If anyone still asks, tell them that I have talents that can be upgraded quickly.

Igarashi's nonchalant look made Eina's eyes widen.

Quick upgrade? And this kind of skill? You have to think clearly, the guild will not help you cheat.


Anyway, the gift on his back is just his own disguise. As long as he is willing, he can create skills, magic, etc. and quickly upgrade them. As he spoke, the gift on Igarashi's back has changed. Not only has the level become LV2. , even the skill column has a few more lines.

Chapter 375 The courage of the new blacksmith

Any weapon on this level costs tens of millions of Valis, and even cheaper equipment costs millions. Although their quality is indeed excellent, it pales in comparison to Igarashi's inventory. If anything, these equipments are at most the legacy level in the King of the Undead world, which is far from the epic level or even the artifact level.

It's better to go where you originally planned to take me.

For Igarashi, who has not yet been able to explore deep dungeons, it is not a wise choice to spend a lot of Wallis to buy a piece of equipment that is not powerful enough.


Igarashi's choice made Eina smile slightly, because if Igarashi purchased these powerful and precious equipment, then the gifts he had carefully selected before would be a bit hard to give away, and the value would be different. Too big.

The works sold here are all the works of novice blacksmiths. Even if they are sold cheaply, as long as they can get good reviews from buyers, it is a good deal for them who are just starting out.

Only actual combat can test the quality of equipment. Everyone in Orario firmly believes in this. For example, the equipment of high-level adventurers in the Loki Familia and Freya Familia are all made by the famous Hephaestus Familia. Tailor-made by the blacksmith, adventurers can become stronger because of high-level equipment. The blacksmith will become famous because high-level adventurers use his equipment.

In Orario, where there are many races, there are people of all skin colors and shapes. On the contrary, black hair and black eyes are relatively rare. In addition, compared with the rugged adventurers, they have a gentle temperament and appearance. Igarashi was quickly recognized.

Being able to deal with the LV1 monster group and single-kill LV2 Milotauros, the new blacksmiths seem to see their own glorious future. As long as he uses his own equipment and recognizes his own equipment, even if it stops at LV2, he can do it. He must be famous among the LV1 and LV2 adventurers who make up the vast majority of Orario, not to mention, Igarashi is almost destined to become the first level adventurer.

Mr. Igarashi! You use a long sword, right? This sword of mine is forged by the fusion of several goblin fangs. It can definitely be your help. It only costs one thousand Valis. Please be sure to buy it. !”

A clever forger ran up to Igarashi holding a dark gray long sword and started selling it with an enthusiastic attitude, as if Igarashi would make a lot of money once he bought it. , however, even the Goblin fangs purchased by the guild cost 500 Wallis each. This long sword made of several fangs should at least count even if other materials and forging costs are not included. Thousands of Wallis.

This blacksmith was already risking her life, and her actions made the blacksmiths who originally wanted to sell it to Igarashi hesitate. This was a huge gamble, and other new blacksmiths who were financially strapped, backed down.

An ordinary girl with long dark brown hair. In terms of appearance, she is not actually beautiful, just delicate. However, in terms of courage and courage, she has surpassed most people.

Igarashi didn't want to choose any equipment at first. Even if he couldn't openly use the magic equipment in the world of the King of the Undead just in case, there were a bunch of standard long swords from before. However, Igarashi took a look at this time. Although there was a smile on his face, the blacksmith, who was already trembling nervously, looked at the blacksmiths gathered around, who were ready to sell their equipment if Igarashi refused.

How many goblin fangs does this sword use?


In this case, plus the fine steel and forging costs incorporated into it, the original price should be around 6,000 Valis, right?

Yes, yes, it was indeed six thousand Wallis originally...

However, this sword is only made from the drops of LV1 monsters, and its strength is only in the LV1 range. It is likely to be damaged when used against LV2 monsters. Although it is considered a high-quality product at this stage, the price is not that of an ordinary LV1 sword. What adventurers can afford, this is the highest level work of the girl blacksmith, but unfortunately, it cannot be sold.

If it weren't for her financial constraints, the young blacksmith would even want to give the sword to Igarashi directly. However, if she gave it away, she would really have to eat dirt. If she had a thousand Valis, she could still barely make ends meet. Work hard to forge the next piece of equipment and make money.

This is six thousand wallis, I bought it.

After paying the money, Igarashi unexpectedly saw the surprised but eager expressions of other blacksmiths, who seemed to regard themselves as a potential fat sheep.

I think this sword is good. Keep up the hard work. Eina, I've bought the equipment. Let's go.

Igarashi took Eina's hand and left quickly. If he didn't leave, he would be surrounded by a group of blacksmiths. By then, even if the equipment of a novice blacksmith was not expensive, it would cost at least tens of thousands of watts. Leith.

Are you attracted to her?

Being pulled by Igarashi all the way away from the Tower of Babel, Eina's eyes became a little deeper.


It's just that he wanted to help her a little bit. It was not a pity from the superior to the inferior, but a proper response to the bold attempt of the blacksmith.

Besides, this sword is really good.

Goblin's fangs are actually not suitable for sharp weapons. Compared with sharpness, Goblin's fangs are more obvious in that they are strong. However, a strong weapon is exactly what Igarashi needs.

It's up to you, Igarashi, this is for you.

Taking out the emerald green gauntlet that she had prepared long ago and had always hidden, Eina handed it to Igarashi.

The gift I gave you, please use it well. It's for yourself. It's really hard to tell when the adventurer will die. I don't want to see you disappear. Haha, after all, it's for myself. Bar.

Eina, whose expression gradually turned sad, realized that her words had made the atmosphere a little depressed, and quickly changed the topic.

Thank you, don't worry, I won't die that easily.

No, you're welcome.

Until now, Eina seemed to have remembered what she had done, the overly close attitude with Igarashi, and the companionship that was just like a date. Eina, who had always presented herself as a generous sister, Ina, her tone finally changed.

Chapter 376 Help

The ambiguous atmosphere did not continue, and Eina left first as if she had given up. Although it was still some time before dark, if she went to explore the dungeon now, she would not gain anything except a few magic crystals. , why not go back here? Tomorrow Hephaestus will go to the dungeon to release her divine power. It won’t be on the first few floors. With the power of the Hephaestus family, they must have mastered the map information for at least ten floors. Just follow her.


Igarashi was walking through the intersection at a not too fast speed, but he was hit by a person who was running by quickly. If it was not unintentional, he just wanted to use the impact to divert attention and steal something. He looked at it and was disturbed by the impact. The petite girl who lost her rhythm and fell to the ground, as well as the angry-looking adventurer behind her, Igarashi was sure that this was indeed unintentional.

I won't let you escape again! You bastard little human!

The originally decent-looking facial features of the chasing adventurer became hateful because of his ferocious expression. From the perspective of a bystander, it now looked like an adventurer bullying an innocent little girl. If If Igarashi knew roughly what this little girl did.

Seeing the adventurer draw his weapon and attack the little girl, Igarashi sighed, took out the fang sword he just bought, and blocked his attack.

Igarashi's actions made the adventurer's expression change. After a stalemate for a while, he realized that he was not as powerful as his opponent, so he directly put the sword back into its scabbard.

What do you want to do? Are you an accomplice of this guy?

Although Igarashi became famous due to the Monster Festival riots, it was still not a household name.


Then why help her?

I think even if she makes any mistakes, she can't be punished with death, right?

And you said you were not her accomplice!

There were no pedestrians in the remote alley. The adventurer once again drew his weapon, intending to teach the person in front of him a little lesson.

Please stop, people wielding swords and swords on the street are really unfair.

The tavern waiter, the elf girl Lyu, appeared at the right time carrying fresh ingredients.

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