So, what are you having for dinner today?

This is not a problem that Igarashi needs to think about, but after taking on the responsibility of feeding Qiong, Igarashi naturally can't cope with it, and the food ingredients at home have become less.

Qiong, what do you want to eat for dinner?


I'm talking about dinner.


A very brief reply. Looking at Qiong's eyes staring at the computer screen, Igarashi knew that she was about to completely become a homebody. However, since she was here anyway, Igarashi didn't care about Qiong becoming a fan. A cute creature that opens its mouth and reaches out its clothes.

Originally, Igarashi planned to go to the supermarket, but after his mental power was swept away, he found that the shrine where Tiannu Meei lived had an extra breath. If it was ordinary, forget it, maybe it was a person who went to the shrine to worship, but Wu Shilan discovered that the breath had magical power. Unlike the goddess Muei who could not use magic, this magical power was very active.

Frowning, Igarashi changed direction.

Are you here to visit the shrine? Please come here.

Not long after returning to the shrine after school, Ameimei saw a stranger, a middle-aged woman who was wearing a miko uniform that was different from her own. Although she didn't know why she, who was also a miko, appeared in this remote shrine, she The goddess Meei still assumed the responsibility of the shrine manager.

The originally casual gaze of the shrine maiden from Ashikaga Shrine changed instantly when she touched the goddess Meei. She saw the incredible pure magic power of the goddess Meei. She originally just wanted to come to this remote town to see if there were any saints. Relics or other things, of course, the miko didn't have much hope, but the appearance of the goddess Meei made her overjoyed. This was a jade that had the potential to become the highest-level miko. In the future, there was even the possibility of fighting against the divine beasts. For those who didn't As far as Neon of God Killer is concerned, the goddess Meei has the possibility of becoming the strongest person on the stage of the Neon Dark World. Of course, as a miko who is not good at offensive methods, even the strongest person is only the strongest. Just an auxiliary.

Suppressing the ecstasy in her heart, the miko forced out a smile.

do you live alone?


Tiannu Muying nodded, looking a little strange at the colleague in front of her.

Very good, then the possibility of her belonging to other forces is eliminated, and the smile on the miko's face becomes even wider.

I come from Ashikaga Shrine, the largest and most powerful shrine in Ashikaga City. Come with me, and I guarantee that you will have a life without worries about food and clothing, and power that ordinary people can't imagine.

This is naked temptation.

...I don't quite understand what you mean, but this shrine is something that my grandfather devoted his whole life to maintaining. This is my home. There are people I care about in Ogi Ran. I will not leave. If you don't visit the shrine, Please come back.

Tiannu Muying's face now no longer has that cute smile, but looks serious and serious.

It seems that I need to let you know the reality of this world that ordinary people cannot touch.

As Ashikaga Miko's words fell, much more magic power surged in her body than that of the goddess Meei, and her eyes, which were originally the same as ordinary people, took on a strange color.

Chapter 490 God Killer?

Tiannu Meei subconsciously sensed danger and took a few steps back. However, the terrifying witch in front of her disappeared in an instant.


Looking around, the huge shrine was still the same as before, with only the goddess Meei alone. However, this unusual scene made the girl frown. As a shrine maiden, she respected gods, but she had never seen gods. However, the person who calls herself Ashikaga Miko made it clear to the goddess Meei that even if there is no god, there are unconventional forces in this world.

the other side.

The Ashikaga Miko looked at the changing scene in front of her in astonishment. What she wanted to use just now was a hint, thus affecting the choice of the goddess Meei. Even if it didn't work once, she would use it again with all her strength after resting for a few days. Repeatedly, the goddess Meei would definitely become The shrine maiden of Ashikaga Shrine, this piece of jade has the capital for her to put all her efforts into it, but why was she teleported? This is definitely not a method that people in the world of magic can do. This is... the method of a god-slayer, or a god of disobedience!

I thought it would be an ordinary routine, but unfortunately it was broken by an uninvited guest.

An unfamiliar voice came to mind from the front. Just the sound made the Ashikaga Miko, the highest-ranking Miko, dizzy. Her whole body was running with spell power, and she forcibly turned on her spiritual vision to look at the young man in front of her.

It was not the sea-like spell of the God-Slayer, nor the familiar legends of the gods. What the Ashikaga Miko could barely see was the unimaginable world-destroying giant blade slashing towards the earth, and the true god as dazzling as the sun weeping blood and wailing, watching. Before she could see anything more terrifying, the witch's eyes were already burned by the sun.

Using spiritual vision on the God of Disobedience will make the God of Disobedience aware and disgust him, but the caster should never be repelled simply because of what he sees, and moreover, he should be suspected of being attacked by the person in front of him. The existence that kills people comes back.

The Godslayer is an overlord because he kills the gods in the sky and seizes the supreme divine power held by the gods.

The god-killer is a king, because he controls the mortals on earth with the power usurped by killing gods.

The God-Slayer is the Demon King, so no mortal in the world has the power to compete with him!


The witch leaned down in fear and treated the person in front of her with the greatest courtesy. What kind of god did he kill? Why was that god so powerful that it far exceeded all existing records? Why was the person in front of him not the six existing ones? One of the Godslayers.

It seems that this witch regarded herself as the God-killer and also regarded Apollo as the god of disobedience.

Igarashi knew that from the moment the other party used spiritual vision, Tiannu Meei was safe, because in the eyes of the other party, he was a God-killer, and God-killers were definitely not something that people in the world of magic could offend, and they were not the same as the God-killers. People and things related to gods are not something people in the magic world can touch at will.

But, even so...

Go back to your shrine and forget everything that happened here.

Even without the use of laws, Igarashi can make this miko obey her words and execute her orders with just words. The other party's eyes are already burned, and the backlash after forcibly looking at the true god Apollo also makes her live for a long time. Igarashi After saying that, the witch left in a daze.

Weak humans have weaved myths and divine names, so that the gods who have no names can only act according to the corresponding myths and can no longer vent their power at will. Gods who do not obey the myths and bring disasters to the world are disobedient. god.

This is a widely accepted statement in the world.

But without mastering any power or mystery, how can the rituals arranged by humans have the power to restrain gods.

The world will of this world is very smart. It knows that the gods are powerful and have the power to destroy all living things, so they let the gods sleep in the myth. Even if some gods try their best to break free, they are infinitely weakened, and then make people become god-killers. who once again usurped the power of the gods.

This is the conclusion Igarashi came to.

Glancing at the shrine in the distance, Igarashi turned around and left. He went up directly. Meei, the goddess of heaven, could definitely guess what was wrong with him. Igarashi moved Ashikaga Miko away in time. Meei, the goddess of heaven, might be a little confused, but Not frightened.

come back quickly.

I received a text message on my phone. It was from Qiong. Igarashi had indeed been out for a long time this time. The few words made Igarashi smile knowingly, and then he cast his teleportation magic.

Then, Igarashi saw Qiong who was opening the door of his house and going in.

Did you go out just now?


It's really rare for you to go out alone.

Occasionally I feel like going out for a walk.

It's good that you're not lost.

I'm just taking a walk near my home. Besides, I can still do things like returning along the road. Don't treat me like a child!

However, Qiong's current charming and naive tone makes Igarashi really unable to associate her with the word maturity.

Then let's have dinner later.

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