After taking a look at the uninvited guest who had no equipment or weapons and was just dressed as a waiter, the adventurer roared.

Stop gesticulating here and get out of here...

Stop yelling. I really don't want to be violent because I don't know how to control it.

Perhaps frightened by the cold tone, or frightened by the sharp gaze, the originally aggressive adventurer suddenly froze. He tried to use force against Igarashi, but was pushed back by Liu.

Thank you, Miss Liu.

Igarashi looked at the adventurer who was scared away speechlessly. Could it be that in his eyes, he was not as intimidating as the slender and beautiful Lyu? Although Lyu, a hidden LV4 adventurer, is indeed a strategic weapon.

No way, it's me who's meddling in other people's business.

Facing Igarashi, Lyu no longer maintained a cold expression. Unfortunately, the face that was biased towards Sanmu did not show any friendly expressions such as a smile.

Xie'er will be worried if you are injured, so please be careful.

Uh, I understand.

Then I'll take my leave.

When it was over, he brushed off his clothes and hid his identity and name. He didn't expect Liu to be such a good person.

After taking a look at the little girl who was obviously saved by him but ran away without even saying a word of thanks, hiding in the dark and watching the sword he just bought, Igarashi shook his head slightly and turned to leave.

You can't go to the dungeon tomorrow.

Despite the seriousness revealed in Igarashi's words, Hestia still persisted.

No, Hephaestus is my divine friend, and you are my family. How can I watch you put yourself in danger!

You should know that once a god is found to be using his divine power privately, he will be sent back to heaven. If Hephaestus is alone, I still have some ways to cover it up. If you are added to the mix, the risk is too great. Don't worry. There won't be any danger. The gods who liberate divine power should be invincible in the lower world, right?

Igarashi persuaded Hestia seriously, but he had his own selfish motives. Even if the worst case scenario happened, it would just be Hephaestus being sent back to heaven. Hestia would not lose anything, and , thinking of the god who seemed to be suppressing something, located in the center of Orario, Igarashi felt that the dungeon might not be as simple as Hestia imagined.

Hestia is a god herself, so she naturally understands the huge gap between gods and adventurers like heaven and earth. Even adventurers can explore dungeons. If the gods go there in person, there should be no danger. At this time But Hestia had forgotten the rule that prohibited gods from entering the dungeon. No, maybe she had not forgotten. She just felt that this was just to protect the dungeon from being destroyed by lawless gods.

Then you must come back within one day, otherwise, I will find you at all costs!

Hephaestus is her best friend, and Igarashi is her only family. If these two guys disappear at the same time, Hestia will really go crazy.

Within one day...

Just going to the deep levels of the dungeon will take a lot of time, and going back and forth will take twice as long. Well, when you come back, you can use the portal to teleport to a remote place on the first level, but even so, the time in one day is a bit tight. You know, it will take more than half a month for the Loki Familia to go on an expedition to the deep.

Three days, trust me, give me three days and nothing will happen.

Igarashi set up a FLAG, and he himself was aware of this, but with his own strength and a god with liberating power, everything will be fine, right?


Hestia stared at Igarashi closely, and after a long time, she lowered her head slightly.

If something bad really happens, I...

Nothing will happen!

Three days, I will wait.

It was obvious that he was just repairing his own weapon, so why was it like he was parting from life and death now? Igarashi curled his lips and quickly changed the subject.

So, let's have a little big meal tonight?

Have a big meal...Do you want to go find Xi'er again?!

Hestia's eyes narrowed, and she raised her head sharply, her eyes full of scrutiny. She suddenly felt that compared to tomorrow's unknown journey to the dungeon, Xi'er, the enemy that had been revealed, was the biggest enemy. The threat.

Well, let's eat at home and I'll cook.

Home...hey hey.

A word that Igarashi said subconsciously made Hestia fall into a giggle. Seeing Hestia's posture, Igarashi knew that when it came time to really choose, even if he gave up the glory Sword, but also to ensure the safety of yourself and Hephaestus.

Chapter 377 Pharmacist is a road with no future

Looking at the adventurer in front of him who was wrapped in layers of well-made armor, Igarashi was dumbfounded. Although the words of the blacksmith or the clan to which he belonged were mostly engraved on the inside of the equipment, Igarashi could be sure based on this quality alone. , all the masterpieces of the famous family in Orario.

Are you Hephaestus?

Yes, let's go to the dungeon.

The sound of urn and qi came from the armor. Although the difference was not small, Igarashi could barely determine by the tone that it was the god Hephaestus who was in the armor.

So well prepared...

Don't you know that such equipment is too conspicuous?

Compared with other adventurers, Hephaestus's disguise not only greatly increases her defense, but also greatly enhances her sense of presence. Not everyone can possess such sophisticated equipment. Yes, even many people have never seen it. Just talking to Hephaestus for a few words, Igarashi can feel the eyes of countless people looking at him. However, now that the magician’s robe covers his whole body, he still Igarashi, who covered most of his face with a hood, was not recognized by anyone.

But at least no one will recognize him, right? Let's go. Once we go deeper into the dungeon, we'll be less likely to run into adventurers.

After all, there were too few high-level adventurers in Orario. Thinking of the once glorious Zeus Familia and Hera Familia, Hephaestus sighed worriedly.

I didn't ask Hestia to come over, I'm sorry.

It's okay. If she really comes here, I will stop her.

After entering the dungeon without saying a word in order to hide from others, Igarashi and Hephaestus began to talk, just like walking on the streets of Orario. Hephaestus was not an adventurer and had no knowledge of the dungeon. How much sense of crisis it was, I didn’t realize it until a few minutes later.

Aren't you a warrior? Why did you become a magician? I won't release my divine power until deep down, otherwise I will still be discovered. Can you deal with the monsters along the way?

Igarashi's Sword of Glory had been kept by Hephaestus, who was researching ways to repair it. Hephaestus could confirm that if it corresponded to the gods, it was a weapon used by the god of war, but Wu Julan now seems intent on playing the role of a magician along the way.

Don't worry, leave it to me.

As if to prove it, Igarashi stretched out his hand towards the several goblins that rushed over, and the small fireball quickly condensed into shape and blasted towards the monsters.


Hephaestus watched silently as the goblins screamed and turned into ashes in the flames. Although Hephaestus was surprised that Igarashi had mastered magic, the strength of the magic in front of him was only LV2 at most. Hephaestus Si suddenly became worried. The depth that Igarashi thought was not only a dozen layers.

Tsk, what's that look in your eyes! Do you want me to use some high-level magic to deal with the goblins?!

Feeling the doubt revealed by the gap in the full-coverage helmet, Igarashi almost roared. This was the second time. Yesterday, he was underestimated by an adventurer. Igarashi could still use the excuse of his ignorance to comfort himself. Now Heffy Stos clearly knows his general strength from his Sword of Glory, why is he still like this? !

Because, the stronger the magic power, the stronger the magic that is activated. Magic is an ability that continues to get stronger as the adventurer's level increases, and there are only three at most. He silently complained in his heart, and Hephaestus is no better. I don't stick to this, anyway, Igarashi is a warrior-level warrior.

Let's go. You probably don't know much about the dungeon yet. I'll lead the way.

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