After hearing Igarashi's advice, Lun had to give up this tempting opportunity to turn defeat into victory. Although he and Lala were happy enemies, Lun didn't want anything to happen to her. Unfortunately, the kind-hearted Lun didn't know that Lala La had already established an intimate relationship with Igarashi one step ahead of her.

Good morning, Mr. Lan, Lala, Lun.

On the way to Ainan High School, I met Risa Mooka and Haruna Sairenji from a distance. Igarashi was a little concerned about Lala's situation, but he didn't care why Risa Mooka and Haruna happened to get together. Together.

Good morning, Haruna-san, Risa-san.

It was just a casual greeting between classmates, but Lala bowed respectfully and even added honorifics. This unusual gesture made the two girls in front of her stunned.

Let's go, otherwise you will be late.

Even her voice became extremely gentle. Looking at Lala who walked forward first, Risa Mooka turned to look at Igarashi with strange eyes.

Hey, did you do something bad? To make Lala's temperament change drastically?

It should have nothing to do with me.

Igarashi's uncertain answer made Risa Mooka frown. She pulled Haruna Sairenji towards the direction of Lala and turned to glance at Igarashi.

Let's go!

Uh huh huh~ la la la la~

The smile on Lun's face has never stopped since he left home. Lara kept a certain distance from Igarashi because of shyness, which allowed her to occupy Igarashi alone. Lun was clinging to him along the way. The hard-earned feeling made Lun's whole body fall into happiness, and he kept humming songs.

Lun is gloating, Lun is undoubtedly gloating. In addition to Lun's unilateral belief that she has been bullied by Lala and can now resist, part of the reason is that she can finally monopolize Igarashi, which makes Igarashi feel I owe her something.

You guys go back to the classroom first, and I'll take Lala to the health room.

Lala's body temperature was definitely abnormal. Her condition had improved after using magic by herself, but now it had returned to the original state. After secretly using several healing spells, Igarashi had no choice but to take Lala to find her. Ryoko Mikado.

It looks like Collot has a cold.

Mikado Ryoko was indeed an outstanding doctor. When he saw something was wrong with Lala, he did not make fun of Igarashi. After careful examination, he put down the stethoscope and expressed his conclusion.

Klott has a cold?

Once infected, it will be accompanied by high fever and personality change symptoms. It seems that you have used some method. Now Lala's body is still healthy and does not need any more medicine. In fact, I don't have any in stock, just personality. Will the recovery be so quick after the conversion?

Tsk, you, the cosmic doctor, also lack medicine.

Hearing that Lala was fine, Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief. After relaxing, he looked at Mikado Ryoko and teased her. In the universe, this doctor Mikado was very famous. He claimed that he could kill people as long as they were not dead. The presence of healing.

Lan, don't talk to the teacher like that.

Before Ryoko Mikado could counterattack, Lara actually spoke first. She was now acting like a model student, persuading Igarashi quite gently.

Since the teacher said so, let's go back.

Ah good.

Igarashi nodded in confusion. He was really not used to Lara's current personality. It was an extreme change. Although he couldn't say whether it was good or bad, Igarashi still hoped that Lara could recover. into his usual character.

Do you really think I don't have any special medicine?

Seeing Igarashi and Lala leaving, Ryoko Mikado curled her lips, took out a test tube of light red liquid from the drawer, and looked at it like a treasure.

Although its main component is your blood, it would be too wasteful to use it like this. Igarashi, you should just get along with Lala with various personalities.

Chapter 325 Infection?

Enthusiastic to help others, voluntarily staying to clean, and extremely polite to everyone, Lala's performance today was perfect. However, everyone who knew her had a worried look on their face. Although Lala is very worry-free now, she is still the same. The Lala who always caused trouble in the past was more real.

Unfortunately, the situation did not improve until school was over and until Lala, who was in a shy state, returned to her room to sleep.

I did this, but don't get me wrong. I didn't prepare a lunch box specially for you. It's just a way of doing it. Do you understand?

The next morning, I looked at Lala who looked arrogant in front of me. Tsk, has her personality changed again? Shyness, arrogance, etc. are not difficult things for Igarashi to deal with. He is a master. level person.

Lan, I thought of a good thing.

On the third day, Lala, who was wearing military uniform, sat on the sofa in a domineering posture, wearing white gloves and half-covering her face.

Judging from Debbie Luke's current military strength on Earth, it is too weak. We need a mecha corps to prepare for the conquest of Earth. Well, why are you hitting me?!

Halfway through what Lala said, Igarashi knocked her head and looked at Igarashi with dissatisfaction.

I just want to wake you up. I don't know how I will feel after you return to normal and know how you behave these days.

What's going back to normal? I'm obviously normal now!

Well, just like a madman will not admit that he is a madman, the current Lala will not admit that he is abnormal. After carefully observing Lala's situation, Igarashi spoke seriously.

You can return to normal within today. Don't think about conquering the earth, otherwise you won't be able to go out today.

Of course, it means being unable to leave the house in the normal sense. Although Lala has all kinds of strange inventions, those things have the same goal as magic. Igarashi can completely use magic to prevent all functions, including space teleportation, and can even use mental power to directly imprison Lala. La.

Although Igarashi has never done this to conquer the earth, he has done it to conquer another world, and it is almost completed. Although it sounds exciting, it is not an easy task. If it is not necessary, Igarashi It shouldn’t be done a second time. Moreover, isn’t letting Lara conquer the earth the same as letting Debbie Luke conquer the earth? As an earthling, Igarashi firmly opposed it.


After glaring at Igarashi with wide eyes for a while, Lara curled her lips and turned her head, crossing her legs like a queen.

I want to see what returning to normal means.

Lala was sulking, and Igarashi stared at the girl. This somewhat embarrassing situation did not last long.

Ah, Lan, what's wrong?

Only ten minutes had passed, and Lala, who had been silent all this time, suddenly showed her usual silly smile.

Oh, it's nothing. Welcome back, La La.

There was a sharp contrast between Lala's current appearance and her behavior in the past few days, which made Igarashi a little funny, but Igarashi did not say it out loud, and the clothes that Lala had been changing in the past few days also made Igarashi... There was a strange feeling of admiring cosplay, and I clicked on Lala's face, which was now completely normal.


Lara tilted her head strangely, with a look of confusion on her face.

Because of Lala's health, Igarashi asked for leave from the school. Even though Igarashi tried his best to suppress it, the head teacher, who was still affected a lot by the law, naturally nodded in agreement without hesitation. Although Lala is back to normal now, there is no need to do it anymore. I purposely went back to school near the end of school time.

Hey, Igarashi, how is Lara doing now?

Igarashi has a mobile phone. Due to Lala's health these days, Haruna, Furukawa Yui and the others often call to inquire about the situation. And Yuki Mikan, who spends time with Lala day and night, is also very indulgent to Lala these days. Lian Lun stopped gloating and became a little worried. Now Risa Mooka called as usual.

She's already fine.

Oh, that's good, that's good... But I have some bad news for you. Haruna is sick. Do you want to go see her tomorrow?

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