wanted to nod.

As someone who is both an enemy and a friend of Rias, Shitori Sona is not afraid to do his best to poach Rias's corner. What's more, the Igarashi in front of him is clearly someone he met first. Since he can be attracted by Rias, Yas valued him, so he was naturally outstanding. It seemed that he hadn't become Rias's dependent yet, so he still had a chance.

I just hope that Mr. Igarashi will come to the student union when you have time. There are some things that you need to deal with.

Shitori Sona made an excuse, and she, who was always known for her seriousness, successfully deceived everyone onlookers and left with an awe-inspiring attitude.

Speaking of which, if Igarashi wants Asia to transfer to Kuou Academy, he does have to go through Shitori Sona. Even if she doesn't look for him, he has to look for her. However, if he goes there immediately after saying that, he will inevitably be Shitori Ao feels that Igarashi is very anxious, and maybe he will use this to make some request, so let's talk about it tomorrow.

The small banquet Rias was talking about was eating in the villa-like activity room of the Occult Research Department.

There are not only foods from this world, but also specialties from the underworld, coupled with some special methods, even Igarashi thinks they are good.

Himejima Akeno looked at Igarashi concentrating on tasting the food, but moved closer.

Teacher Igarashi, what do you think it tastes like? If you like it, I can make it for you every day~

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