Igarashi watched the other party's performance in silence. To be honest, after knowing the kindness of Ouranos towards him, Igarashi has lost a lot of worries. All along, what he has been most afraid of is this unfathomable god. king.

Tch, they are indeed the kind of dependents of gods who like to eat and are lazy. They don't even know how to speak.

People in the lower world dare not insult the gods, because everyone knows that although the gods claim their own divine power, they are still gods. And the guy in front of him is either a fool who blindly provokes the gods, or he is instructed by other gods and can truly stand opposite the gods. , will never be a risk taker.

Tell me what you want to do. If this is a way to provoke the general, congratulations, you succeeded.

Another ant baring its teeth and claws in front of him. Although Igarashi's eyes were calm, he suddenly felt an urge to show his strength and make all the weak shut their mouths. Fortunately, he knew the real mastermind behind the scenes. Igarashi, who was not the other party, temporarily suppressed this impulse. Haha, what the other party wanted was a war game, and Igarashi was also looking forward to it.

Why would I, as a LV3 person, feel dangerous and fearful when facing a LV2 person... Impossible!

Jacintos took a deep breath and continued speaking according to his plan with the Lord God.

Since you are not convinced and are brave enough, don't be afraid of our family's invitation in the future. Let's go.

After saying that, Hyacintos simply left with the group of followers, but compared to him a few minutes ago, Hyacintos now has more of Igarashi's spiritual power. .

Did Apollo target him?

Igarashi curled his lips. He naturally knew who the young man who looked like he had the potential to dress up as a woman was, and which family he came from. As the darling of the sun god's light, he appeared in front of him. Surely it was Apollo's instruction, right?

That gender-neutral... no, it's a gay god who prefers men. It's really a headache. He obviously wants to get along well with the gods of this world.

A somewhat troubled Igarashi turned his attention to the current environment. He looked at the adventurers walking past one by one, and couldn't help but smile. The magic book will usher in Orario's era of magic. It will also create an epic story belonging to the God of Magic.

Igarashi, the Apollo Familia will hold a banquet in two days.

Returning to the ruined and golden church that he had transformed, he even applied a lot of defensive magic to the extent that it could never be broken by adventurers or monsters. However, Igarashi saw Hesti Ya Zheng frowned and looked at an invitation.

Is this unusual?

Well, as a banquet to entertain the gods, the standards will be very high, and the huge expenses will be borne by the organizer. Apollo will not do such a loss-making thing. This time he also specifically asked the participating gods to bring one or two adventures He definitely has ulterior motives, so we’d better not go.”

Hestia looked disgusted when she mentioned Apollo. That god who only looked good but had problems with his personality and sexual orientation was really not a likable character. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Hestia became. Ya quickly looked at Igarashi, and after replenishing herself with Igarashi elements several times, she finally calmed down.

Before the gods descended to the next world, they could only live in a heaven where the scenery was beautiful but without any other living beings. Ten years and a hundred years were enough, but the gods had lived for hundreds of millions of years. The unchanging scenery had long made them extremely bored. For fun , some gods choose to fight. Gods who represent concepts and laws will never die. No matter how fierce the battle is, it is just like a game. Some gods even cut off part of their own bodies and take their heads. When kicking a ball or something like that.

As for Apollo, he was different. He actually became the founder of same-sex love. Several minor gods even established a close relationship with him. Even when he came to the lower world, Apollo still did not change his hobby. , for the sake of safety, Igarashi must be kept away from Apollo.

In fact, Jacintos came to me before and expressed his malice towards me without any concealment.

Looking at Hestia's eyes widened, Igarashi continued.

Apollo may take some measures, most likely a family war. If this is really the case, then take it.

Igarashi's calm words made Hestia subconsciously want to refute. The Apollo Familia can be said to be one of the backbone Familia besides Freya Familia and Loki Familia. It has LV3 and a bunch of LV2. , it was by no means something that could be easily dealt with, but when she thought of Igarashi's god-level combat power, Hestia smiled at herself again, and it turned out that she had thought too much.

Okay, okay, I've wanted to beat that guy up for a long time, even if it's his dependents.

The excited Hestia did not expect that although Igarashi had god-level combat power, Igarashi, who had always behaved like an ordinary adventurer, would really be exposed in that kind of family war. What kind of impact will it have if the strength of common sense is there?

A battle between factions that begins by setting rules among the opponents, treating the family members as pawns, like a game on a chessboard. It is an all-out war between the opposing gods in order to carry out their divine will - a war game.

The victorious god can take away everything from the defeated god, including his wealth, his family, and even send him back to heaven, where he will never be allowed to come to the lower world again. For gods who deeply appreciate the fun of the lower world, this is the most severe punishment.

Chapter 413 Shura Field

Two days later.

One after another, handsome men and beauties in formal attire came out of the high-end carriages, and their final destination was the huge venue that people mistakenly thought was a palace - the place where the Apollo family held banquets.

This time, the special banquet of the gods allows one family member to be brought. It can be described as a heterogeneous party where gods and children intertwine.

Igarashi has experienced a lot of big scenes like this. He has even been the one at the center of the stage many times. There is nothing unnatural about it. If Hestia next to him is not also very calm, he is holding Hestia's hand now. Igarashi's hand is like a parent holding a child to a banquet.

Sorry, Hestia, Igarashi, I asked you to help me with everything from clothes to other things.

After the two of them, Mihe also appeared. The originally busy Mihe would rarely attend such a banquet, and even asked for help, just to let his child Naza show her most beautiful side to Igarashi. Since it was decided Well, Mihe doesn't mind losing a little face to create opportunities for his children.

Normally Nazha always wears simple clothes, but now she is wearing an evening dress, full of vitality and freshness, coupled with her shy and expectant expression when facing Igarashi, she is very charming.

very beautiful.

Igarashi nodded broadly, approving of Miss Naza's dress, while enduring the unpleasant force on his hand from the god.

With half-closed eyes, Nazha felt truly happy, and her tail swayed from side to side.

The thick pillars and candlesticks exude the brilliance of gold and silver, the open-air hall is extremely spacious, and the luxurious and towering grand staircase makes this a very appropriate place to hold a divine banquet.

Lord Igarashi!

The fate of the Thunder Family Clan was greeting Igarashi, which almost caused Igarashi's heartbeat to slow down for half a beat. Compared to her words revealing that she had been affected by her own laws, Igarashi was more worried about her being too close. His attitude made some two people unhappy. You know, they didn't know that Fate's most important feeling for them was not love, but loyalty.


The two glances made Igarashi's back shine.

Come in quickly, it's not a good idea to gather here.

The words of the god Mihe eased the tense atmosphere, but Nazha and Hestia no longer stared at Igarashi, but looked at Ming carefully, and Ming blinked innocently.


Jian Yulei was confused. He had no idea that the new leader of his clan would be captured by that guy Igarashi. When did it happen? Why is it that the only intersection between the two that I know about was the one where the monster gave me a gift? Could it be that his own child sacrificed himself directly to Igarashi just to express his apology?

Seeing the gaze of Mi He, who was also the fallen god of the end of the world, Jian Yulei's unhappiness almost solidified. Unlike you, I only have one outstanding LV2 girl, okay? Like fate, in my family members There is still one! Call her Chigusa. Tsk. Next time I meet Igarashi, I will bring Chigusa to see the world.

Hephaestus came, bringing with him the blacksmith girl who had sold the Fang Sword to Igarashi Goblin at the Tower of Babel, and Freya also came, bringing with him the proprietress of the Mastress of Plenty tavern. Mia.

Igarashi didn't want to know how Freya got involved with Mia, and he didn't want to know. Looking at the acquaintances walking towards him, Igarashi felt that they were ganking him! Even Mia, who doesn't have many interactions with her, is equivalent to the guardian of Xi'er and the others, which is pretty cool.

The blacksmith girl, who had become very excited when she saw Igarashi, vaguely felt that the atmosphere was not right. She seemed to be on the battlefield where a fierce battle was taking place. The shivering girl tightened her clothes and looked around in confusion. Looking around, um, why does Lord Hephaestus look so fierce, staring at her benefactor? Isn't it said that Lord Freya on the other side has always been very elegant? Why does she also look angry? And that little giant-like aunt, she must be a high-level adventurer, she has such a strong aura.

Uh...hello everyone.

A tragic smile appeared on the stiff Igarashi face. If looks could kill, he should be suffering an attack that could destroy the world...

Lord Igarashi! I am the one who sold you the weapon last time. Do you remember me? I didn't expect Lord Igarashi to know so many people.

As expected, the blacksmith girl still didn't pay much attention to the very abnormal atmosphere now. Even the other gods had retreated, but she had a silly adoring smile on her face.

Yeah, if it hadn't been for this opportunity, I really wouldn't have known that this guy was so popular.

Although the wording was nothing special, Hestia's tone at this time was full of gloom. She originally thought that her opponents were Seele and Hephaestus, plus the latecomer Lily, but she didn't expect it now. There are far more enemies than that. When did Freya get involved with Igarashi? With that guy's fighting power, even Freya might not be able to be charming, right? So, it’s mutual love, right?

Hey, there are a lot of people here, I'm here to join in the fun.

Loki also brought Ais over. Hestia saw that Hestia was in a bad mood at the moment and had a wild smile on her face. Although I don't know what happened, as long as Little Bean is unhappy, I will be happy.

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