Himeko expressed what almost everyone was thinking. Igarashi paused for a moment and then understood their intention. They just wanted to live next to him. But in this case, wouldn't everyone know that they did bad things at night? Even if he put up a magic barrier, If someone knocks on the door, can you pretend not to hear and keep the person out?

I haven't chosen yet. For this kind of thing, of course ladies are given priority.

This matter is not easy to handle. Igarashi can only decide according to the situation. If the Valkyries are crowded together and he has no room to choose from and can only live in a corner, then he cannot blame himself. .

……All right.

Then I live here.

I choose this place.

The girls seemed to have a different kind of tacit understanding. Even though they didn't communicate much in front of Igarashi, they left a room together with other people's rooms. Although Igarashi was very touched by this. But how can I do bad things openly? Hey, I'm not a sneaky person, so I can't help it.

Then, as expected, the girls visited with various excuses and reasons.

My room is a bit stuffy, come here for some fresh air.

Come and get familiar with the environment.

Come and play together.

Some of the purposes were obvious, while others were concealed, but Igarashi naturally did not expose them. They all followed the girls' wishes, eating snacks and playing sbeam with Kiana, tasting red wine with Himeko, and drinking bitter melon with Teresa. Juice, playing Kaitou tricks with Kallen, teaching Ji Xuanyuan how to use modern things...

If Igarashi had not already far exceeded the limits of human beings, eating for such a long time, greeting every girl with a smile, and doing various things with his heart would have long ago made him physically and mentally exhausted. Igarashi even felt these The Valkyrie was visiting a brothel, and she was constantly being prostituted, which was really a headache.

What on earth do you think?

After they sang, Siren came on the stage. The girls seemed to have made some agreement that no one else would disturb me in Igarashi's room. Now it seemed that it was Siren's turn.

Although Sirin's question was confusing and a bit abrupt, Igarashi naturally understood what she was referring to.

Of course I hope you will be obedient.

Then how did you...

Seeing Siren who looked hesitant and surprised that she didn't take any coercive measures, Igarashi was a little amused.

Why, do you still want me to use some extraordinary means? Tie you up with a rope and beat you severely, or do whatever I want to you who is crying and shouting? Maybe using the law is a good idea.

Although she didn't know what the rules Igarashi said were, Xilin understood the other words and took two steps back. A look of disgust appeared on Xilin's slightly immature face.

I didn't expect you to have such an idea.

I never deny my desires. You also have the ability to arouse my desires. Of course, I'm just talking.

I don’t know since when, although Igarashi still refers to himself as a human being, Igarashi’s eyes gradually become indifferent when looking at ordinary people. He can only be gentle and casual in front of these lovely girls, otherwise, he will not show up clearly. When he has the ability, he ignores the Honkaiju that are still raging. Knowing this, Igarashi tries to treat the important people with his richest emotions.

Being too supreme to forget one's feelings is a profound state. The world is unkind and regards all things as stupid dogs, because in its eyes all things are equal, but Igarashi does not want to reach this state.

Igarashi's unabashed words made Sirin blush slightly. Although she was once the Herrscher of Destruction, she was also a little girl. Even compared to other girls who lived a normal life, her range of activities was only limited to a small In the laboratory, she didn't understand the ways of the world at all.

Bad guy.

I am a kind person.

Igarashi's dissatisfied retort made Sirin feel a strange sense of satisfaction when she saw his expression. Sirin tried to make Igarashi show more expressions because of her.

Bad bad bad bad.

These delicate words made Igarashi blink and look at Sirin strangely, but he also guessed her heart to some extent. She was really a little girl who longed for love and attention, even if she looked worse than Bronya, Xier and the others. The older ones are, in fact, the least mentally mature in some respects.

After touching the girl's head and seeing Siren trembling violently and her whole body stiffening, Igarashi said softly.

Okay, live a good life in St. Freya Academy. If you want anything, just tell me.

Why are you so nice to me? I obviously...

I don't like to see a beautiful thing bear a bad fate.

...Don't regret it.

Of course not.

Chapter 482 Obtaining Honkai Will, a weapon against the world

In this way, a year has passed, no new Herrschers have been born, no hidden dangers, only warm relationships.

Looking at Igarashi, who had made everyone feel like a spring breeze over the past year and was increasingly relied on by the girls, Sirin gritted her teeth.

Why don't you mention what happened back then?


That's what you said a year ago, for us Herrschers to work together to mobilize Honkai energy!

Aren't you unwilling?

Obviously as long as you say it nicely one more time, I'll be... really annoying.

Sirin's dissatisfied look made Igarashi curl up. Over the past year, he has written divine contracts for all the girls. This is certainly not something that must be done or a ritual, but the girls seem to regard this as a As a gift and a symbol of intimacy, Igarashi naturally would not refuse their request. He just shed a little blood. With his own physical condition, the speed of this bleeding was far slower than the speed of his own blood production. Depicting gifts on the naked backs of girls will naturally lead to some consensual things happening.

During this year, Igarashi did nothing but stay with the girls.

So lovely Siren, can you please take action?


let's start.

Is it going to be okay?


In the uninhabited land of Siberia, Bronya, Raiden Mei, Wendy, Sirin, Yae Sakura, Hitamaru, Kiana, seven Herrschers who have all reached the mature stage gathered together, and at the same time used their own attacks against Honkai The control power gathers the entire world's collapse energy here.

Originally, this control would be taken away by Honkai Will and the Herrschers would become guardians. How could Honkai Will still allow them to use Honkai Energy.

However, now, the Herrschers, who were originally created to speed up the pace and destroy the world more quickly, have raised their flag of rebellion. The power of the seven Herrschers has turned into a panic, allowing the collapse of the world to create turbulence and converge towards the no man's land. .

The wind and clouds are surging, the sky and the earth are changing, and the end of the world is just like this. All humans and beasts who feel the changes in Honkai energy are trembling in fear. This is the precursor of the great destruction. The seven Herrschers have the power to completely destroy all living things in the world. Ability.

Igarashi, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened them and grinned excitedly. The law and principles appeared at this moment, and then, in a corner of the world, the abnormal area that was different from the Herrscher's aura descended.


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