...Okay, I will get along well with the girls that the king loves and strive to become a big wife.

Luculazia joked, and Princess Alice, who had been silent for a long time next to her, took a step forward.

Please give me the gift of God, Lord Igarashi.

Have you made up your mind?

Well, the few days I spent in Omu Ran were the happiest days for me. In the future, I hope to be someone who stands by your side.

Yesterday's festival left a deep impression on Alice. A god-slayer who used the power of the entire magic world and promised huge rewards just to make a group of ordinary girls happy. Staying with him is indeed the best choice. Bar.

Saitengu Shrine is a shrine on Tochigi Nikko Mountain. The witches there need to have some special qualifications. Unfortunately, this is a very rare power, so it has been empty for nearly a hundred years.

Banri Yaguang is the younger sister of Banli Ya Yuri. She is a person with special qualifications. Previously, the Jiubozuka family in charge of Xitian Palace has been paying attention to her, hoping that she can become the Yuan shrine maiden of Xitian Palace.

This matter ended after Yuri Banriya settled in Okuzome. The forces in the magic world will avoid people related to the God Killer in all aspects.

Brother-in-law, you must avenge me and beat up those magicians.

Banri Tanimitsu, who was no taller than Igarashi's chest, waved her small fists with an indignant look on her face. It seemed that she had been harassed by spellcasters before. She heard that Igarashi was going to the West during a video chat with her sister. Tiangong, then quietly ran over to lead the way for Igarashi, becoming the only one accompanying Igarashi.

It's not that he was accompanying him. Igarashi did leave Okuzome alone. The little girl waited at the foot of Tochigi Nikko Mountain until Igarashi arrived.

Okay, you can show me when the time comes and I will beat them all to tears.

Wanli Guguang lacked the awe of the God-Slayer, and his conversation with Igarashi was full of innocence. Igarashi actually enjoyed it and promised this familiar little girl.

Uh... never mind, as long as my brother-in-law lets me follow, I think those people will be scared to death.

Wanli Guguang thought of the horror of the God-killer that her sister had mentioned from time to time, and frowned in distress. Although the group of spellcasters who kept persuading him like flies were annoying, was it too much to ask my brother-in-law to take action? At this thought, Wanli Guguang gave up his previous thoughts, pulled Igarashi's sleeves, and looked around in an arrogant manner, trying to find those conjurers, with quite an imposing manner.

Chapter 555: Loss of majesty?

Saitengu Shrine is not the only shrine on the mountain, but compared to Toshogu Shrine and Futarasan Shrine, which are crowded with people, Saitengu Shrine is more like a quiet sanctuary.

Now a big shot has come to this holy realm, the God Killer.

After Igarashi made it clear that he would break the seal with the martial arts king during this trip and refused to kill him, the managers of Xitian Palace pleaded guilty and left. What happened next was beyond their reach. Once it was affected by the aftermath of the battle, , even if you don't die, you will lose your skin. Originally, the magicians wanted to evacuate nearby passers-by, but after receiving Igarashi's promise that the battle would not spread beyond Xitian Palace, the magicians just let it go.

Instead of evacuating unimportant people at this time, it is better to run away thinking about your own safety. After all, Igarashi's arrival was too sudden this time. It only took an hour from the notification to Igarashi's arrival.

Brother-in-law, will the God Killer come over?

Banli Guguang was not afraid at all. After all, she was a little girl who had never seen a fierce battle. She pulled Igarashi's sleeve and asked questions.

Well, he is the King of Martial Arts, but I probably won't have any communication with you, so don't worry.

Leader Luo Hao has arrived, and Igarashi can clearly sense her hiding place, but she has not come out on her own, and Igarashi will not force her. It seems that she is the leader who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts consciously after being defeated last time. The adults don’t know how to face Igarashi.

After all, the dogma that the Godslayers believe in is that only the strong can dominate everything.

Saitengu Shrine is a shrine dedicated to the ape god, the dragon slayer who slays demons.

Since all the gods in this world are in the God Realm and are in a stalemate with the will of the world, then the epic story of Sun Wukong causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace probably did not really happen. To be honest, after knowing that it was sealed by a god like Yu Huobong, Igarashi really didn’t want to If you associate the title of Monkey King with it, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call him the Monkey God.

Deep in the Nishitengu Shrine, there is an ancient ancestral hall, not even as big as Ogizome's shrine, but a simple and unpretentious ancestral hall.

Peach trees grow around it.

Brother-in-law, the ape god is sealed here. It must be a Yuan witch with special talents to weaken [Bima Wen]'s seal, and then it can be unlocked.

When he really came here, Banli Guguang, who was not afraid of life, also became nervous. Seeing this, Igarashi smiled and shook his head.

Xiaoguang just stands behind me, and I will do everything.

Banri Tanimitsu is a miko with the ability to weaken the seal, but Igarashi had no intention from the beginning to let her use her spiritual power to do anything to weaken the seal? No need, just blast it away forcefully.

Seeing the girl change her previous casual attitude and shrinking slightly timidly behind him, Igarashi raised his fist and blasted towards the ancestral hall in front of him.


Just like something solid was smashed, the barrier invisible to the naked eye shattered. This barrier was originally connected to the earth veins. Even if it was broken, it would be regenerated. But before that, the Jiufozuka family had cut off the seal and the earth veins. If the connection is broken, it is broken.

The ancestral hall turned into dust, revealing a monkey lying on the hay inside. The coat was very bright, almost orange-gold, and even though the building was destroyed, the monkey did not show much emotion.

Welcome to my palace. I haven't had a guest for a long time. This time, it's the God Killer.

The monkey's eyes were fixed on another place when he spoke, and then the figure of the martial arts king appeared there. The weakened state of the disobedient body, coupled with the seal, the monkey could not see how terrifying Igarashi was, even if it seemed to be just now. He punched open the seal.

This palace is too shabby.

Igarashi's words were sarcastic, but the monkey didn't care. From the moment he stayed within the seal calmly, the god's inviolable dignity seemed to have disappeared.

No miko has come to play recently. It's rare to see a little miko, but she comes with the God Killer. It's really disappointing.


Yes, she is the miko who plays with me. Sometimes she chats, and sometimes she plays peek-a-boo. I like to make things lively. If she can sing and dance, her rating will go up~

It seems that the witches of Xitian Palace are like breeders, perhaps more appropriately called monkey charmers.

So Lord Ape God just wants to play together?

Perhaps because of the other party's lack of dignity, Wanli Guguang dared to speak at this time. Her head hurt from being annoyed by a group of magicians, and she couldn't believe that the mission of the witch of the West Heaven Palace was such a trivial matter.

Monkey God? I should have a more majestic title, but it's a pity that I have been sealed. Even my memory is extremely incomplete. As for playing with me or something, it would be too rude. These are the only things I ask for. On the contrary, you He keeps asking me to do some troublesome errands, such as driving away dragons and snakes.

A monkey that has lost all its majesty.

No, it is very likely that this monkey has no majesty to begin with. After all, in this world, myths are just a means to restrain the gods.

Martial Arts King, I leave it to you.

As Igarashi's words fell, the most powerful seal on the monkey's body melted, while Leader Luo Hao showed disgust.

It's really sad that this rare heroic god has become so small and humble, like a beast. You should be modest and aware of your shame even if you are a coward.

No, even if you call me a beast, as you can see, I am a monkey.

Faced with the other party's rebuke, the monkey nodded shamelessly, and its body was gradually petrified. This was a manifestation of the seal's tenacious resistance to the erosion of Igarashi's Law, and it was also the monkey's preparation for coming to the world as a disobedient again.

Aren't you going to let this little girl back down? I won't take care of her during the battle later.

Leader Luo Hao pointed at Wanli Guguang, causing the girl to tremble. Although the words he spoke were a bit cold, there was a hint of concern.

Since I brought her here, I will naturally protect her safety.

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