At a loss what to do and submerged in the water, Yuki Mikan faced the oncoming torrent. After struggling for a while, she fainted weakly. She didn't know why this happened. Before she fainted, what was in the girl's mind? A familiar face. It's all my own fault for asking to come to the aquarium. I hope nothing happens to him. Will I die? With apologies and regrets, Yuuki Mikan fell into a coma.

Warmth, warmth that made the whole body jump for joy, Yuki Mikan, who was in the deep dark world, was led by the light and was able to open her eyes.


Yuki Mikan, who was still a little confused, looked around, and finally fixed her eyes on Igarashi in front of her. Yuuki Mikan knew that she was fine, and she also knew that Igarashi was fine. With peace of mind, the girl reluctantly smiled and said Said a somewhat feeble voice.

You're okay, that's great.

Now is not the time to worry about me.

Seeing Yuki Mikan wake up, Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief and stopped releasing healing magic. He had even planned to use resurrection magic or even use the power of all things if the healing magic had no effect.

Ugh, it hurts.

After Igarashi flicked Lala's forehead with enough force to make Lala with dozens of constitutions feel pain, the girl let out a cry of pain and looked at Igarashi pitifully. She already knew what she had done. He did something bad and put his good friend Mikan Yuki into danger.

This is your punishment. You will know what to do next.

Carrying the still weak Yuki Mikan on his back, Igarashi planned to go home like this. The flood in the aquarium has been eliminated. Those who know the inside story of this matter have also had their memories changed by the illusion created by Igarashi. , all the twists and turns have been dealt with, and only Haruna Seilienji is in front of her.

After adjusting the small body leaning on his back to make Yuki Mikan more comfortable, Igarashi smiled at Haruna Sairenji and spoke seriously.

Everything I said before counts.


The fantasy-like power, the torrent that seems to be able to swallow everything, Yuki Mikan who is in danger, and now, if Igarashi is no different from his confession, Sairenji Haruna's thoughts have been a little sluggish, but she still understands Igarashi Meaning, this time, she didn't flinch.

I'm sorry, I know I was wrong.

I know you know you were wrong, so don't apologize.


On the street under the setting sun, several people were walking on the road. Mikan Yuuki was half asleep and half awake, being carried by Igarashi, Lala who kept apologizing, Igarashi who was helplessly dealing with Lala, and others along the way. With a smile and warmth, Haruna Sairenji will remember everything that happened today in her heart.

Chapter 299 Failed cooking, ordinary suggestions

Hey, what's Debbie Luke's food like?

Then I might as well make one.

Eating the dinner cooked by Igarashi, Lala showed a good appetite. The greedy look made Yuki Mikan curious and asked about Debbie Luke's food, and then Lala was eager to take action in person. .

Seeing how excited the two of them were, Igarashi hesitated and chose to watch for the time being. The somewhat vague memory seemed to tell Igarashi that Debbie Luke was not a planet with outstanding food, and Lala was As the first princess of Debbie Luke, does she really have any experience in cooking?

Do you have any Aikura bubbles?

Probably not...

Where's Gakuniaya?

Absolutely not.

Lala opened the refrigerator and asked Yuki Mikan about the ingredients that seemed to be unique to Debbie Luke's nemesis. Of course, they can't be found on Earth. Yuuki Mikan shook her head apologetically, feeling suddenly panicked. Lala Can you really cook normal food?

Well...these all look similar, so these will be fine.

Looking at the many fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, Lala thought for a while and took out some of them. Yes, hugged them. Lala took out a lot of things.

Boom boom boom.

A series of explosions came from the kitchen. Igarashi and Yuuki Mikan sat at the dining table in silence. They had already expected that what Lala would present next would not be a delicious dish. They looked at Yuuki Mikan with some anxiety. It seems that Igarashi deliberately used his mental power to explore what Lala was making. After a moment, Igarashi pondered a little.

Meigan, although it's rude to refuse someone else's brainchild, but don't eat what's waiting for you. I will try my best to eat your share.

Um...will it taste bad? I won't show it.


It was more than just unpalatable. For the sake of Yuuki Mikan's life safety, Igarashi was very determined. As for himself... Although Lala looked optimistic and cheerful and lacked common sense, she had never been a fool. If no one eats the food she finally made, she may still have a smile on her face. As for what will happen in her heart, we don't know.

Please use it.

Looking at the smiling Lala, and then at the pitch-black jelly on the plate, Igarashi suspected that Lala was deliberately pranking him. This thing didn't look like food at all. It was swaying around, and there was a jelly in the middle. Something like a core, like there is a god.

In fact, this is not a life. Igarashi can confirm this. No matter how talented Lala is, she cannot create life so easily.

Trying to maintain a calm expression on his face, Igarashi picked up a spoonful of jelly that was constantly changing in dark colors, glanced at Lala with a cute smile and Yuki Mikan who looked at him with extremely worried eyes, and took a bite Down.

How about it?

After a moment of trance, even the world became a little different, and Igarashi squeezed out a few terrifying smiles.

Guess it.

It seems like a bit of a failure.

Lala scratched her head, with an awkward smile, trying not to look at Igarashi. In fact, she also guessed that the food she made was not delicious, but she was a little lucky, maybe it would be the best. The moment Igarashi picked up the spoon, it suddenly became delicious.

Actually, this is my first time cooking today.

She stretched out her hand to hold Igarashi and stopped him from continuing to eat her failed dish. Lara was a little embarrassed. Although Igarashi's intention made her very happy, she made Igarashi suffer because of herself. Even if you are as casual as Lala, you can't do it now.

I'll prepare the materials next time.

Although I don't object to continuing to eat your cooking, alien ingredients may not be suitable for Mikan.

Igarashi is not afraid to taste Lala's dark cuisine again. At worst, he will close his sense of taste. Anyway, with his physical fitness, there should be nothing that can poison him. However, if Yuuki Mikan, even if Lala can really Using extraterrestrial ingredients to make delicacies, as an ordinary person, Yuuki Mikan may not necessarily be safe eating alien food.

That's it, um...

Lala pondered a little, Mei Gan was so kind to her, how could she neglect her? Forget it, let's find another chance next time.

Yuki Mikan has more or less understood Lala's identity from Igarashi. She is not surprised by Lala's remarks about cooking for the first time and extraterrestrial ingredients. Now she is thinking about it tonight. Do you want to continue dragging Lala to sleep with you?

Lala likes Igarashi, Yuki Mikan can feel this, and Igarashi also takes care of Lala in every possible way. From the perspective of a younger sister, Yuuki Mikan should be happy for Igarashi, because his brother finally found someone he likes. You should secretly contribute to the situation and not become a burden to your brother. Before that, Yuki Mikan did the same thing.

However, the girl kept asking to sleep with Lala in order to prevent something that Yuki Mikan didn't want to see. Now she didn't feel much joy in her heart that her brothers had someone they liked each other. That kind of thing definitely didn't count. The feeling of mixed emotions made Yuuki Mikan feel a little hesitant. She took a deep breath and raised her head with a gentle smile on her face.

Sister Lala, why don't you sleep with me tonight?

Huh? Okay, okay.

Igarashi didn't know what Yuuki Mikan was thinking about as he proposed as usual, but was somewhat pleased with the close relationship between Mikan and Lala.

She had shown extraordinary power before, but Lala, an optimist, didn't care. Yuuki Mikan saw it, but Igarashi didn't say anything, and the girl didn't ask about it deliberately. The same was true for Haruna Sairenji. Their acceptance ability He was kind and considerate, which surprised Igarashi.

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