Igarashi's quiet voice passed through the sound of fireworks and reached every girl's ears.

If this is all just a beautiful dream, then I hope this dream will never wake up.

The girls prayed heartily.

Chapter 553 Commanding all laws, the neutral one

In this festival, there were four magicians who were promoted, including two ordinary magicians. One was the owner of the goldfish stall and the other was the owner of the apple candy stall. After hearing what Igarashi said, he also I really made watermelon candy. I removed the watermelon rind and wrapped a fist-sized, sweet and juicy watermelon pulp with a layer of syrup. Maybe it was a spell. The hot syrup did not destroy the soft watermelon pulp, but it was very good. Novelty.

The Grand Knight was the last one to set off the fireworks. The specially made fireworks were so colorful and stunning as the closing ceremony of the festival.

And the last person is Saint Raphael of the Holy Knight class.

This ratio is only one percent, which naturally caused countless people to sigh secretly, but they quickly accepted it. After all, if they did not benefit from it, then the fewer people who benefited from it, the better. And only four people have received this honor. Although there are various speculations about how far the Paladin will go further, people in the magic world also know that this is the best result. Two more knights and one Paladin will not have any impact on the current situation. There was too much turmoil in the magic world.

Promoting ordinary magicians to high knights and high knights to paladin, Igarashi completed it with a wave of his hand, warning them that although this sudden power is not as strong as the power gained by others through normal promotion channels There are differences, but the difference in the experience and coping methods of the power holders is there. If they are lawless, there are people who can deal with them. After a little beating, the three of them are allowed to leave.

The three people who originally listened to Igarashi's warning with serious expressions, after walking out of Omu Ran town, slapped themselves a few times and felt the biting pain caused by the sudden increase in power, confirming that all this was real. After that, he let out uncontrollable ecstatic laughter and reached the sky in one step, nothing more than that.

After laughing, he trembled, turned his head tremblingly to look at Omu Ran, and after confirming that the terrible god-killer did not appear, he hurried away from the country. Although he had reached the sky in one step, this time, the risk was too great. The small town There was once a magician who wanted to create an illusion and turn the residents into puppets singing his praises in an attempt to get rewards. As a result, he was killed by a sword just as he was about to make a move. The bloody scene was still the magician. Cleaned up spontaneously.

Spellcasters who are used to using extraordinary powers really have trouble grasping that level. If they don't use spells, they are no different from ordinary people. Whether they are attaching spells to paper nets used to catch goldfish, or using spells to make watermelon candies, The two conjurers were both on tenterhooks, and so was the conjurer who set off the fireworks. He had previously relied on the power of the Great Knight to make the sparks in the air constantly change, forming many stunning patterns.

Risking your own life for a chance to become stronger? If they had a choice, the conjurers would never want to set foot in Omu Ran again.

Now, Igarashi came to Saint Raphael's residence, a small wooden house that Saint Raphael quickly erected with great skill.

Did Igarashi-sama use the divine power of blessing to make them stronger?

Sensing Igarashi's arrival, Saint Raphael walked out directly, still looking as beautiful as ever.

That's right to understand, but if you tell me, I will use another method. After all, without other more powerful mysterious assistants, the Paladin is the pinnacle of human beings and cannot be improved any further.

It is not a gift from God that is dedicated to the rest of his life. Just like Igarashi only warned with words and did not even use the law to influence the three people before him, since it was agreed that the strength will be improved, there will be no additional conditions.


Looking up at the clear sky, there were only white clouds and flying birds, but Saint Raphael was sure that the breath of the sword came from there, and she was looking forward to Igarashi's methods.

In the area where Igarashi was, all the sounds of nature stopped at this moment. Countless low-level laws appeared in the world. Those invisible things caused the space to become a bit illusory. If they were not suppressed, they would have caused harm to the world. A powerful influence, if you master any one of them, you can gain the same power as the unbound God of Disobedience.

You seem to be using a sword, so this is the law of the sword.

Igarashi, who forcibly captured the law, searched it carefully and loosened the shackles of other laws, leaving only a sharp aura.

This is the law of the sword. Although it appears as a low-level law, its advanced version is an intermediate law of destruction. If one can keep moving forward, it can make a person become a god of war.

As for the advanced laws, Igarashi has really never seen any other ones besides his own strength.

The aura of the sword emanating from Igarashi's Sword of Glory is very obscure, while the law of the sword is as dazzling as the bright moon. To Saint Raphael, this is simply the final fantasy of a sword wielder.

The moment she touched the law, Saint Raphael entered a state of enlightenment. Igarashi protected her. Once she couldn't bear the mystery of the law, he took action to protect her mind. This kind of thing can only be understood but cannot be expressed. Igarashi can only do this. Whether he can master it depends on Saint Raphael's talent.

What a nonsense.

In the ritual place of the underworld, Pandora widened her eyes slightly and sighed in surprise. She single-handedly commanded all laws. Although they were all low-level laws, it was terrifying enough, even for a god from a divine system in the God Realm. The king can only command the laws within his divine authority. Such orders regardless of type are too terrifying.

At the same time, Pandora confirmed something that made her happy - Igarashi was neither on the side of gods nor on the side of the will of the world. He seemed to be on the side of humans.

Human beings are obviously weak when they are born, and it is extremely rare to start from a low level, but they can continue to become stronger through practice. Some can even reach the level of a holy knight by themselves, the kind that can fight against thousands of armies by themselves. The level of ten thousand horses and the span of their strength are huge beyond imagination.

A god born as a god cannot have such a large span of strength. It takes too long to take a step forward.

Although Pandora is a god, she is very interested in human beings. As the only god whose true form is outside the divine realm, she is the one who understands human beings best. Originally, she rebelled against the gods' camp because of her character. It's too boring to fight against the will of the world every day, so why not go out and travel.

Later, Pandora was attracted by the various things in the world, and she began to feel that what made the world interesting might not be gods, but humans and many living creatures. Therefore, Pandora, who is in charge of the God-killing Ritual, is neither the will of the world nor the will of the world. She is not on the side of the God Realm, she is a neutral person who ensures that the battle between the God Realm and the will of the world will not destroy all kinds of neutrals in this world.

The Godslayer is the devil, the guardian of mankind, and the guardian of the world.

Chapter 554 Heading to Xitian Palace

What did you say?!

Looking at Igarashi, who was just a high school student in front of him, Ifukube Yahiro was not sure that what he just said was his.

I said, I hope Tianmeimei can live with you instead of living alone in a shrine that lacks popularity. So, can you build a residential house connected to your canteen?

Igarashi acted very determinedly.

Although I am very curious about why you have so much money, what I am more curious about is, have you asked Ying for her opinion? I also thought about letting Ying live here before, but she said that the shrine is a memory of her childhood. Refused.

Ying has so many wonderful memories in her childhood. She probably doesn't want to cause trouble to you. When I saw Ying's sad expression during the Kagura dance yesterday, I couldn't help it. Even if Ying continues to use excuses to delay this matter, I will also use other means.

If Ameimei still has the excuse that the shrine cannot be without a manager, Igarashi plans to open a permanent portal directly to the shrine in the newly built residential house, which will cost a lot of the treasures of the world of the King of the Immortal Materials, but really nothing to hesitate about.

Ifukube Yahiro saw the determination on Igarashi's face, and was a little stunned for a moment. After all, Igarashi has always been a guy she can use as a low-cost labor force in a few words. It made her feel a little different.

...I have nothing to say. If you want to make Ying happy, go ahead and do it boldly.

Yeah, but after all, the house is going to be built connected to Ifukube's canteen, so we still need to inform Miss Yahiro.

Igarashi, Igarashi, how much money do you have? Every time you come to my store, you can buy so many things. Now even building a residential house seems to be a piece of cake.

Feeling the probing gaze of Ifukube Yahiro, Igarashi smiled wildly.

Money has not been something I need to care about for a long time. If Ms. Yaxun finds it tiring to open a canteen, I can support you.

Ahem, stop talking nonsense and get out of here!

Ifukube Yahiro couldn't believe that he had the intention to move at that moment. Wasn't it like being taken care of by a boy younger than him? Miss Yahiro, who couldn't hide her shame and anger, pushed Igarashi out of the house.

Igarashi, who had not long left the Ifukube commissary, met Luculazia and Alice on the way. These two guys also had a lot of fun at the festival. The magicians knew their identities, one was a witch and the other was a witch. Although the special advisor of the Council of Sages is not a flatterer, he will naturally give a lot of benefits. Princess Alice, who has temporarily recovered from health, has a lot of fun for the first time in her life.

King, are you planning to go to Xitian Palace to fulfill your agreement with the King of Martial Arts?

Whenever important things are mentioned, the address becomes solemn.


It is not a shameful thing to make an agreement with the King of Martial Arts to go to the Xitian Palace to unseal the ape god and then kill him. In fact, if the spellcasters near the Xitian Palace knew that a disobedient god was sealed there, they would retreat. After all, the lawless god of disobedience is a true moving natural disaster.

Please let me accompany you, King.

Now that she has been strengthened by the gift of God, Luculazia thinks that she has the ability to briefly compete with the God of Disobedience, and she hopes to be Igarashi's help.

This time, I won't let anyone go with me. Luculazia, you have just come to Omu Ran, so you should get familiar with the people here. I will solve the matter of the Monkey King myself.

Igarashi simply rejected the other party's proposal. Although he knew her intentions, Luculazia really couldn't help her much, not to mention setting a precedent. Erica and the others would also clamor to accompany them and bring them with them. It would be a bit too childish to follow a group of beautiful girls there.

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