She's an idiot who wants to be loved, Karen, please.

As for Kiana's life experience, Igarashi didn't mention a word.

Although it is a day off now, and most of the students are either staying in the dormitory or hanging out in Academy City, Igarashi, the only male classmate, still attracts the attention of many people. A-level Valkyrie Himeko, Qi Yana, the others, and two girls they didn't know moved into the boys' dormitory, and the news began to spread in the academy.


After hearing the news, squad leader Fu Hua came to see the situation, but he saw a figure that he never expected to see again. Unlike Yae Sakura and Kallen's bad relationship, Fu Hua and Kallen were rivals.

Unlike Kiana, who is just an ordinary student, Fu Hua, who is the squad leader, is actually Destiny's Valkyrie. She is not fighting against Honkai Impact. Fu Hua did not become a Valkyrie voluntarily. Although her real combat power is very powerful, Destiny Most of the information about her was not disclosed to her. Fu Hua couldn't understand why Kallen could live for five hundred years.

After watching from a distance for a while, Fu Hua did not step forward to ask questions or reminisce.

Herrscher Raiden Meiyi, Herrscher Hidamaru, Mimic Herrscher Yae Sakura, and S-class Valkyrie Kallen. Not to mention others, the combat power of St. Freya Academy is already extremely terrifying. Although the three Honkai generals The girls were judged as traitors. They had no ability to control Honkaimon, but Honkai energy still gradually gathered in St. Freya Academy like a conditioned reflex.

The fourth collapse?

Igarashi frowned and looked up at the sky that was gradually becoming depressed. If St. Freya Academy collapsed, Igarashi would certainly be able to suppress it immediately, but many people in the academy would still be suppressed. The collapse of the riot can affect them and turn them into slain warriors without any sense of sanity.

St. Freya Academy is not just a place to train Valkyries. It is also a place for children who have unfortunately become Honkai energy experimental subjects to learn to master Honkai energy and return to normal life again. Those children are all orphans. Although they are not very powerful now, they have regarded St. Freya Academy as their home. Now, their home is in danger of overturning.


I know.

As soon as Kallen opened her mouth, Igarashi understood what she wanted to say. The power of law surged secretly, forcibly dispersing the high concentration of Honkai energy in the sky and nipping the budding Honkai energy.

Unfortunately, treating the symptoms does not cure the root cause.

Chapter 454 Boarding the Hyperion

Going to the Hyperion?

Yes, Kiana and the others have passed the exam. If they are fully armed, they are now qualified B-level Valkyrie. It is time for them to contact the wider world. As for the others, they are only strong but not weak.

Although he can't enjoy the life of beauties in the boys' dormitory, this unexpected situation also made Igarashi discover the hidden danger. If he stays in one place for a long time, the Herrscher will attract Honkai energy like a magnet. Originally, this is not A bad thing.

The accumulation of Honkai energy is beneficial to those who can use it, just like the spirit gathering array in the world of cultivation. However, in this world, Igarashi has not found many people who can use Honkai energy at will. People, even Herrschers and S-class Valkyries, only use them to attack.

For those beings below B-level Valkyries, the accumulation of Honkai energy is fatal.

After thinking this, Igarashi looked at Theresa and continued.

The Honkai energy attracted by the gathering of Herrschers is too dangerous for those students.

You say it as if you are not a student...

Theresa curled her lips. When the Destiny Headquarters granted Igarashi great power, Theresa felt that Igarashi's combat power was at least A level. With the addition of A level Valkyrie Himeko, S level was the strongest. Valkyrie Kallen, if this group of people comes to Hyperion, even if a Herrscher goes berserk, they can still suppress them.

Okay, you go.

You're not going?

What should I do?

Seeing Theresa asking back to him with wide eyes, Igarashi considered his words.

Well, I see you are quite lonely...

Was he pitied by Igarashi? Tsk.

Theresa curled her lips and looked at Igarashi sideways.

I am the principal of the academy, how can I leave casually? And how much resources do you think Hyperion will consume by flying for a long time? Hyperion still has to return to the Academy Gnaku at night to replenish resources and check the situation. So, although there is no People ask you to enforce tasks, but you'd better be a little more diligent, even if you are directing others.

After saying that, Teresa threw Judas's oath in front of Igarashi.

This was originally Kallen's weapon. Please give it back to her. Oh, I'm sleepy. Let's go to sleep.

Seeing Theresa yawning carelessly and turning away, Igarashi smiled.

Karen naturally has other weapons. Judas's oath, in your hands, isn't it also blooming with its brilliance?

Teresa, who always likes to emphasize her majesty, made such a lack of majesty. Her heart was certainly not as casual as she showed. Igarashi's words made her startled. She turned her head. The other party had already left, and she thought Judas's oath, which would never return to his hands again, still stood quietly on the ground.

The Herrscher has attracted the gathering of Honkai energy. For the safety of others, they now have to board the Hyperion to prevent staying in a certain place for a long time and causing Honkai energy. However, there is a faint expression on Igarashi's face. A smile appeared.

The god Siren mentioned, Honkai, Igarashi has never clearly discovered its existence. It should be something similar to the will of the world, but this god definitely does not want Honkai to be reduced to a guardian. However, in fact, apart from being unable to control Honkai Beasts and unable to mobilize Honkai Energy at will, Walter did not have many disadvantages at the time.

Now, the combination of three Herrschers allows Honkai Energy to gather independently. Then, perhaps when the Herrschers reach a certain number, the combined force can completely control Honkai Energy and replace the position of God. As long as these Herrsters all become guardians, It can change the future.

Huh, is it possible that I want to collect Herrschers in the future?

Igarashi has two ways to solve this hidden danger. One is to set up a mental barrier to block Honkai energy, but this method will cause the city outside the barrier to be eroded by Honkai energy. The other is to scatter the Herrschers. But Igarashi felt that those Herrschers and Mimetic Herrschers, whose feelings almost surpassed friendship, did not want to separate.

So, let's do this for the time being, just to speed up the speed of Kiana becoming stronger. The future that will not be destroyed is inseparable from Kiana.

Kallen is holding the Heavenly Fire Sacred Blade, Yae Sakura is wearing the Spirit Sword Sakura Fukiyuki on her waist, Hitamamaru has no weapons but can roll fireballs, Raiden Mei is holding the Miao Sword Electric Soul, and the heavily armored rabbit has a new cathode installed on it. Bronya who is a sub-cannon, Kiana who is wearing a field outfit and white training, Himeko who is wearing a core fusion outfit and is crimson, Fuhua who is wearing unknown fist gloves, these are the ones who are currently going to work with Igarashi A list of those who boarded the Hyperion on a true Valkyrie mission.

His eyes lingered on Fu Hua's gloves for a while, and Igarashi smiled and spoke to the fighting girls in front of him.

Well, let's get familiar with the environment on the Hyperion first.

Compared to the Skyfire Saint, the Spirit Sword Sakura Fukiyuki, and the unknown fist gloves, Igarashi can see that the other people's equipment is obviously weaker, but their strength is not enough to control stronger equipment. What's more, Igarashi doesn't intend to let them carry out too dangerous tasks alone. The current equipment is not strong enough, but it is suitable.

Should I call you Captain?

Kiana felt like her whole body was on fire at the thought of being able to fight right away, and she even thought about the title issue that she didn't care much about.

Just feel free to do it.

No, we are all officially Valkyrie now. There are no rules. Captain, it's better to be more serious about some things.

Fu Hua was worthy of being the squad leader. He pushed up his glasses, which seemed to reduce his presence, and stood up to educate Kiana and Igarashi with righteous words.

Igarashi reluctantly accepted Fu Hua's teachings. Igarashi was actually very curious about the squad leader in front of him. The gloves were suspected to be the Key of God and had extremely strong vitality. They were neither like the Valkyrie nor the Herrscher. The way of existence, and even getting to know Kallen, well, let’s find a chance to ask Kallen.

Then, let's take a look at the crusade mission again in an hour.

Chapter 455 B-level mission

The Hyperion was originally a war fortress built to fight Honkai. With enough time and energy, it could launch a stronger attack than an S-class Valkyrie. Igarashi was surprised to discover such a ferocious war beast. , there are very complete facilities above it, not only various training rooms for the Valkyrie to train and rest, but there is even wifi.

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