
Kiana did not dare to meet Igarashi's eyes, and her head shook slightly, but she was not satisfied, but she mustered up her courage.

Captain, why don't you leave tomorrow's mission to someone else?

Chapter 480 I don’t

No tasks tomorrow.

Igarashi's incomprehensible words made Kiana stamp her feet. Seeing Kiana acting like this, Igarashi was greatly satisfied.

Humph, even if you don't say so, you can't escape. I'll go find you tonight. Come on, let me see what Lu Huana is like.

Sodium chloride? What are you talking about!

Ahem, you are the Herrscher. Perhaps it would be better to call her Divine Na. You will be the Herrscher of the End, the existence closest to God.

Kiana was a little confused by Igarashi's words.

God? What level is this? Is it more powerful than S level?


The surrounding Honkai energy fell with Igarashi's words, and was oppressed by a higher power and gathered in Kiana's body, forming the core of the Herrscher. The Honkai energy was screaming, but it seemed to realize that Kiana did have the rhythm. The potential of the oppressed, the Honkai energy that originally acted as the oppressed, actually became active.

The color and attributes of Honkai Energy itself are not fixed and will change according to the user and the method of use. Kiana's Honkai Energy's expression is golden.

At this time, Kiana's eyes turned golden, instead of the ordinary white-trained battle suit that could transform into the White Knight Moonlight. It was annihilated by the too large Honkai energy. Kiana herself was not injured, and one piece of armor was destroyed by the Honkai energy. The battle suit composed of bad energy began to appear on her body, and the girl's originally smart eyes gradually became cold.

For everyone in this world, Honkai energy, which is too high in status, still affects Kiana's character.

Igarashi stretched out his hand and flicked Kiana's forehead to prevent Honkai Impact from continuing to affect her character, and her golden eyes turned sky blue again.

After curiously looking at her changing attire, Kiana was a little excited.

Is this the Herrscher?


Kiana, who transformed into a Herrscher, had a completely different temperament than before, and Igarashi was delighted.

In this way, the Herrscher of the End was also born, as well as Bronya.

Come on, let everyone see your new look.


Okay, you are like a goddess now. You are very beautiful and elegant. As long as you silence the Herrscher's core like Mei, you can change back to your original appearance.

Hitamamaru and Yae Sakura can control the Herrscher Core at will, but Raiden Mei can't yet. In order to prevent the power from going wild, she silences the Herrscher Core most of the time, and Kiana needs to learn Raiden Mei's method, otherwise there will be no Igarashi Watching from the sidelines, she will probably be born with a cold personality like Mei Yi, or even have her personality directly changed.

In that case...

Kiana looked at herself in the mirror and found that, as Igarashi said, she looked good now. The girl even made an indifferent expression. She felt really handsome and showing off, Kiana He followed Igarashi and left the training room.

Of course, Igarashi didn't drag Kiana out to show off. After seeing Bronya and Xing finishing their greetings, Igarashi asked.

Bronya, are you willing to become a Herrscher?

Bronya did not hesitate at all and nodded. Igarashi brought Xi'er back and cured herself. Now her adoptive mother Cocolia is also with her. Bronya has no regrets. The only thing she cares about is , that is, how to repay Igarashi. When Cocolia took care of her, Bronya obeyed her words. Now, she can help Igarashi, and Bronya will naturally not refuse.

Cecilia, who heard the conversation on the side, was a little stunned. The Herrscher had always been the messenger of destruction, and everyone was afraid to avoid it. Fortunately, Igarashi actually planned to create the Herrscher. The worried girl couldn't help but say.

Is it really okay?

It is beneficial and harmless. If Bronya can also become a Herrscher, I am sure that there will be no more large-scale collapse, and there will no longer be the Herrscher who is born purely for destruction.

Siren raised her eyebrows. She always felt that the words The Herrscher was born purely for destruction were referring to herself. Knowing that she could not defeat Igarashi, she snorted angrily.

The eyes of all the Valkyries widened, and they couldn't help but look forward to the future. However, if large-scale collapse never happened again, what about their responsibilities as Valkyries? Well, forget it, just stay with Igarashi and leave the rest to him.

This is the core of the Herrscher of the First Herrscher. Its ability is to reconstruct something that is completely understood. Of course, it will consume Honkai energy. Bronya, I think it is very suitable for you.

Bronya understands many weapons, and her Heavy Rabbit itself is a thing created out of thin air after reconstruction. The core of the First Herrscher is perfect.

what should I do?

Meeting Bronya's slightly firm eyes, Igarashi smiled.

I'll do it.

With Herrscher's core on her finger and touching Bronya's petite body, the girl who had regained most of her emotions blushed, but silently allowed Igarashi to move.

Igarashi, who was concentrating on looking for a suitable part of Bronya to place the Herrscher core, did not notice the shame and anger in the eyes of the onlookers. After a moment, his eyes flashed, and the Herrscher core in his hand disappeared out of thin air.

Compared to creating a Herrscher core out of nothing, it is more stable to use an existing Herrscher core to create an Herrscher core. Moreover, this Herrscher core has become extremely docile due to its previous two owners, so everything falls into place.

Bronya gained the power of the Herrscher without even having her character affected by the Herrscher's core.

Okay! Now as long as you work together to allow Honkai to gather in an uninhabited land, I can solve the next thing.

Now that the Herrschers have joined forces, they have been able to control the Honkai Energy throughout the world, and the Honkai Will, which exists dependent on Honkai Energy, is the culprit that continues to bring destruction to the world, but it will not be too much affected by the Herrschers. Influence, when the Honkai energy surges, Igarashi can quickly discover the anomaly, find the location of the Honkai Will, and then eliminate it. This time, it is not necessary to use the Honkai of the entire world as the opponent, but the Honkai Will. In a small area, Igarashi can do it.

I don't.

The cold rejection made everyone turn their heads, and then they saw an unhappy Sirin.

Why should I listen to you? Although I promised you not to continue to bring destruction, I did not promise to obey your words.

Xilin knew clearly that she was no match for Igarashi, but she still lost her temper. This was nameless anger. Xilin didn't care why she was angry, she just wanted to confront Igarashi.

Chapter 481 Beauty should match beauty

Glancing at Sirin, Igarashi was not angered. In fact, if she agreed and Honkai Will was destroyed by herself, most of her mission in this world would be completed, which is in line with the purpose of the world's will. Now Sirin Objection, Igarashi can stay with the girl for a while longer, or he can sell her at a price and let the will of the world give him more rewards.

I won't force you, but I hope I can wait until the day you agree.

Igarashi's indifferent look made Xilin grit her teeth secretly. This was not in line with her expectations!

By the way, the dormitory has been rebuilt. Let's go and choose a room.

The anti-entropic Titan is industrious and reliable. Under the control of Cocolia and Tesla, the dormitory building built is full of technology. Naturally, there is no need to make a living on the Hyperion. The Hyperion is designed as a war fortress. , even though there are training rooms, lounges, etc., they are not suitable for long-term stay. Now that the Herrschers have gathered, their control over Honkai Energy has greatly increased. Although Sirin is unwilling to listen to Igarashi's opinion, she also does not want to Causes the collapse, so even if you stay in St. Freya Academy for a long time, there will be no more collapse.

After Igarashi finished speaking, he saw that the Valkyrie girls didn't make much movement, and a pair of eyes were staring at him. Although he considered himself a shameless person, the lively and cute girls staring at him still made him somewhat dismayed. Igarashi felt a little unnatural.

What's wrong?

Have you chosen a room?

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