In the deserted living room, Igarashi looked at his system panel. This time, he had been focusing a large part of his attention on his omnipotent power. Igarashi could feel that under certain circumstances, The power of everything is slowly increasing, and now, looking at the experience value column on his system panel, Igarashi is sure that his feeling is correct.

Looking back on everything that happened during this period, although there were no obvious similarities, Igarashi already had some guesses about how to obtain experience points.

Chapter 300 Duel Book

La La, where do you want to go?

Late at night, Yuuki Mikan looked at Lala who got up quietly with sleepy eyes, and murmured.

Ah, uh... not going anywhere.

Yuuki Mikan's voice made Lala stiffen, and she waved her hands in embarrassment. She had stood up and then retracted back to the bed, pretending to be sleeping. However, this made Lala suspicious, but Yuuki Mikan saw Lala. After La stopped trying to leave, she stopped asking.


Looking at Lala next to her, Yuki Mikan apologized silently in her heart.


Good morning!

At the entrance of Cainan High School, students entered the campus in twos and threes. The originally peaceful morning was broken with the appearance of a black luxury car.

The thick red carpet stretched proudly from the car door all the way into the campus. If school had just started today, the students would have thought that some big shot was coming. However, when the car door opened and the figure wearing the Cainan High School uniform came out, it turned out that is her.

Good morning, Miss Shaji.

The same two students from Cainan High School were bowing to say hello to the girl who got off the luxury car. Miss Shaji's temperament really matched her overly grand arrangement. Her long golden curly hair, elegant movements and gentle voice were so heavenly. The mere appearance of Tōin Saki attracted the attention of most people.

Everyone has been attracted by my charm since early in the morning.

Tenjoin Saki walked on the red carpet with her two followers, Kujo Rin and Fujisaki Aya, enjoying the attention of everyone. However, as she was walking slowly and gracefully, she found that there were three people talking next to her. They walked by with a smile, not paying attention to her at all, Lala, Xirenji Haruna, and Igarashi.

Igarashi... After taking a deep look at him, Tenjoin Saki observed the other students around him who couldn't help but turn their attention to the three people who suddenly appeared.

Rin, who was that person just now?

There were three people who just passed by. Haruna Sairenji was the monitor of Class A for the second year, so he was certainly not a stranger. And as for Igarashi... Fujisaki Aya pushed up the thick glasses on her face.

The one just now was the transfer student Lala, who has become a hot topic recently.

Oh, it seems very popular. However, I am still the number one among girls. Apart from him, no one can compete with me, Tenjoin Saki.

Kujo Rin keenly saw Miss Saki's secretly clenched hand and sighed softly. Igarashi's popularity is too high on campus. No one can match him in terms of sports or academic performance. Coupled with his friendly temperament, Miss Sha Ji is simply unable to compete with him.

Before that, Miss Saki had secretly competed with Igarashi many times, but they all failed. Kujo Rin stared at the back of Tenjoin Saki. Could it be that Miss Saki hadn't discovered that she cared too much about Igarashi? Well, when I asked Lala this time, was it simply because of Lala's popularity, or because Lala and Igarashi were very close together.

Naturally, Igarashi saw the former Tenjoin Saki and her two little followers. Although she was indeed a rich young lady, it would be too exaggerated to put the ostentation in the school. If she really wanted to compare her status, let alone Talking about Igarashi herself, Lala is Princess Debbie Luke, and she is not comparable to an ordinary wealthy lady. However, Lala does not pay attention to ostentation at all, and even cooked for herself yesterday.

Hmm... I still hope she won't cook anymore.

Originally, Igarashi didn't take it seriously because Tenjoin Saki was a grade higher than him, and they wouldn't meet every day anyway. However, as time went by, Igarashi discovered that whether it was the corridor of the teaching building or the playground, , or in the library, Tenjoin Saki and her little followers will always appear not far away.

Ahahahaha, ahahahaha.

The queen's smile sounded so awkward. Igarashi glanced at Tenjoin Saki, who was sitting on the bench and laughing. This guy was quite interesting.

In the classroom of Grade 2 Class A, two uninvited guests were suddenly welcomed, none other than Kujo Rin and Fujisaki Aya. The bald male teacher adjusted his thick glasses and was a little stunned, while Kujo Rin raised his hand. Wooden bow, bent bow and arrow, no, the so-called arrow seems to be some unblocking tool placed in the toilet in daily life.

Please accept this letter.


Originally, this arrow was shot towards Lala, but Lala quickly tilted her head, and the arrow with unabated power was now aimed at Igarashi.


I didn't expect that Miss Saki's two little followers would have such strong tastes. Igarashi looked at the utensils handed over speechlessly. Although judging from Kujo Rin's actions just now, it should be very clean, but it is still a little scary. Before being hit by the arrow, Igarashi reached out and grabbed its wooden shaft in his hand.

Seeing that the attack originally aimed at Lala was caught by Igarashi, Kujo Rin's hands trembled undetectably, and then he and Fujisaki Aya returned to the classroom door.

Sorry to interrupt you during class.

After looking at the piece of paper tied to the arrow, Igarashi did not untie it, but directly handed it to Lala in front of him.

Since it's for you, just take a look.

A few hours later.

Have you heard that Tenjoin Shaji has challenged Lala?

A huge stage appeared strangely in the open space of Ainan High School. Tenjoin Saki stood in the middle wearing a large red robe, with Kujo Rin and Fujisaki Aya standing on both sides of her.

I have already submitted the duel book directly to Lala.

Very good. The reason why I held the Miss Cainan High School Finals so suddenly is to completely defeat that guy here and let her know who is the first place.

Hey, what are you doing? As a student, you don't study hard and you dare to gather people here to make trouble?

An unexpected situation occurred, and the principal who was affected by Igarashi's Law appeared here, accusing him with a righteous face. He had changed his past and was indeed a responsible principal now.

Huh? What's going on?

Tenjoin Saki glanced at the principal whose personality had changed a bit strangely, and turned her head to ask Kujo Rin.

Since a few days ago, the principal seemed to have an epiphany and has been working hard, so...

Chapter 301 A duel that ends before it begins


Tenjoin Saki snapped her fingers, and Fujisaki Aya behind her understood, left quickly, and then appeared driving a large tower crane.

The students fled in panic, a little disbelieving that the tower crane appeared in Ainan High School, but when they thought that the person on the stage was the apple of the eye of the Tenjoin Group, and the financial backer of Ainan High School was probably the Tenjoin Group, they reluctantly Accepting the fact, but still unable to conceal the panic in her heart, Tenjoin Saki asked Fujisaki Aya to drive the tower crane over. What did she want to do?

The huge hook swayed and then lifted the chubby principal up. In view of the bad reputation of the former principal in the school, even if he has been transformed in the past few days, the students gathered have no intention of rescuing him. On the contrary, they have a sense of A pleasant feeling.

It seems that he has done a good thing by using the law to influence the principal, whether it is for the teachers and students in the school or the principal himself. Igarashi looked at the principal's chubby body swinging in the air in a funny way, and did not intend to put it aside for the time being. He saved her. Anyway, even if she is the only daughter of a large chaebol, Tenjoin Saki would not dare to do anything illegal openly, and she is not a vicious-hearted woman.

At first, Tenjoin Saki just had a hothead. As a student, it is not a good thing to prank the principal. Even if the principal has a bad reputation, even if she will not be punished in any substantial way, when she comes back, God came, Comrade Principal was already hanging in the air.

Seeing Igarashi smiling at the principal looking up at the sky, Tenjoin Saki, who was a little worried at first, felt relieved, as if he had been encouraged.

Don't run!

Tenjoin Shaji followed the sound and saw Lala running over. Although she didn't know why she was chasing a dog, she was definitely here to compete with him.

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