Lord Igarashi knows about angels and can be friends with fallen angels. He is a philanthropic person.

Although Asia was obviously a compliment without any other meaning, Igarashi still felt a little uncomfortable because of the word fraternity. The excited Asia did not pay attention to it and continued.

The angels only said that I want to listen to Igarashi-sama, saying that Igarashi-sama will teach me how to be a saint and an angel.

It seems that Asia, who has become a four-winged angel, knows about the three tribes of the Bible and some disputes, but does not know what he has done. It is very likely that he does not know that the former God of the Bible is dead. However, the current heaven seems to deliberately erase Perhaps in the eyes of the four Seraphs, it would be better to remove the existence of the God of the Bible and simply establish the image of a benevolent and powerful god.

Then, is it okay for Asia to stay at my house temporarily? Don't worry, there is a room available. Besides, I'm not the only one in the house, there is also a demon sister and a powerful girl.

Well, I will behave well! I will not bring shame to the name of the saint.

Asia seemed to regard this as some kind of test, and there was a determined look on her face that was slightly flushed because of such an ambiguous thing as living together.

Blonde hair, road idiot, saint, angel, um, not bad, not bad.

When Igarashi brought Asia home, and after a brief introduction, Nayako's eyes lit up, and she walked around Asia twice. Being deeply influenced by the otaku culture, she quickly discovered a lot about Asia. Cute, and then added with full appreciation.

Especially those green eyes that are the same as mine, perfect.

I don’t know if Nayako is praising Asia or herself.

Sister Gulefia, and this...

Looking at the height of Naiko who was surrounding her, Asia hesitated, debating whether to call her sister.

Just call me Nayako.

Nayako took Asia's hand and took her to her room.

Come, play games with me. Gurefia always uses various excuses to frustrate me. That guy Igarashi still disappears from time to time. I can't play many multi-player cooperative games.

In this regard, Igarashi did not stop him. Asia accompanied Nayako and could communicate with each other. As usual, he himself lay lazily on the sofa in the living room, his head resting on Gulefia's. thigh.

Asia is a reincarnated angel of a human being. She possesses the divine weapon the Virgin's Smile. Well, she is still someone valued by the Seraph.

Igarashi was worried about how to introduce Asia to Gurefia in detail. After all, he brought a beautiful girl home after a disagreement. Igarashi thought that this was not a happy thing for Gurefia. Something happened, and Gurefiya, who noticed this, smiled softly, stretched out her hand and gently smoothed Igarashi's frown.

I'm not angry. From the moment you first saved me, I decided to love what you love and grieve for you.

Chapter 595 Asia has been bullied

Gurefia, who has always been serious and serious, was unambiguous when talking about love.

Igarashi enjoyed the pillow of her knees, looked up at Gurefia steadily, and stretched out his hand to caress the soft silver hair.

So, you have been practicing hard all these years, trying to be my helper?

From the border of the underworld to the current real life, Gurefia has been practicing in addition to doing some housework that does not take much time. Just like Nayako's enthusiasm for otaku culture, Gurefiya is very passionate about cultivation. She is also persistent and crazy. At first, Igarashi only thought that he had given her the gift of God, and she was a little excited to see the farther road. But now that she thinks about it, it is more than that.

Back then, you were besieged by the three major gods. I had seen that scene. At that time, I just sighed at your power. Now, in addition to that, there is pure hostility towards those three major gods. In the future, I hope to stand by your side. Be around, fight against them, even one of them.”

I didn't expect you to hold a grudge.

Igarashi poked Gurefia's cheek, looked at the helplessness in her eyes and continued.

Before Hades, Hinduism and Mount Sumeru, these three major pantheons came with the intention of destroying the biblical pantheon. Those three attacks were no longer as simple as the all-out attack of the master of the pantheon. They spent a lot of effort. At the cost, I wanted to share resources to make up for the losses after destroying the Bible God System, but I stopped it and my vitality was severely damaged. Over the years, the Bible God System has continued to become stronger, and those three major God systems are only able to cultivate and thrive.

This couldn't be better.

Gurefia has been walking among the Demon King level for a long time. Although she is still far behind the top ten strongest people in the world, her life will not be in danger if she really fights. Igarashi can even temporarily strengthen her through the gift of God. The fighting power made her stronger, so seeing her eager to give it a try, Igarashi did not dissuade her. In the future, there would be another battle.

Feeling Asia coming out of Nayako's room, thinking that they were almost finished playing the multiplayer cooperative game, Igarashi sat up and tried to establish a fairly serious image in front of the pious saint.

Lord Igarashi, I feel the aura of a devil, a stray devil.

The so-called stray demons are demons who are originally dependent demons who leave their masters for various reasons and run away to cause chaos. As they become more and more violent, the image of human-shaped demons will gradually transform into grotesque monsters, losing their human body and mind.

Of course, if you reach a sufficient level, even if you are violent, you will not lose your mind and human form, just like Rizevim who is currently hiding in a remote corner of the underworld.

This is the territory of the Gremory family in the underworld. Naturally, there are people to handle all kinds of affairs.

Igarashi finished speaking leisurely, but found Asia's expression mixed with worry and pity. He already understood that this kind little girl was worried about stray demons harming innocent people.

Mercy depends on the situation. As an angel, if you rashly attack demons in their territory, even if you are a stray demon, it will be regarded as a provocative act. Asia, do you want to provoke a war between demons and angels? As a Saint As a woman who is guarded by Seraph, and Rias, sister of Demon King Lucifer, who is the next head of Gremory and is stationed here, you two have the ability to start a war, and the blood shed by then will be enough to turn it red. This city.”

Asia was frightened by Igarashi's exaggeration.

Yes, the two of them can start a war, but Igarashi is also capable of stopping this war, but he doesn't want to spend so much energy on a little stray devil, and sees the worry on Asia's face replaced by panic. , Igarashi did not comfort her.

Little saint, you still have a lot to learn. Speaking of which, from now on, do you plan to stay at home with Nayako, or go to Kuoh Academy to be a student?

Asia was stunned by this jumping topic, and then hurriedly responded.

Since Igarashi-sama is a teacher, then I should also go to Kuou Academy and become a student.

As an angel, Asia's going to the devil's stronghold was also a provocation. However, seeing Asia's innocent look, Igarashi couldn't bear to reject her twice in a row and nodded.

Okay, I will help you transfer to another school later, but it should take some time. Before that, just stay with Nayako for a while. Did you have fun just now?

...I'm happy, but Nayako later stopped playing cooperative games with me, and I played against her instead. I kept losing.

Asia was a little depressed. As a saint, she had never been exposed to these things. Naturally, she was a rookie. Nayako had played multi-player collaboration with her for a while before, and after discovering that she was a rip-off, she simply changed the game. He enjoys torturing Asia.

In this way, Asia has been bullied since she came here. Igarashi thought about it and decided to make up for her a little.

The stray devil, don't you care about it? I will take you to see it. At this time, it is about to be defeated.

Seeing Asia's undisguised joy, Igarashi said hello to Gurefia, and pulled Asia through teleportation magic to appear in the suburbs where the stray demon was hiding.

When she was in human form, she might still be a beauty. The only trace that this stray demon could be seen as a humanoid creature was her beautiful face. Unfortunately, except for her face, all other parts had turned into an ugly appearance. The limbs of the beast were like worms but as huge as a giant pillar. There was a gaping hole in the abdomen, and there were sharp fangs on the edges.

The scene in front of her made Asia tense up. Although she had become an angel and understood a lot of things, no matter angels, fallen angels or demons, they were all in human form, and the strange and extremely ugly guy in front of her just looked at her. It just gives people a bad feeling.

After getting the information, Rias and her relatives are fighting against this stray demon. Rias and Akeno Himejima are two superiors, and Koneko Tashiro and Yuto Kiba are both intermediate levels. They are fighting against this stray demon because of their indulgence. The stray demons who have developed wantonly and have just been promoted from low level to intermediate level will naturally be crushed one-sidedly.

Looking at Akeno Himejima, who was laughing wildly in the flashing lightning and full of S aura, Asia shrank her head in fear.

How's it going? The stray demons have been defeated. Don't worry. Why don't you go say hello to them?

No, no need!

Asia timidly took a few steps back, looking at the stray demon lying on the ground, praying for death, and suddenly began to hesitate about whether she should go to Kuou Academy to be a student.

Chapter 596 Invitation

Minister, what's wrong?

Himejima Akeno, who tortured and killed the stray demon, became as gentle as water again. She felt refreshed and couldn't help but become concerned when she saw Rias in a daze.

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