Although that energy is quite terrifying, it is still inferior to the weak Chido. For Igarashi who has become stronger again, even if Xiao An's hidden energy explodes and enters the so-called Darkness state, even if She lost her mind and went on a rampage, and Igarashi was able to suppress her alone.

Nemesis left after a few ups and downs. She was like a vulture waiting in the sky for people on the ground to fall into coma and have a feast. As a hunter, Igarashi should have raised his gun and shot him. However, the vulture suddenly landed on the hunter's shoulder, stated his purpose, and hinted that he would not be the enemy of the hunter. Now, the hunter put down his gun.

However, this does not mean that Igarashi will let Nemesis take Xiao An away. In fact, Igarashi hopes that Xiao An can influence Nemesis and let this rare evil loli stay on the earth. , please take care of me? I will take care of you as my harem.

Xiao An noticed the darkness, so even if Nemesis and the others didn't show up before, and there was almost nothing to worry about and she could enjoy life with peace of mind, she always looked worried. Was she worried about the energy going crazy? Then just wait for Xiao An to go berserk, and then use your strength to tell her that you can solve any emergency situation.

You said that Meaya is the same space killer as Xiao An before?

When Nana heard Igarashi's words, she was only slightly surprised at first, but then she realized that Igarashi's wording was the same killer as the former Xiao An? Xiao An is no longer a killer, so Igarashi used the word before, but when talking about Kurosaki Mea, he didn't. In other words, the current Kurosaki Mea is still a killer? !

Thinking of this, Nana's eyes suddenly widened. The girl who was inexplicably happy because Igarashi visited her room gradually became panicked.

She did come to Cainan High School with a purpose, but becoming friends with you is not a conspiracy, so don't think too much about it.

Halfway through, Igarashi paused briefly, thought for a while and then continued to speak.

Kurosaki Mea is gradually changing because of you. From now on, I'll be counting on you, Nana.

Mea Kurosaki has indeed changed, but it is not just because of Nana. Igarashi puts all the credit on Nana, which cheers up the girl who was gradually becoming sad.

Really, really? I understand!

Igarashi can make Xiao An become real friends with everyone, so I should be able to do the same. Mea Kurosaki is my good friend, and I want to help her.

Well, it's business as usual when you're dating Kurosaki Mea. Don't act too weird.

Seeing the sudden fire in Nana's eyes, Igarashi spoke hesitantly, suddenly regretting that he had hastily told Nana about Kurosaki Mea in advance. Will this make Kurosaki Mea notice anything unusual? , she was able to become good friends with Nana in the first place because of Nana's unscrupulous character.

I said I understand!

Igarashi's worried and distrustful eyes, as well as the look of giving instructions over and over again as if facing an idiot, made Nana glare at him quite unhappily, although she did not have the genius mind like the imperial sister, nor the Mengmeng is so considerate, but Igarashi has already talked to this point, how could he still do something wrong?

Then I'm relieved. By the way, your room is very cute, just like your person.

When she came over before, Nana showed a happy look. Noticing this, Igarashi praised the girl sensibly before leaving her room.

I'm glad you said that, but he's really a playboy who came here just to talk about Meaya.

Seeing that Igarashi had indeed left, Nana sat by her bed with a hint of resentment, and suddenly felt that she should take the initiative like Mengmeng did.

Chapter 354 Take the initiative to find someone

Nemesis? Is something wrong?

Igarashi, who had just left the house and had not taken a few steps, met Nemesis. Moreover, the other party was not just wandering around. The eyes staring at him and the straight steps he walked toward him all showed that Nemesis was Nirvana. Messis came to find himself.

Have you forgotten? I told you, if I'm bored, I'll come and play with you.

With a playful wink, Nemesis turned his attention to the home not far behind Igarashi.

If you don't play with me, I will go and cause destruction, have a fight with Lala or Mengmeng or something.

Where to go?

Although Igarashi did not feel that Nemesis could really cause any substantial damage under the surveillance of his mental power, he still agreed. Just as Nemesis hoped to learn more about Igarashi, Igarashi also hoped that Learn more about Nemesis.

Let me think, let me think.

Nemesis, who said this, took a few steps forward and took the initiative to hold Igarashi's arm. Igarashi stopped in his tracks and noticed his change. Nemesis was holding Igarashi's arm. Sith looked innocent.

What's wrong, are you shy?

Nemesis, you are playing with fire.

Igarashi has never considered himself a person with strong self-control, and facing Nemesis who is in a hostile position with him, Igarashi will not think too much. If Nemesis continues to do something Even if she looks to be about the same age as Yuki Mikan, Igarashi would also go too far...

I think it would be nice to become the wife of the future King of Debi Luke.

However, Nemesis is still playing with fire, but Igarashi has already seen it. She is only destroying, as she said before, psychological destruction, perhaps, defeating Xiao An, who is highly praised by Nemesis. Before the darkness state, no matter what Igarashi did, Nemesis, who had his own opinions, would not change much.

Since Nemesis had no destination, Igarashi took her to the game hall. It was not that Igarashi wanted to play games on a whim. This was the most competitive place that Igarashi could think of in a short period of time. Nemesis was provoking him, but this level of provocation can make people feel uncomfortable, but it is not enough to give people a reason to fight back. Therefore, Igarashi, who could not take action, tortured Nemesis in the game room. So cool.

……I'm hungry.

Nemesis has always played a dominant role. With her physical fitness and mind, coupled with her transformation ability, almost everything can be accomplished. Even if she has never played the game, it only takes a few minutes to Nirvana. Messis can become an invincible master in this field.

However, even after they became familiar with each other, Nemesis and Igarashi never won a single battle. In fact, almost every game was unilaterally crushed by Igarashi from beginning to end. Arashi is not an experienced player. If Igarashi defeated him after deliberately practicing like crazy, Nemesis would be more comfortable. However, there are many games where Igarashi also reads the operating instructions and then crushes them. Defeated myself.

Unhappy, the unhappiness in Nemesis's heart is almost solidified now. However, facing Igarashi, Nemesis has always felt that his chances of winning are quite low. If he does it like this, he will probably just be abused in another way. Well, now the girl can only take the initiative to leave this place that left bad memories.

The culture of this planet is really interesting. It's no wonder that Golden Shadow and Yaya, who were cultivated through human genes, like it.

After taking a few bites of a bunch of meatballs, Nemesis' unintentional sigh revealed a lot of information.

In other words, you are different from Xiao An and Me Ya?

Yes, the development process is completely different. Even Golden Shadow and Yaya are different. Mental invasion is a skill that only Yaya can master, but darkness is only possessed by Golden Shadow as the prototype.

What exactly is Darkness?

Igarashi grasped the key point, but Nemesis did not answer the question. Instead, his eyes lit up and he stretched out the ball in his hand.

Looking at the half-eaten meatballs in front of the girl, Igarashi spoke righteously.

I won't eat the food that comes here!

Idiot, I want you to feed me. In exchange, how about I tell you about darkness?


Obviously the bench is more than enough for two people, but Nemesis sat on Igarashi's lap, eating the meatballs handed over by Igarashi very comfortably. Although the two of them looked quite close now, in front of passers-by It seems that this is just the brother taking care of his sister.

Okay, then rub your shoulders for me.

Don't go too far.

Igarashi stretched out his hand, not to rub Nemesis's shoulders, but to turn into fists and crush them on both sides of Nemesis' head.

Forget it, I'll tell you.

Shaking his head in distress to avoid Igarashi's mischievous hand, Nemesis stood up contentedly.

Darkness is the liberation of dark power, the ultimate transformation that leads the universe to chaos.

Before he finished speaking, Nemesis stretched out his hand to cover one of his eyes.

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