The only thing that can comfort Igarashi now is that Ais just looked at him quietly and did not speak, huh...? Looking at yourself? Igarashi found that Ais, who was originally expressionless, turned red just because she looked at him. She blushed! He even started to move slightly and hid in the shadow behind Loki.

Feeling other people's eyes looking back and forth between Aisi and himself, and the increasingly condensed atmosphere, even Jian Yulei and Mihe stepped away from each other, Igarashi knew that this was Big crisis!

Everyone, did you enjoy the party?

As the organizer, the great and timely god Apollo appeared.

A series of modifiers were added by Igarashi. Feeling the Shura field that was hidden for a moment, and looking at Apollo leading his entourage in front of him, Igarashi suddenly felt that he should help this person to save him. As a gift from God, how about giving Jacintos clothes in women's clothing?

Chapter 414 We Accept

Hey, Igarashi, hello.

Feeling the enthusiasm for him in Apollo's eyes, the little gratitude that finally arose in Igarashi's heart instantly disappeared.


Seeing Igarashi ignoring him, Apollo didn't take it seriously. You know, he is not an adventurer, but he was nicknamed Sad Love by the gods. It would be boring to get Igarashi too easily. .

I heard that you attacked my child.

As Apollo finished speaking, Jacintos, who was wrapped in a mess of bandages, stood up tremblingly. Jacintos was LV3, while Igarashi was only LV2. In the eyes of almost all gods, LV2 itself was unscathed. It was impossible to seriously injure LV3. Apollo was trying to trick people again. Disdain flashed in the eyes of the gods, but they also showed excitement as if they were watching a show.

The injuries on Jacintos were not disguised, but real injuries caused by self-inflicted wounds. In order to frame me, it was considered troublesome. Igarashi curled his lips.

Sneak attack? My Igarashi would never do such a thing.

Hestia's eyes widened, her inner disgust for Apollo reaching an unspeakable level. He was only LV3. If Igarashi was really unhappy with him, there would be no need for a sneak attack.

This is not okay. The injuries on my child make me very heartbroken, and I cannot remain silent. This is about the family's face... Hestia, will you not plead guilty no matter what?

It's useless to talk too much, ghosts will admit that kind of thing!

Apollo's face was ugly and distorted, and the despicable smile that was disproportionate to his upright appearance became deeper. The corners of his mouth raised and he said.

Then there's no other way, Hestia, I'm going to challenge you to a war game!

Apollo takes action!

Super bullying.

On the contrary, I kind of want to watch it.

Hearing Apollo's declaration, the surroundings suddenly became noisy, and the commotion of the people around him also made Apollo feel that he was supported and became more justified.

If we will hand over your family member, Igarashi.

Although she had already guessed a thing or two due to Igarashi's warning in advance, Hestia still gritted her teeth when she actually heard what the other party said.

Is this what you came here for in the first place?

Hestia, who clenched her fists and was willing to trust Igarashi with all her heart, said as she and Igarashi agreed.

No problem, we accept your proposed war game!

Although he was surprised that Hestia accepted this thing so simply that the outcome was almost certain, this did not prevent Apollo from showing a ferocious smile.

This is the result agreed by both gods - everyone, the war game is here!


The large number of gods and goddesses in the banquet cheered together and exploded.

Apply to the guild for a war game!

We still need to hold an impromptu god meeting. Call all the other gods!

I'm so excited, it's been a long time coming to this festival!

The life-and-death battle between the dependents is nothing more than a festival to the gods.

Daphne, a short-haired girl who belongs to the Apollo Familia and looks very determined, is comforting her good friend Cassandra.

I dreamed that the Lord God proposed a war game to Hestia Familia, and then we all died, all died, don't go, please don't go.

The crying girl was about to collapse. The devastating scene in her dream made her fall into despair. Once she participated, she would not be able to escape by any means. Moreover, she barely saw a more terrifying result. God... …

Daphne bit her lip. She knew that her good friend had a skill called precognitive dreams, but many times, these so-called precognitive dreams were inaccurate. However, this time, she was too excited.

Cassandra, take a deep breath, your precognitive dreams are always inaccurate, you know that.

No, I know it's never allowed.

Cassandra's crying did not stop, she choked and said.

But this time, it's so real, so real that I have to believe it. Please...

What are you two doing? Today is a good day for our Apollo Familia.

Yasintos, who was still wrapped in bandages before, was now unscathed. He was fiddling with the half-drunk bottle of injury recovery potion from the Loki Familia. When he returned to the family, he saw two people crying there. Yasintos Toss frowned unhappily. Although for a long time, Apollo only favored himself due to his intentional actions, the entire Apollo family could be said to be his potential love rivals, and these two guys were no exception. Not to mention there will be another Igarashi soon.

I'm sorry, Captain, Cassandra is not feeling well.

Daphne did not tell Cassandra's precognitive dream. Such illusory things would only arouse the other party's anger. However, everything now seems to be developing according to the precognitive dream. War games, really It’s about to begin…

There are many types of situations in war games. In addition to single combat and wheel battles, there are also group battles, siege battles, etc. I will ask Cassandra later, if things are still developing according to her precognitive dream, then... …

Not feeling well? Humph, you are indeed a rookie.

The war game is about to begin. Although the specific situation is determined by drawing lots, no matter what, the entire family should be ensured to be at its peak. However, Jacintos does not believe that to deal with Igarashi, a LV2, the entire family needs to be staked. ’s power, he doesn’t care about the status of these two LV2s.

Hyacintos walked away with a winner's smile on his face. Although Igarashi cannot be stopped from entering the Apollo family, as long as he makes the greatest contribution in this incident, Apollo-sama still values ​​​​the most. It will be myself.

Moreover, in order to win this deserved victory, Lord Apollo even used the three quotas from LV1 to LV3 to find another family member to exchange for a LV3 quota of reading the grimoire in the guild in advance. Although it is unnecessary, I will definitely not let Apollo down. Mr. Luo’s expectations.

Chapter 415 Indulgence

What he understood within a few minutes was low-level magic. This was also the level of magic learned by most people who read the grimoire. However, it took Jacintos a full half hour. When he opened his eyes again, he revealed An unstoppable smile. With such magic, he is invincible within LV3. No, even LV4 can fight.

Lord Apollo!

Looking at Jacintos who was standing respectfully in front of him, but with unconcealable excitement on his face, Apollo was startled, remembering that he had asked him to go to the guild to learn the grimoire before, and couldn't help but ask.

Understood magic?

Yes, and it is an intermediate-level magic or above. In the war game, I will definitely give you a surprise, Lord Apollo!

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