This time, the presence of Kallen and Hitamaru suddenly appeared, but it did not cause much reaction. Either they were slow to react and ignored it, like Kiana, or they were considerate and did not ask questions rashly, like Mei, or Silent, like Bronya, or sharpening her sword, like Ji Zi.

Mission~mission~what is the mission?

Humming an inexplicable tune, Kiana wandered around in front of Igarashi excitedly. She was not the kind of person who was diligent in studying or working. It was just the first time she came to Hyperion soberly, and it was the first time she had to be a female. The novelty of the God of War going on a mission gave Kiana temporary motivation.

The mission... a B-level mission, to defeat the squad of sickle soldiers and archer soldiers.

Igarashi operated on the light screen projected by his terminal for a while, and quickly found out that the distance was not far away, and it was not too difficult. No, it should be said to be a very simple task.

B-level? Dead soldier?

Although it was obvious that she had not studied the information about Honkai properly, Kiana still knew that this was simply the lowest level mission, and she suddenly smacked her lips.

Don't underestimate me!

Yes, yes, I don't underestimate you. I only plan to let you, Mei, and Bronya form a standard Valkyrie team for this mission. If it's too difficult, what if Mei gets injured?

Igarashi easily caught Kiana's weak spot, and the girl was speechless for a moment. After a moment, Kiana rolled her eyes and showed a dark smile as if she was making a shady deal.

Captain, don't let Bronya participate in this mission. How about just me and Mei? Make sure to complete the mission!

Kiana is confident that she can protect Mei Yi. As long as she doesn't have Bronya as a follower around Mei Yi, won't she be able to do some fun things with Mei Yi by then? After thinking this, Kiana showed a flattering smile to Igarashi.

How about we just let you and Mei go on vacation?

Really? That's great!

Looking at Kiana who looked excited, Igarashi flicked her forehead helplessly.

Stop dreaming. Bronya will definitely go, otherwise Mei will be very sad. You are companions after all.


Kiana touched her forehead, snorted and turned away, but she did not refute.


Igarashi pondered slightly. Bronya was not a healthy human being. Many of her bodies were replaced by machines. Although it was very obscure, Igarashi still saw that it was the work of anti-entropy. How could a person appear in Destiny without any plan? Igarashi will not change the status quo until the intentions of Bronya and Anti-Entropy are determined.

After learning that only three people participated in this mission, the others did not say anything. They naturally understood that this was an opportunity specially given by Igarashi to Kiana and the three of them to practice.

Captain, don't you let us watch? What if Kiana is negligent...

Himeko looked at Igarashi hesitantly. Although the dead warriors were human beings who had been eroded by Honkai energy and lost their minds, their physical fitness had also been greatly improved. They were not like the walking corpses in Changkong City where the Honkai Impact originally occurred. Soldiers are considered stronger creatures. Even if this is just the lowest level task, it still has a certain degree of danger. Can the fledgling Kiana and the others really be able to handle it?

Don't worry, they have already experienced Honkai. They have a record of defeating ordinary Honkai beasts even before they became Valkyrie. The comprehensive protection like a greenhouse will not allow the flowers to bloom at their most beautiful.

Looking at Igarashi's confident look, Himeko's face couldn't help but darken, are the flowers blooming? Having become B-level Valkyrie at such a terrifying speed, and still only in their teens, Kiana and the others were indeed blooming, but she... had forcibly formed a flower, but it was already withering.

Since there is no mission, I will go to train first.

Jizi suddenly turned around and left, leaving the others stunned. Kallen gently pulled Igarashi's sleeve and winked at him.

Of course, Igarashi knew what Kallen meant, and why Himeko's mood changed like this now, but he was a little surprised by Kallen's actions, and he also had a better understanding of her gentleness.

Well, let's go eat fried tofu.

Valkyrie sacrificed her life in order to fight against Honkai. In other aspects, she naturally received the greatest degree of preferential treatment. All kinds of materials were available. After Igarashi dissolved Jizo Tamamaru, she had the real body of Hitamaru. , ran away with a face of joy. It had been fifty thousand years since I had truly experienced the beauty of food. Now, it was time to compensate myself.

Kallen and Yae Sakura ran away without knowing where they were, while Fu Hua stood quietly on the bridge, as if he would attack immediately if there was an emergency or order.

Normally, the Valkyrie would leave the Hyperion after the aerial battleship landed at a safe height, but now at an altitude of dozens of meters, Kia was standing on the hatch that the Hyperion had just opened. Before the countdown to landing was completed, Na jumped into the air.


Sister Mei, please rest assured. Bronya has judged that this height is not dangerous to Kiana, who is wearing a white training uniform.

Well, let's go together.

Bronya, who has a heavily armored bunny, has the ability to fly for a short period of time. As a Herrscher, Mei, even if the Herrscher core is asleep, her physical fitness is not comparable to that of an ordinary Valkyrie. In the end, Kiana She jumped down first and looked at Kiana, whose white twin ponytails were flying in the wind, looking a little handsome. Mei sighed helplessly.

Chapter 456 Price

Himeko didn't become a Valkyrie until she was twenty years old, and she forced the use of artificial stigmata at all costs, and became an A-level Valkyrie a few years later. But now, Kiana, who is only a high school student, is already She is a B-level Valkyrie. The amazing talent she has shown has the potential to compete with the A-level Valkyrie, and may even reach S-level.

Ji Zi was waving the giant sword tirelessly in her training room. The heavy sword was powerful and heavy. Every time she slashed, the ground of the specially reinforced training room shook. She felt the force behind her start to move and strengthen. Ji Zi gradually stopped the movements of her own body's artificial stigmata. A blow from the big sword could withstand several attacks from other weapons, and the Nexus system that used the energy of the Honkai Furnace could even make Ji Zi and The lawyer-turned-Ya Yi fights hard.

However, all this comes at a price. Every sword Jizi swings is almost another destruction of her already riddled body.

Thinking of the expectation for Kiana shown on Igarashi's face just now, Himeko weakly held the giant sword. The Herrscher in the academy, a new Valkyrie with extraordinary potential at a young age, although she did not show anything unusual. However, the Valkyrie is obviously very powerful. Everyone except herself has either reached a sufficient level of strength or has sufficient potential, but she is...a defective product.

Sadness and fear filled Wuliangta Jizi's heart, but the long-term training of her mind did not make her look sad, but she had lost the motivation to continue training.


Igarashi has been watching Himeko from a distance for a while. Although the other person didn't say a word or show any expression, Igarashi could clearly feel the sadness.

Seeing Igarashi appear, Himeko was startled, but her face did not fluctuate much. She put away the sword specially designed to receive the energy of the nuclear furnace and smiled reluctantly.

What, the captain is here to inspect?

Want to become stronger?

The first words Igarashi spoke made Himeko fall into silence. The smile on her face gradually faded. Himeko finally sighed, showing obvious emotional fluctuations.

Become stronger? In order to become stronger, I have tried too many methods. I have trained like crazy, rushed to the front line of the battle, tried to improve my adaptability to Honkai energy in a high-concentration Honkai energy environment, and used high-load artificial stigmata. Now I can no longer try anything.

Looking at Himeko who seemed weak, Igarashi finally made up his mind.

I can make you stronger and extend your life.

Himeko suddenly raised her head. Originally, she only thought that Igarashi was an ordinary high school student, but destiny granted him great power. The girl named Kallen also seemed to be extremely powerful. Igarashi gradually became more and more interested in Himeko. His heart became mysterious, so when Igarashi said such words to Himeko who could no longer see any hope, Himeko didn't have much doubt.

What's the price?

Looking at Igarashi who was slightly silent, Himeko curled her lips.

With your character, if you didn't have to pay any price, you would have taken action long ago. Is this the price I have to pay?

Well, I'm going to touch your back, unclothed.

Igarashi said something serious but not serious. Himeko, who was also serious at first, narrowed her eyes and then nodded.

Okay, come on.

Whether it was true or false and she just wanted to take advantage, Himeko did not reject Igarashi. In any case, it didn't hurt to have some interesting things in her last period of time.

The sight of Miss Himeko, who was full of mature charm, half-dressed in front of him, certainly made Igarashi feel full of fluctuations in his heart, and he was ready to take action.

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