

This explanation... Igarashi took a few deep breaths to calm down his irritable mood. He had already seen the energy hidden in Xiao An's body. The reason why he asked Nemesis was to find a solution once and for all. As a result, Nemesis gave himself a neutral and general answer. If Nemesis hadn't been a beautiful girl, Igarashi, who had spent most of the day, would have exploded now.

Hahaha, well, I'm very happy today. Goodbye.

Having said this, Nemesis ran away with a hearty laugh as if a great revenge had been avenged.

Standing on the spot, Igarashi, who was originally showing anger, quietly looked at his experience points in the system panel. After knowing how to obtain experience points and taking relevant actions, that value should increase steadily, but now, The increase is getting smaller and smaller. It seems that it is almost reaching the upper limit.

Chapter 355 darkness

Since Igarashi stepped in and broke the ice in the relationship between Xiao An and Tia Yu, Xiao An can finally talk to Tia Yu normally. Unfortunately, he wants to go back to the way he treated Tia Yu when he was a child. Attachment, but it can no longer be done.

Xiao An, come here too, let's play together.

Okay, I'll go later.

Really? See you later.

In the swimming pool exclusively for girls, several female classmates were happily inviting Xiao An, who was sitting on the edge of the pool, to swim with them. Seeing this, Xiao An's expressionless face showed a few smiles and did not refuse.

Those two are quarreling again.

There seems to be a saying on earth that the more you quarrel, the better the relationship will be.

Kurosaki Mea, like Xiao An, has integrated into the campus life of Ainan High School. Perhaps because they are both transformed weapons, they have a good relationship. Seeing Nana arguing with Meng Meng not far away, she didn't think so. meaning.

Hey, as expected of Sister Xiao An, she is really amazing, but in that case, we hardly have any quarrels, don't we have a good relationship?

That's not necessarily the case.

That's right, hehehe.

We just became sisters, maybe we'll do this kind of thing in the future.

It was clear that Kurosaki Maaya had given up, but Xiao An overturned her words. Sister, no matter what purpose Kurosaki Maaya had in approaching her, now Xiao An has truly regarded her as her own sister.

“It is precisely because we are the people around us that opposition and understanding arise.”

That's right. Whether it's a weapon or a person, it's all the same in this regard.

Before, I thought I was a weapon and it would be weird to stay here all the time, but...

Xiao An paused for a moment, glanced at Kurosaki Mea beside him, and another figure appeared in his mind.

Meiya, you have cleared away the haze in my heart.


You are very similar to me. Seeing you living in this city, interacting with people and being accepted by people, I understand... No, it is confirmed again. In this city, whether it is weapons or Humans or aliens, it is foolish to dwell on trivial matters. In this city, the people living here can accept us.

There was always a slight smile on Xiao An's face, and she turned her head to look into Kurosaki Mea's eyes, which were also smiling brightly.

We can stay here.

Yeah, that's right.

Light, golden brilliance suddenly began to emanate from the small dark body.

Sister Xiao An?

Kurosaki Mea thought Xiao An was going to do something, but when she saw the look of fear on her face, her heart trembled.


Violent energy erupted from Xiao An's body. The non-targeted energy aftermath did not do much harm to Kurosaki Mea, who had a high combat power. However, the rest of the energy spread unabated and was about to impact not far away. An average student swimming.


Like water splashing into the soil, the tsunami-like violent energy disappeared silently when faced with the sudden appearance of the transparent protective shield.

Igarashi, who was in physical education class with the boys, gradually narrowed the mental barrier he released until he enveloped Xiao An alone, and created an illusion that encompassed the entire school, allowing all irrelevant personnel to leave.

The humanoid weapon Eve, the transformation of darkness.


Kurosaki Meaya's pupils shrank, looking at Nemesis standing on the roof in the distance, her heart trembled, she really didn't want the master to do anything bad now that Sister An was in an abnormal situation, Kurosaki Sakuya feels that once this happens, she will never be able to look back, and she will disappear if she finally finds a place that accepts her.

Meia? You mean master? Nemesis, where is she?

Mengmeng and Nana came to Kurosaki Mea and Xiao An, looking around with wary expressions.

Hey, isn't it right there...

Even ordinary people can clearly see the distance between their master and themselves. Why can't Mengmeng and Nana notice it? Nemesis froze as soon as he said the ordinary words, and the dark and deep fog, It suddenly appeared and floated around her.

You and I are different from Golden Shadow. Don't worry, Yaya. What I am doing now is for the future of the three of us.

The color of Yaya's hair...


Mengmeng and Nana finally noticed something strange about Kurosaki Meaya. Their words also made Xiao An, who was struggling in pain, turn his head and look at Kurosaki Meaya who had his back turned to them with worry.

What are the conditions for Darkness to activate? Now we finally know.

Black hair and golden eyes were the characteristics of Nemesis. Kurosaki Maia turned around and spoke the voice of Nemesis.

That is the inner peace that weapons should not have. When you accept it from the bottom of your heart, you can finally see the real you.

After hearing Nemesis's words, Xiao An suddenly understood everything and gradually became desperate.

Master, why are you in my spiritual world?

Because she has mastered the ability of spiritual invasion, Kurosaki Mea in the deep purple world understands where she is. She looks at Nemesis who is standing in front and has taken away the control of her body with an expression of disbelief.

Stay there for now, Yaya, the conditions for darkness to be activated are met, and the next step is...

Nemesis tilted his head. Originally, he could only see the real scene. The empty spiritual world suddenly became filled with a black substance, imprisoning Kurosaki Meia.

Sister Xiao An...

This is the imprisonment that she cannot break free from. This is the master's move that she does not know. The original feeling of sadness that was enough to make Kurosaki Mea despair at being deceived by the most trusted person, and the feeling of hatred that emerged in the girl's heart at this time. Sister Xiao An's worries seemed trivial in comparison. Now Kurosaki Mea could only look helplessly at what was happening in the real world.

You said that a peaceful heart is the condition for darkness to activate. Could it be that Eve was implanted with other programs without my knowledge?

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