Special bloodline? Heroic bloodline?

Many years ago, in an era called ancient times, monsters were rampant in the lower world where gods did not appear. It was the heroes holding weapons forged by fairies who guarded everything. If they were people with heroic bloodlines with various characteristics, It makes sense that he cannot accept the favor of the gods, although there is no precedent for this before.

No, although you seem to have good potential, you are so weak that you fainted at the door of my house. How can you go to the dungeon without weapons forged by fairy spirits?

Hestia shook her head firmly. Although Igarashi's conditions sounded very tempting, Hestia couldn't let the other party die.

Please come with me and I will prove it to you.

Igarashi led the doubtful Hestia all the way out of the basement to the church on the ground. Then he passed through the dilapidated door of the church and stood on the deserted ground full of ruin-like stones. He raised his feet. Step lightly on the ground.


After countless years of exposure to wind and sun, the soil turned into what it is now. A depression with a radius of one meter was dug out like tofu, with hideous cracks left around it.

I am considered to be extremely talented. I shouldn't have any problem dealing with ordinary monsters in the dungeon, right?

Looking in surprise at the results created by Igarashi's actions that clearly left some room for effort, Hestia blinked. The lower world, except for the records in the biography that has been praised by others, has not been there for a long time. A being who is not an adventurer, but has power that is not inferior to that of an adventurer. Of course, except for gods. And Igarashi, this guy who suddenly appears, breaks common sense. Moreover, he is a human with some inherent deficiencies compared to other races. .

Hestia, who has self-proclaimed divine power, can only see how extraordinary Igarashi is now. As for the extent of extraordinaryness, she does not know. Igarashi's request is very strange. He wants to enter the dungeon without accepting the favor. This This kind of behavior is tantamount to fraud. Fraud sets the rules. The guild that manages the dungeon has the gods behind it. However, looking at Igarashi's sincere eyes, Hesti was almost discouraged and finally saw hope. Ya took a deep breath and smiled.

Although I can't grant you any favors, I already regard you as my family, Igarashi.

I see.

The main stage of this world is the labyrinth city called Orario, and the center of this city, the dungeon full of monsters and adventures. Now that he is here, Igarashi naturally wants to go to the dungeon. Although he is currently He said that he let Hestia bear the risk, but Igarashi can guarantee that in the future, this risk will be turned into benefits.

Huh? Why did Favor suddenly appear on your back?

Seeing the divine words symbolizing favor appearing on Igarashi's back, Hestia was surprised, but was later replaced by surprise. Could it be that Igarashi is not unable to accept favors, but is just a little slow in accepting them?

Sorry, these are just my little tricks, just words.

Controlling the words of God to dissipate and reappear, Igarashi smiled apologetically at the surprised Hestia.

Small means...

Hestia opened her mouth and watched Igarashi hesitate to speak. Even though the divine power was sealed, the god's vision has not disappeared. Small tricks that can deceive the gods...

Well, I understand.

Hestia smiled again and took Igarashi back and forth to visit the small church where she lived with a cheerful expression.

He is recognized by me and recognized by my family. I will completely trust him. Even if he makes a mistake, I will bear it with him.

Chapter 360 Entering the Dungeon

The gods in this world are a little weird, at least Hestia is a little weird.

Watching Hestia, the god who went to work for ordinary humans, leave, Igarashi took a deep breath and took steps.

Whether it was to repay his kindness or to take care of this girl who was willing to believe in him even if she behaved abnormally, Igarashi did not want Hestia to use the body of a god to work for ordinary humans. However, there is no such thing now Wallis himself, the world's unique currency, has no reason to stop using this as his current only source of income.

The labyrinth city of Orario has no mayor or ruler. Those responsible for maintaining order are the dependents of the gods, and the representative among them is called the guild. In order to show neutrality and not be granted favors by the gods, they completely give up force, at least openly. Such a family member is also the manager of the underground city.

Orario is circular, and in the center of the circle is a towering building with overwhelming majesty. This is the lid of the underground city labyrinth, called the Tower of Babel.

The hall made of white marble is quite grand, but except for a few receptionists standing in the window, there are no people. It is almost noon now, and we have missed the peak period in the morning when adventurers enter the underground city through the Tower of Babel. The time when the first adventurers return due to fatigue or full harvest.

The person who received Igarashi was a woman with brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a pair of glasses that should not have any prescription. She was not a human. Her pointed ears revealed her identity as an elf. This woman named Eina Zul The receptionist, after several inquiries, confirmed that Igarashi, a new adventurer who seemed to have great potential, was the first and only member of the newly created Hestia Familia, Wei Wei felt a little pity, but also Not much was said.

Then, I will be the advisor to guide you as a new adventurer. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Now, are you going to the dungeon? Look like this?

Eina looked at the person in front of her with questioning eyes. It was extremely ordinary. One look showed that there were no defensive clothes, and there were no weapons on his back and waist. This guy with bare hands was going to venture into the dungeon like this?

I only plan to go to the first floor. There shouldn't be any danger on the first floor, right? I want to collect something useful. You know, as a member of the Newborn Familia, I need to take responsibility.

Igarashi's face was full of righteousness, and his eyes revealed his longing and pursuit for the future. This was the performance of an adventurer with extremely upright views. As an employee of the guild, Ai, who knew a little bit about Hestia's information, Ina was deeply affected by Igarashi's performance, and her eyes softened a lot in an instant.

In that case, you promise me not to go to floors other than the first floor.

I promise that I will never take risks without being very sure and fully prepared.

Igarashi's sonorous and powerful promise made Eina nodded and gave him a pass.

Huh, God Hestia also has a family. She is still a young man with great potential. It's really difficult for him. He has to shoulder the important task of developing the family... I will give him one during my vacation in a few days. Armor, don’t let me die like the adventurers I was responsible for before growing up.”


The dungeon is not so dark that you can't see your fingers. In fact, this is the first level that almost every adventurer has to set foot on. Not only are there not many monsters left, but even the shortcut to the entrance to the second level has been taken countless times. After a long time, today, we once again welcomed a new person.

Igarashi, who was unarmed and without any equipment, unexpectedly attracted the attention of the adventurers who were walking on this inevitable road. However, he looked back after a moment. The new adventurers who were full of longing for the dungeon had seen him. A lot of it, even the former self, but now, has become a little numb.

The dungeon only has adventurers and supporters from different races, such as dwarves, gnomes, elves, Amazons and various half-human races. There will be no gods, because the guild that manages the dungeon has prohibited gods with divine power from entering since a long time ago. This is also a rule set by the gods.

There should be a map on the first floor. Although it is precious information, a map of an almost worthless place like the first floor can only be purchased at a certain price. Unfortunately, Igarashi does not have it.

Following the dark passage step by step, Igarashi stopped until there was no one else around and the howling of goblins could even be heard faintly.

The vast spiritual power, with Igarashi as the center and origin, began to spread to all directions, one meter, one hundred meters, ten thousand meters.

When it reached the level of 10,000 meters, the walls of the quiet and monster-free passage where Igarashi was originally began to squirm strangely, as if alive, and as many as two digits of goblins appeared howling and rushed towards them. To Igarashi.


After just running a few steps, the goblin was still a long way from Igarashi. The goblin suddenly stopped and then exploded as if it was crushed by an invisible force. There was no blood or flesh, only the black light that suddenly dissipated and the ground. What remains are extremely small cyanotic crystals.

My own mental power seems to have caused the first level of resistance?

After taking a look at the wall where the monster suddenly appeared before and now fell into silence, Igarashi sighed and withdrew his mental power, picked up a crystal on the ground and studied it carefully.

This is something that the guild can acquire in large quantities without any upper limit, and it is also something that almost every monster in the dungeon will drop. Magic crystals. As the strength of monsters increases, the size and quality of the magic crystals will also vary. I stared at it for a while. This crystal was less than the size of a fingernail. Igarashi threw it away without interest. Although it could be exchanged for a little Wallis, it was really just a little. Instead of spending time collecting this insignificant and tiny magic crystal, it was better to Go deeper.

Igarashi did promise to Eina before that he would not go deep into the dungeon without being completely prepared and confident. However, this Goblin is far inferior to ordinary people. He is the weakest Goblin in the LV1 level. , let Igarashi have a little understanding of the power system of this world. Now, he is fully confident, ready? I'm in such good shape now, so of course I'm well prepared.

Chapter 361 Lucky Man

Thin blue walls and ceilings that fill the field of vision, forks, crossroads, downhill slopes, all kinds of roads are scattered neatly and orderly on the first floor, a maze. Just the first floor is a dizzying maze. .

Although the mental power that had previously extended to 10,000 meters away was withdrawn as a precaution, the stairs from the first floor to the second floor had been discovered by Igarashi, so he moved forward very purposefully.

Goblins, kobolds, and Igarashi have only encountered such low-level monsters so far. Although LV2 level monsters will not appear in the dungeon until more than ten floors later, even if other monsters appear, it will not be enough for Igarashi. Not worth mentioning.

Magic crystals are the core of monsters. Once peeled off or broken, the monsters will collapse and disappear. However, the guild will not collect the destroyed magic crystals. It must defeat the monsters while saving its own life, and it must also ensure that the magic crystals are as safe as possible. The integrity of the crystal is not an easy task for most adventurers, and the path Igarashi walked left behind the magic crystals scattered all over the ground. For low-level adventurers, That is, it is nothing less than a treasure for an adventurer at level 1.

This, so many magic crystals?

How is that possible? Why are there so many monsters on the first floor?

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