In that case, I should tell you the location of the canteen first.

Igarashi followed the goddess Meei towards the corridor.

Nagisa Ichiyo and Kuronagasue were followed far behind, but Igarashi knew that they had brought their own lunch boxes.

Hey...what are you doing? W Ying.

W Ying, weird nickname.

The one who walked in front was the goddess Meei, so Igaon Nao's words were naturally addressed to her first, the cute girl explained.

Take Lan-kun to the canteen.

Oh ~ Lan-kun, what an intimate title.

After all, Lan Jun and I are childhood sweethearts.


The last exclamation came from Nagisa Yiye, who was quietly following her. The moment she made the sound, she knew she had been exposed and walked out with a blushing face.

But Yiyuan Nao made a move, and then she still had that friendly smile.

Really? Lan and I are neighbors.

The scene was slightly chaotic.

Well... I have some questions to ask, but if I don't go to the canteen, will I run out of food?

The sincerity on Igarashi's face made the goddess Meei nod in agreement.

Yes! Let's go. If we don't hurry up, the cream will be sold out.

Butter? Butter bread?

Yeah! It's super delicious. I highly recommend it.

Igarashi was grabbed by the goddess Meei's hand and urged him. Although he was not too ungrateful, he was still calm. At this time, his heart easily became happy because of the goddess Meei.


The lunch time was not very long. After Igarashi bought bread, he went directly back to the classroom to eat. After all, one Nagisa Kazuha had to show up, and the other Kuranagi who thought he had not been exposed, their The lunch boxes are in the classroom.

Taking six classes a day is a time-consuming matter. Naturally, Igarashi did not pay full attention to these easy classes. Most of his thoughts continued to study the laws and the power of all phenomena. During this period, a teacher noticed Igarashi. In an absent-minded state, Igarashi half-admonished and half-understood his learning progress and asked him to answer questions. Then, after discovering that Igarashi answered fluently even questions that were not understandable to high school students, he was pleased to let things take their own course. .

However, Igarashi's absent-mindedness was not known to other students. In their eyes, today's teachers in various subjects seemed to be making things difficult for the transfer students. The students secretly complained in their hearts, but they were also really surprised by Igarashi's attribute of being a top student. At first Fortunately, what the hell is the teacher asking later? What is Lagrange's mean value theorem? Who is Taylor? What is Igarashi answering again?

Although I don’t understand it, it sounds so awesome.

First, how do you feel about your first day here when you transfer to another school?

Kuragasue didn't have the majesty of a squad leader in front of Igarashi.

Haha, there are six classes to attend right away. Ordinary people will indeed be tired.

Igarashi's smile made Kuronaga, who was already a little nervous, excited.

Hehe, yes, but you need to get used to it quickly. This is the handout the teacher said he would give you. There is also this, a copy of my notes, and there is an order for school uniforms to be made later. Call me. Do you know the number and price? Have you measured the size of the school uniform? Is there anything else you need my help with?

Chapter 489 Witch

The other party is the monitor, and helping classmates is one of the responsibilities of this position, but to help to this extent, it is too selfless. Originally Igarashi was thinking about copying notes, but now, Kuranagsue directly copied them. , and also considered many other things for myself.

Well, I know how to order school uniforms. Thank you for specially delivering the things for me.

No, it's okay... If I can help you, that's enough...

The emotions contained in a shy girl can be easily seen by those who have experienced it. However, most of the students in this small town are ignorant boys and girls who have little understanding of their own emotions, let alone other people's. Yes, the so-called hazy love.

After the monitor finished speaking, he hurried out.

When I walked outside the school gate, I met Iga Nao, Nagisa Kazuha and Tianmeimei who were chatting. Iga Nao was in the second grade and there were not many opportunities to meet in school. As good friends, they , we got together after school.

Lan Jun~ Are you ready to go back?

Tiannu Meei is still full of energy. She is the kind of girl who can be infected by her vitality just by looking at her.


The direction of going back is the same anyway, so let's go back together.

After hearing what the goddess Meei said, Nagisa Kazuyo showed a troubled expression.

……Ah I……

Gong, I've been waiting for you for a long time, young lady.

In the distance is a nice-looking car, and a woman in a maid outfit. She is more mature than a girl, but the unnatural look on her face because she was seen wearing a maid outfit by a group of people also proves that she is not capable. She is considered a royal sister.

It is not that there are no maids in this era, but most of them work in the mansions of famous families. When they leave the mansion, they wear ordinary clothes. Even in bustling cities, except for cosplay and maid cafes, there are no real maids in public. In such a small town, the appearance of a maid is enough to make people widen their eyes.

Then, should I leave first?

Nagisa Kazuyo was a little apologetic.

Bye, Xiaoye.

This apologetic and slightly awkward atmosphere was resolved by the lively voice of Tiannu Meei.

I'm sorry, everyone~

The maid with short light brown hair waved her hand to apologize and left with Nagisa Ichiyo.

What's going on with her today? Nao Yiga seemed to be curious, but in fact she was trying to elicit an explanation from the goddess Meei. After all, we all had a chance to go together, but we couldn't let Igarashi have any unnecessary misunderstandings.

Well, it seems that she is going to attend her father's dinner party.

Igarashi smiled and nodded.

She is a very friendly young lady.

Seeing that Igarashi had no dissatisfaction, Yi Yuan Nao felt a lot more relaxed.

Well, although her father is a congressman and his family is prominent, there is no barrier between her and us.

Member? He shouldn't be a member of Congress, otherwise he wouldn't live in such a small town, and Igarashi didn't see that the driver who escorted Nagisa Kazuyo back had any extraordinary power. Although such a body could easily deal with ordinary people, but others Speaking of the god of disobedience, even a knight, witch or alchemist who can use a little magic power can easily get rid of him.

Okuzome, a small town with underdeveloped economy and transportation, has no appeal to most people. However, thanks to this, in this world, although the gods of disobedience appear from time to time, and there are mythical beasts, The Divine Ancestor was wreaking havoc, but it did not affect this small town. The people here seemed to be living in a paradise.

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