Last time, Ashikaga Miko took a fancy to the goddess Meei, but she didn't think of taking her there by force. Instead, she used hints in a relatively gentle way. Now, a guy who doesn't even reach the average level in the magic world actually does this. Pie, that's ridiculous.

Is Omu Ran's tranquility going to be broken?

Feeling that except for Miura and his entourage, several other people with curse powers were approaching, Igarashi's eyes flashed coldly. If these people were honest, that would be fine. Otherwise, how many people would come and disappear. After all, Omu Ran should be a paradise.

An old woman in the small town looked at the cute girl who was helping her home, and asked with concern while giving her snacks.

Ying, a lot of people have been asking about the shrine recently. Are you okay?

Facing the worried grandma, Ying blinked her eyes, tilted her head and asked.

Of course I'm fine, shrine? If someone wants to come and worship, wouldn't that be a good thing?

But I see that they are coming with force. Those people are obviously not from the town, and some of them have very bad attitudes. I think it is best for you not to go back to the shrine these days.

Looking at her grandma's serious look, Tianmeimei thought of the person who claimed to be Ashikaga Miko and her mysterious disappearance a few days ago. After being silent for a long while, Ai's face showed that reassuring smile again.

Well, I understand. I will live with Sister Xun for the time being.

Ifukube Yahiro, that's okay, but I don't know whether she will take care of you or you will take care of her.

Thinking of Yahiro Ifukube who used strange methods to run the canteen, the old woman sighed.

Ifukube Store, said to be a store, is actually a very common house in a small town. The room connected to the door has been renovated and filled with shelves. The door has been specially widened a little, and there are snacks and cash boxes at the door. It looks like an autonomous kiosk with no supervision, but in fact, there are people in the store.

Sister Xun, I'm here~

Ying, why is it so early this time?

Hearing the familiar voice, Ifukube Yahiro, who was lazily sleeping in the back room of the store, was slightly surprised. Although Ying came to cook dinner for him every day, this time, it was a bit early.

It's a pity that this surprise was not enough to make her sit up. No, it was precisely because of the arrival of the goddess Meei that Yahiro Ifukube, who had originally wanted to stop the naughty children from playing too much in the store, now slept more peacefully.

Well, Sister Xun, can I live with you these days?


Ifukube Yahiro was stunned. He had adopted the goddess Meei a few years ago, but this overly strong girl always used the excuse of not causing trouble to herself and would return to the shrine to live alone before night fell. How could she I can't even try to persuade you. How could it happen this time...

His thoughts were spinning for a while, but Ifukube Yahiro, who felt it was too troublesome, simply let it go and nodded.

Okay, it's best to have you here, so I can rest assured.

You can sleep peacefully without having to take care of the store.

Hehe, I'm going to cook.

go Go.

Some people look after the store for themselves, and some people cook for themselves, which is comfortable.

Although Ying can't drink too much here, well, there are gains and losses.

Hearing a strange noise coming from outside the store, it didn't look like that group of naughty kids. Ifukube Yahiro stood up helplessly. It couldn't be someone from outside the town.

Ifukube Yahiro, who was lazily scratching his head, came out and looked at the guy in front of him in a daze.

...Ah, who are you?

The young man standing at the door obviously didn't look like someone from this small town. His overly indifferent temperament could not be cultivated in this small town.

My name is Igarashi. I moved here recently. I am considered the adopted son of the Kasugano family.

After the boy opposite smiled, he couldn't help but feel good. Ifukube Yahiro frowned inconspicuously.

Coming to such a remote's really not picky.

Although she spoke casually, dressed casually, and behaved casually, it was undeniable that the lady in front of her had a nice lazy voice.

Igarashi looked helplessly at the woman in front of him. If she had tidied her up a little, she would have been a very elegant beauty. Well, with her decadent look now, she could be considered very approachable.

There is a price list at the door, the lottery is ten yuan, the children's drinks are thirty yuan, and everything that is not written is twenty yuan.

Although there is only a short line of text, it seems to summarize the prices of most products in the store. Next to it is a cash box that says Put money here when no one is around. It's really... so casual!

Hey, Mr. Lan, you're here.

This canteen, which mainly sells snacks, is also in Omu Ran Town. Seeing Igarashi appear here, Tianmeimei did not show much surprise.

This is Sister Xun, she is my guardian. She takes care of me, and I will cook for her.

Okay, Ying, let's go cook.

As if to protect him, Ifukube Yahiro showed an impatient expression, which made the goddess Meei nod lively.

Yeah, yeah! Let's go.

Then, there was a period of silence. Looking at Igarashi in front of him, Ifukube Yahiro sighed.

Ying told me about you, but I don't know what you look like, I just know your name. Why, don't you have anything to ask? For example, why am I Ying's guardian?

This is probably not something that can be discussed casually.

Igarashi's calmness and maturity did not match his appearance, causing Ifukube Yahiro to raise his eyebrows and turn away.

I won't tell you anyway if you ask. If you don't want to buy anything, just leave quickly.

I'll buy!

Obviously customers come from God, Igarashi looked at Ifukube Yahiro dumbfounded, and picked up several packages of different types of snacks. The supermarket where he had been buying snacks was after all a variation of a vegetable store, and there were only a few snacks. , although this store doesn’t look big, it has a lot of small things.

Oh? I can't tell you are still a little rich man.

It's okay to just call me Tuhao.

Igarashi, who had spent less than half of the compensation that could have supported the two of them for five years in one month, looked calm.

Chapter 495 Lunch Box

The aura of the God of Disobedience has appeared near Ashikaga City. This news that can drive God-killers crazy has made everyone in the entire magic world in danger. Except for those who are ignorant and fearless like Kuhozuka Miura, there is no unorthodox magic that has been passed down. Magicians and other people who know that the God of Disobedience is a moving natural disaster are secretly moving fixed assets near Ashikaga City and keeping family members away from Ashikaga City. Gods cannot be dealt with by humans, only the Demon King can. When their opponents refuse to fight the Godslayer, the aftermath is enough to kill them.

The people who were exploring in Omu Ran were praying silently in their hearts, not wanting to get any information about the God of Disobedience at all, because this meant that the God of Disobedience was really nearby. If the God of Disobedience paid attention to him, , one blow, life is over, everything is cool.

They are the cannon fodder of their respective forces. They have been abandoned since they were sent out to find out the news. Even after perfunctorily asking the residents and hearing that there is a shrine in this town, the mages have no intention of exploring it. No, he huddled in the farthest corner of Okuzome from Ashikaga City, trying his best to protect himself without violating the orders of the forces.

Igarashi looked dumbfounded as he looked at the mages who were praying for Okuzan with solemn expressions. Indeed, if the God of Disobedience appeared in Okuzan, even the casual aftermath of the battle would be enough to make people in this range The people and things inside died without a burial place.

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