It seems that most people in the magic world have normal minds. However, with the current situation, the God-killer is coming soon...

Unlike ordinary mages and mikos, Godslayers, the mortal enemies of the God of Disobedience, are more sensitive to the aura of the God of Disobedience. The highest-level miko can only locate the location where the God of Disobedience appears near Ashikaga City. The God Slayer might be able to narrow the scope down to Okuzome.

Godslayers are demon kings, feared by countless people, but they are also the guardians of mankind, protecting mankind from the ravages of disobedient gods. Although some Godslayers have a cold personality, the casualties they cause are also significant. Far inferior to the God of Disobedience.

Then defeat them.

Thinking of the God-Slayer's somewhat combat-maniacal character, Igarashi nodded clearly, it was quite easy to deal with.

Good morning~! Hey, Lan-kun came so early today.

Good morning.

This is not the first time that the goddess Meei and Nagisa Kazuha have entered the classroom together, and people can't help but think, Are they neighbors?

Xiaoye's family and I are a little far away, but we always meet each other halfway and come over together. Occasionally, Xiaoye's family will drive out for something, and they will give me a ride.

Seemingly thinking that Igarashi would have questions, the goddess Meei took the lead in explaining it, and Nagisa Kazuo beside her shook her head uncomfortably when she encountered this sentence halfway through her words. How could it really be such a coincidence? We met halfway, it was Nagisa Kazuyo who roughly estimated the itinerary of the goddess Meei and was waiting for her on the way.

It seems you have a good understanding.

The tacit cooperation creates accidental encounters on the way.

Hehe, Xiaoye's car has soft and comfortable seats. Do you want to sit in it, too, Mr. Lan?

Igarashi did not disturb the girl's cheerful mood at this time, and answered according to the words of the goddess Meei.

Ah...if I have the chance, I really want to take a seat and try it.

Nagisa Ichiyo is shy. For her, her family background is not something worth showing off. Nagisa Ichiyo is even afraid that because of this, there will be a gap between the classmates in the class. Unfortunately, every time, Tiannu Meei will say Fortunately, nothing happened that Nagisa Ichiyo didn't want to see.

Of course you can if you have the chance.

Nagisa Ichiyo did not refuse and nodded, while Tiannu Meei started to make serious calculations.

Although Xiaoye's car is very big, it can be fully loaded with five people. Excluding Mr. Tsukimiyama as the driver, there are still four people left, Mr. Lan, Xiaoye, me, Sister Nao, Miss Hatsuka, ah, There’s no room for four people.”

Miss Chujia must be the maid from before.

Seeing the goddess Meei tilting her head and counting with her fingers cutely, Igarashi showed a good-hearted smile.

Can't you just sit on Nagisa-san's lap?

Wow, it's on Xiaoye's legs, that's not bad~

Tiannu Muying actually nodded in agreement, and even continued to speak with a look of reminiscence.

Xiaoye's legs are soft and smooth!


Seeing Nagisa Kazuyo, who looked like a young lady and was also very dignified, showing a shy and angry look, Igarashi felt quite happy.

Oh, how about more disclosure?

Huh? Let me think about it, and there is also a very fragrant smell on Xiaoye, and if you hug her tightly occasionally, your chest...

Here, give me enough!



Nagisa Kazuha hit Ame Meei on the head with a force that would make people feel pain, causing Ame Meei to make a soft and cute cry of unknown meaning. Looking at Ame Meei who was moaning and acting cute, Igarashi sighed a little, no. Come to think of it, this is actually a good driver.

Really, really, don't go too far!


It was Igarashi who apologized. Seeing the other person lower his head, Nagisa waved his hand in a panic.

Ah, I'm not...

I'm not talking about you again, but before he finished speaking, Nagisa Kazuyo suddenly remembered that although it was because of the goddess Meei that he brought the topic to himself, wasn't it Igarashi who was fanning the flames? Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle guy turned out to be a bad guy. When he thought of this, Nagisa looked at Igarashi with a little annoyed look.


Class, get out of class, class, get out of class.

It was lunch time again. Nagisa Kazuo, who was still a little aggrieved, saw Igarashi standing up. After being slightly startled, he couldn't help but ask.

What? Are you going to the canteen to eat bread today? Are you going to be malnourished?


The squad leader also nodded in agreement.

Well, if it's just me, I want to be lazy.

After hearing what Igarashi said, the goddess Meei on the side said.

If you bring white rice, I can give you some vegetables, right?

Without thinking carefully about the meaning of what he was about to say, the squad leader got excited and spoke.

I can do that too. It's okay to bring you food. Why don't I prepare a lunch for you?

Chapter 496 The Ordinary Monitor

If Ameimei's words can be understood as mutual help between classmates, then Kuranagasa's actions are too obvious, so obvious that other girls can also see her feelings for Igarashi.

I, you didn't hear anything!

Kuragasue, who was a little slow to react, didn't notice the atmosphere at this time until more than ten seconds later. The pairs of eyes with different expressions were staring at him. The girl's fair face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then she ran away in panic. Leave the classroom.

Kuranagi ran away, but there was another person involved, Igarashi. Unsurprisingly, he could withstand everyone's attention, not only the goddess Meei, Nagisa Ichiha and the others, but also the classmates who were still in the classroom at this time. , all secretly looked at Igarashi. Since the other person showed the attributes of a top student, coupled with the temperament of having seen the world, other students in the school, although they were yearning for him, did not have much confidence to get close to him. But, if there is What kind of gossip can be used to join in the fun, and the students said it can be courageous.

Ahem, I'll go to the canteen to buy something to eat first.

Igarashi coughed lightly and left the classroom with an excuse. The students who were still whispering couldn't help but relax a lot.

Hey, Kuronaga likes Igarashi-san?

……should be.

But I see that Amame and Nagisa-san are also on good terms with Igarashi-san.

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