Hearing Risa Mooka's slightly hesitant words, Igarashi frowned. Is Haruna Sairenji sick? Could it be that he was infected by Lala's cold? Can the diseases in the universe also affect people on earth? It won't turn into a big disaster.

Is she sick? I'm going now.

Igarashi's heart tightened, and he looked at Lala next to him who had also heard Risa Mooka's words on the phone. Seeing the other's understanding look, he immediately prepared to use teleportation magic. Since it is contagious, it is better to do it before causing more harm. It is better to control it in time. Moreover, Igarashi is also quite worried about Haruna Sairenji. That guy Ryoko Mikado looked relaxed at that time. Igarashi thought this cold was just a minor illness, but with the current infection Sexually speaking, it's a bit scary.

Ah?! No, no, no, you go see her tomorrow. Doesn't it happen to be the weekend?

Listening to Risa Mooka's panicked voice, Igarashi squinted his eyes. Something seemed wrong. He went to see Haruna immediately. Is it something bad? He had to wait until the weekend, um... the weekend?

Yeah, okay, I understand.

Even so, Igarashi still agreed, stopped trying to summon the portal, and hung up the phone. Igarashi saw that Lara, who was originally full of worry, suddenly showed a meaningful smile. Why, Did she see something? Could you tell that Risa Mooka was trying to induce her to go to Haruna's house in Seirianji Temple?

Lan, take good care of Haruna tomorrow~

Ahem, I get it.

Igarashi nodded with an upright face, deliberately pretending not to understand the meaning of Lala's words. Unfortunately, since establishing a close relationship, Igarashi has gotten to know Lala better and better, and Lala has become more and more familiar with her. Knowing Igarashi, looking at Igarashi pretending to be stupid, the girl had an unpredictable smile in her eyes.

Chapter 326 Xilian Temple Qiu Sui

Unlike Igarashi's two-story house that looks like a small villa, Haruna Sairenji's home is located in a rather tall apartment. After hesitating at the door for a moment, Igarashi finally rang the doorbell.

Lan-kun, um... please come in.

When Xirenji Haruna opened the door, she was not wearing the Ainan High School uniform that occupied almost all of Igarashi's memories of her. Instead, she was wearing a white cake skirt and a light blue lace top. Originally, this outfit It may look a little slutty, but the cotton socks under the short skirt, which function like safety pants, completely reverse the style of this outfit, highlighting Haruna Sairenji's purity and charm.

However, Igarashi couldn't tell that she was sick at all, and was even sure that there was nothing wrong with Haruna Sairenji's body except for her fast heartbeat and red face.

Haruna, is there no one at home?

Naturally, Igarashi would not ask mindlessly what illness you have. His eyes wandered to Haruna's house for a moment and then he politely withdrew them immediately.

I live with my sister. This is the house my sister rents.

Living with her sister, what about Haruna's parents?

Shaking his head, Igarashi had no intention of interfering in other people's private matters that were not directly stated.

Oh, Lala's illness has recovered, you don't have to worry.

Igarashi's words made Haruna Sairenji's eyes darken slightly, who was originally blushing and smiling.

Really? That's great. Lan Jun and La La have such a good relationship.

Since Haruna Sairenji is now in a state of asking and answering questions, it is up to him to speak. Igarashi made up his mind and looked at the girl in front of him who only changed her clothes and showed her charm to the extreme.

Is Haruna feeling unwell?

Ah?! No, it's just...

This was different from the plan he had discussed with Risa Mooka before, but Haruna Sairenji still didn't want to deceive Igarashi in the end. After hesitating for a moment, Haruna secretly clenched her fists.

Lan-kun, what are you thinking?


Lan-kun said those words before at the aquarium, why have you continued until now...

Why is it that until now, the relationship with Lala has only become closer and closer, even though as I said before, I also like myself and so on.

As she thought about it, Haruna Sairenji lowered her head a little aggrievedly. She was originally full of youthful vitality because of her clothes, but now she gradually exuded an aura of sadness.

Those words about the aquarium? Wild talk about having a harem?

Looking at Haruna Seirenji who lowered her head in front of her, Igarashi felt distressed and a little funny at the same time. She didn't blame herself, but she was still troubled because she didn't attack her during this period. In that case, what should she say now? The effect is not as good as actual actions.


From the corner of his eye, he saw that Igarashi seemed to be making some big move. Haruna Sairenji raised his head subconsciously, and then found that he was holding his arms around his waist. Looking at Igarashi's face getting closer and closer, the girl took it with her. She closed her eyes in shyness and joy.

After the deep kiss, one should have let the love take its course, and now was a good time, but Igarashi made no next move, and instead glanced at Haruna Sairenji with a smile.


The sound of a key being inserted into the door lock was heard, and the door of the house was opened, followed by the sound of two footsteps and a somewhat mature female voice that was similar to the one from Serian Temple.

Haruna, we are back, are you done with your work? Uh...

Seeing his sister in the room standing quite closely with the person who often appeared in the photos collected by her sister, Xirenji Qiuho half-opened his mouth. It seemed that the timing of his appearance was a little inappropriate. Moreover, at the beginning Looking at the photo, the boy's appearance was already attractive enough. Now that I saw it with my own eyes, I found that he seemed to have even greater charm. Hey, even I was stunned just now. I am afraid that my silly sister has been fascinated by it for a long time. I was fascinated.

Hey, hey, sorry, we came back early.

Risa Mooka revealed her head from behind Akiho Serenji, and seemed to stick out her tongue apologetically. Unfortunately, her smiling expression made it difficult to tell her true attitude.

This must be Haruna-san's sister, Sairenji Akiho. I'm Igarashi, hello.

At Haruna's house, in front of Haruna's family members, Igarashi stood there very politely, said hello politely, then raised his head and looked at the woman with long dark purple hair in front of him, who should be a college student. Or a newly employed office worker, her appearance is somewhat similar to Haruna, but the difference is that she has a more mature figure and temperament.

Ah, well, Igarashi, don't be restrained, just treat this as your own home.

Obviously the person in front of me is just a high school student who has not yet entered society, why do I become so nervous? Xilianji Qiu Sui couldn't wait to swallow what she said before. Is this what a sister should say, to send her sister away like this? By the way, why does this boy have such a mature temperament, but I actually look a little childish in front of him.

Consider it your own home? So should I stay and sleep tonight?

There were malicious thoughts in his mind, but Igarashi's face was calm and pure.

I'm serious. It's my fault that I came over suddenly and didn't say hello in advance. Risa-san didn't cause any trouble, right?

Glancing at Risa Mooka who seemed to be gloating about her misfortune, Igarashi gritted his teeth secretly, it was you who asked him to come to Haruna's house on the weekend, and it was you who deliberately brought Haruna's sister Akiho back. What exactly do you want.

She's very nice. She even went shopping with me specially.

Risa-san, this title is the same as Haruna-san. Sairenji Akiho's eyes quietly turned between Igarashi and Mooka Risa, and suddenly she felt a sense of crisis about her sister's future. With Igarashi Given the conditions, Haruna must have many competitors.

At the beginning, she was suddenly invited by Risa Mooka to go shopping together. Akiho Sairenji was a little surprised. After returning home, she suddenly saw the intimate gestures between Igarashi and Haruna Sairenji. She thought this was Risa Mooka doing to Sairenji. Renji Haruna took cover and deliberately lured her sister out. However, why did Mooka Risa specifically ask to come back in the middle of shopping and allowed herself to witness the scene just now? Is Risa Mooka really just covering up? Isn't it because he hopes to discover the close relationship between Igarashi and his sister Haruna and prevents them from continuing to develop?

For a moment, various thoughts flashed through Xirenji Qiuho's mind, and a strong sense of crisis lingered in his heart. He gradually clenched his fists and made up his mind to fight for his sister's bright future.

Chapter 327 The sister who assists crazily

Lan-kun, it seems that you and Haruna have a good relationship. This is the spare key to your home. Take it. It will make it easier to come over in the future.

Akiho Sairenji fought hard for his sister's happiness, and without hesitation gave a spare key to Igarashi, who they met for the first time in a real sense. Then he gave Haruna an encouraging look and pulled Risa Mooka out of the room. He also closed the door very carefully.

Hmm... Miss, what do you mean by closing the door? Could it be that you hope that Haruna and I will develop further in the future and do shameful things?

Although Igarashi was unruly, he had not yet reached the level where he would do something shameless and impetuous knowing that the girl's family members were in the room and probably even listening in the corner.

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