Chapter 358 Gods

Although traveling across worlds is incredible, under the guidance of the system, it should be smooth sailing.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The place where Igarashi is now is full of energy to a terrifying level. The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. There is no war or dispute, no pollution and impurities. The paradise, fairyland, heaven, everything here is incomparably in line with the description in the book. The reverie of these words.


The originally peaceful world suddenly erupted with waves of terror, as powerful as hell, and the transition from heaven to hell was nothing more than this.

One share, a dozen shares, dozens of shares.

Igarashi no longer cares about the beautiful scenery here. Not long ago, he eliminated the darkness and split the stars with a blow. There is no doubt that he is in a bad state. Although the master of these auras has not shown any hostility for the time being, he still retreated first. wonderful.

boom! ! !

There are at least two spaces in this world. One is the space where Igarashi is now, where there are terrifying and powerful people, and the other is under his feet.

Forcibly cheering up, Igarashi controlled his already exhausted body and punched the invisible barrier at his feet. The invisible energy filled with law and reason recoiled, and cracks visible to the naked eye began to appear on the barrier. There is also a powerful aura approaching here at a terrifying speed.

Just now, there should have been a strange smell here, right?

Several powerful figures arrived, looking a little horrified at the empty surroundings and the gradually healing barriers.

Exactly, I thought it was a new god, but a new god wouldn't have such power, right?

What should I do? He went to the lower world.

Oh, so many idle and bored guys have gone to the lower realms claiming to have magical powers. One more person is not more, and one less person is not a lot.

But he is not self-proclaimed. Having such a strong fighting power is not a good thing for the lower world.

Don't worry, there are so many gods in the lower world, it won't be a problem. Hey, I thought there was something interesting going on, but who knew he was so anxious to leave. I'm not a bad person. It's boring, boring! After a while, the heaven will remain the same. If so, I will also declare myself a god and go to the lower world.

Looking at the indifferent god friend in front of him, a god with the power of insight was a little confused. Should he tell him that the guy who just broke the barrier of heaven had no divine power, no divine body, and no divine personality. He was more like a god than a god. People, even if they go to the lower world, will be regarded as adventurers. Well, it shouldn't be an important thing, right? The person just now had a strong aura of order.

Ding, the goal of this world is to create your own myth.

The voice of the system rang in his mind. It took Igarashi a long time to get rid of his hazy state and opened his eyes.

Eh? You finally woke up.

The glossy black hair just covers her ears and is combed into waist-length twin tails. She looks like a slightly immature girl, but she has an European style that is almost arrogant in the world. The beautiful girl standing next to Igarashi is so impressed. A fantasy-like feeling.


For Igarashi, who has become increasingly weak due to forceful use of power, this beautiful girl who has suppressed her extraordinary qualities is a dangerous existence. However, after seeing the appearance of this beautiful girl, her clothes, and the lingering breasts... With the blue ribbon in front of him, Igarashi already understood who was in front of him and which world this was.


Hey, hehe, it's nothing. I was shocked when I saw you lying in front of my house before. I didn't expect that you didn't have any injuries on your body. You seemed to be unconscious from force.

Although he had been observing for a day, Hestia was still looking at the person in front of her with eager eyes. Such a flawless body, such a perfect appearance, coupled with the temperament he showed after he woke up, behind him, Nothing, no favors, hey hey, if he becomes his family, not only will he be able to have enough food and clothing, but that guy Hephaestus will also be stunned.

A long time ago, God came to the lower world where people lived in order to seek excitement, and then made a decision to live in this lower world forever, decided to seal God's power, and committed himself to an embarrassing and inconvenient environment. There is only one thing that can be given to the people, which is called favor and the power to fight monsters. The people who gain this power will become the dependents of that god, and the dependents will stand next to Igarashi. To the god girl Hestia, they are family.

My name is Igarashi.

Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet, Hestia, I am a god~

Dilapidated walls, dilapidated furniture, dilapidated rooms, the divine girl in such an environment said with a show off look, and after a moment, stared at Igarashi with some anticipation.

You are not an adventurer and you haven't accepted the favor yet, right?

No need for Hestia to continue talking, Igarashi knew her intention. Accepting God's favor is actually becoming God's servant. Although most gods in this world do not think so, the favor comes from The power of gods and adventurers can only be improved by renewing their favor. From the moment they accept the favor of gods, the fate of adventurers is almost completely tied to the gods. Even if they convert, they will just change their gods.

I am not born to accept favors...

How could it be? Impossible.

Before Igarashi could finish speaking, Hestia shook her head firmly and then began to seduce Igarashi.

Hey, don't you want to become a legendary adventurer? How about accepting my favor? Become my family. You have great potential. You will definitely become a hero.

If you don't believe it, come and try it.

Igarashi's combat power is not inferior to Hestia's. The law of supremacy of strength will not allow Igarashi to become Hestia's servant. The goals, myths, and gods' servants mentioned by the system before awakening are The quality of the myths created by the gods themselves should be completely different.

You agreed? That's great.

Not believing what Igarashi said at all, Hestia bit her finger with joy and dropped a drop of divine blood on Igarashi's exposed back after lifting up his clothes.

Just like all ordinary people who accept the grace of gods and become adventurers, a sacred and noble light appeared, but the light dimmed at a faster speed, and the blood of God also disappeared strangely after trembling.

The crystallization of the wisdom of countless gods, able to ignore the favor of the race and grant failure.

Chapter 359 Disguise


Hestia blinked in disbelief, her bulging eyes looked around on Igarashi's back, and she poked it with her hand disbelievingly.

Eh eh eh?!

Looking at Hestia who looked sad after finding out that she really couldn't grant the gift, Igarashi suddenly felt that he was a heinous devil who was playing tricks on the gods, so he spoke half-comfortingly and half-seriously.

Well, although I can't accept your favor, if you need any help in the future, feel free to come to me.

Hestia was driven out of her family's territory by her god friend Hephaestus because she was waiting to die and not making progress. She had been in the underground of this small church for many days. These days, she originally had a high level of vision. She is not a pure-hearted person who doesn't want those with outstanding qualifications. She has even given up on checking qualifications and only looks for good people who are kind-hearted.

After knowing that Hestia was just a god who had just descended to the realm and did not have any family, resources or territory, even though the people Hestia found were simple and kind-hearted, Hestia's situation was really not conducive to their future. Development was politely rejected.

Originally, Hestia had almost given up. Recruiting Familia was impossible. There would never be any Familia in this life. She had no resources and no territory. She could only work part-time and eat in a small church until death. .

However, Hestia, who had fallen into decadence, suddenly saw a human being fainted at the door of the dilapidated church where she lived. She originally took care of him out of kindness, but found that this human being was among all the people in the lower world that she had seen. It is also a unique existence in the world, and the most important thing is that this treasure does not belong to the dependent family of any god.

This was a surprise, and this surprise increased a thousand times after Hestia heard that the other party was willing to become her family member. The strong sense of happiness almost made Hestia faint. However, it was obviously okay. I picked up the treasure easily, took care of him, and gave him gifts. I obviously did everything. Why did it become like this?

don't want!

After hearing Igarashi's words, Hestia, who was afraid that the other party would leave just like that, grabbed his clothes and pursed her lips, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Looking at the pitiful Hestia, Igarashi pondered a little.

Maybe it's because I have a special bloodline that I can't become your dependent. However, I heard that if you don't accept the favor and become an adventurer, the guild will not allow you to enter the dungeon. Lord God, why don't you let me become your nominal dependent? , In this way, I can enter the dungeon, and in return, I will assume the obligations of a family member.

Kami-sama is an honorific title. Originally, it would be a bit unnatural for Igarashi to say this title that lowers his status. However, if the other party is the beautiful girl Kami who picked him up, he will have no grudges.

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