It’s not the Lizardman tribe’s self-proclaimed artifact, but it’s actually just a level 30 ordinary magic equipment. It’s not the equipment that people in this world think is an artifact, but it’s actually not even a heritage-level equipment. It’s the World Tree. In the game, it is a true artifact that is higher than the holy relic level and the legendary level.

It seems that the six gods and the eight kings of desire who have passed away are not as weak as the legend. The Theocracy not only has world-class props that can captivate the country, but also has so many artifacts. He should be a high-end player in the World Tree game of that period.

According to Igarashi's guess, players in the World Tree game should come to this world every once in a while. The six gods, the eight kings of desire, and even the leader of the thirteen heroes. Igarashi himself traveled through the game when the game was closed. He is the last person left, and the later the game gets, the stronger the players become. Igarashi originally thought that the six great gods were only around level 80, but now it seems that they may be a little higher, because the girl looking at him in front of him, but It has reached level 80 strength.

Are you Igarashi?

Juese Jueming looked at the figure in front of him who was wearing energy-dense, artifact-level equipment. Both his features and appearance were the same as those of the mysterious strongman Igarashi, who was circulated among the top leaders of the Theocracy.


Demiurge was standing aside at this time. His inhuman appearance and the devil's tail behind him made the Holy Code troops present look wary, and there was a faint light flickering on the staff.

I am Jue Die, come on, fight me and let me see how strong you are.

Juese Jueming's exquisite and indifferent face now showed a clear smile. Just as you stand higher and see further, the more you know, the more you understand your own insignificance. As the strongest hidden existence of the Theocracy, Juesi Jueming deeply understood how powerful the person in front of him was.

Compared to the six gods who were very mysterious but had no deterrent power, Igarashi was more like a god to Juezei, who was shrouded in a fatal crisis at this time. He glanced at him and followed behind him. Demiurge, who had a respectful face, smiled indifferently. Whether he was a god or a demon had nothing to do with her.

Zetsu is very powerful. It is the most powerful existence in this other world that Igarashi has ever seen. For other people in the other world, the gap between them is despairing. If Nazarick had not come, Zetsu would Death Jueming should be the existence that breaks the rules in this world.


Chapter 258 Be my man

However, he is still no match for him, and he is not even qualified to stalemate with him.

The battle is over.

The Sword of Glory, which had been reduced to a decoration before, was now held upright by Igarashi on the white neck of Zetsu Juemei. The girl had long hair, and Igarashi had mastered the strength very well. Appearing at a terrifying speed, he did not injure the young mage at all with the extremely sharp sword of glory.

Igarashi doesn’t like to hurt beautiful things, and for him, beautiful girls are undoubtedly a symbol of beauty. Rather than seriously injuring them with one blow, Igarashi prefers to make them realize that their fighting power is not as good as his own. , if you can avoid fighting, that would be even better.

Boom boom boom.

The Holy Code Troops saw Igarashi taking action and concluded that he was an enemy. Various small-range magics attacked Igarashi. This was also considering the fact that Igarashi and Igarashi were standing at a very close distance. , although it was not believed that the woman who could kill the powerful captain would be injured by these magics, the Holy Scripture troops were still cautious.

However, the explosion did not ring out from Igarashi, but was easily shot away by Demiurge who followed Igarashi loyally. Although in fact, these ridiculous attacks did not even affect Igarashi's artifact robe. None can hurt.

Don't you try to struggle?

Looking at Jue Die, who was motionless under the Sword of Glory, Igarashi frowned. Although even if the other party struggled, it would not be effective, but Clementine, who had been treated like this by him before, managed to escape despite the struggle. He opened his own sword, even if it was intentional.

There are no magic fluctuations, no accumulation of energy, no use of combat skills, and no innate powers. I close my eyes and desperately feel the various information filling the air. I have never seen it before, but it is undoubtedly enough. Igarashi, who had the gorgeous long sword that killed him placed on his neck, could do this purely by relying on his physical strength. This was unheard of, including the so-called Six Gods sung by legends.

As long as he exerts a little force, he can kill himself just now. Although Juesou Juemei still doesn't know how strong Igarashi is, he didn't see his movements clearly just now, and he is fully capable of using this close proximity to , the sharp edge alone is enough to kill oneself with the terrifying sword.

Juese's body was leaning forward, but there was no energy fluctuation. Igarashi did not feel even the slightest bit of hostility from her. If he remained motionless holding the Sword of Glory, the sharp blade would be enough to Cut open this beautiful head.


Igarashi changed the posture of holding the sword without hesitation. Facing such a beautiful girl who seemed not hostile to him and who was not afraid of death, Igarashi felt a little overwhelmed. He was not a person who could destroy flowers with his hands. It is impossible for him to kill a beautiful and lovely girl with his own hands.

Boom boom boom.

There were continuous explosions around him, mixed with the screams of the attacking Holy Scripture troops. Demiurge was not simply defending. He had already begun to attack those who dared to attack the Supreme Being. , and the consequence of this was a one-sided massacre. The Holy Code troops, who had previously restrained the Dark Codex captain for a long time without suffering many casualties, were greatly reduced in number in a few breaths.

Be my man.

Igarashi was startled by Juesei Juemei's words. He had never seen such a beautiful girl who fell in love with him as soon as he met her. The law of supremacy of strength was now suppressed by him, otherwise the Holy Scripture troops would not attack. His actions will be directly affected by the laws that are not yet fully functioning, and he will be in the dilemma of whether to attack or not.

Only the person who defeats me is qualified to be my man, and you can.

It was rare for Zetsu to explain to Igarashi. You must know that she has always had her own way, and she was too lazy to speak even in front of six priests. Now, noticing Igarashi's expression, Zetsu was... Explained to him.

So what if two people can defeat you? Well, that guy's name is Demiurge. Even if you fight with all your strength, you are still no match for him.

Igarashi pointed at Demiurge, who was unilaterally crushing the Holy Scripture troops. As for whether it was a scream, neither Igarashi nor Zetsu had any special reaction. One was He shows no mercy to those who try to attack him, and the other doesn't care about anything about the weak.

A beautiful girl throws herself into his arms, and Igarashi wishes for it. However, this guy seems not to be attracted by his own charm, but simply because of his own strength. What if there is someone stronger than him, even though he has gone through so much? In many worlds, Igarashi has encountered only one person stronger than himself, and it was a little lolita, but Igarashi does not think that he is the strongest one.

Igarashi's words made Zesei's breath stagnant. You know, before today, she always thought that there was no one stronger than her in this world. However, today, there are two stronger than herself.

I don't think he's better than me.

After glancing at Demiurge, who was not human-like and completely inconsistent with human aesthetics, she refused to acknowledge Igarashi's words and crushed the Six-Color Holy Scripture. She could do it herself.

Actually, he's better than you.

The Sword of Glory has been taken back by Igarashi. On this smoke-filled battlefield, Igarashi started to quarrel with Juedei Jueming. Demiurge will not affect Igarashi, and the Holy Scripture troops will also Without energy to hinder them, they were almost annihilated.


Okay, Demiurge, that's it.


As the sound of retreat sounded, the Holy Scripture troops left with teleportation magic. Of course, it was not the highest-level teleportation magic portal, but an intermediate large-scale teleportation magic. Igarashi was fully capable of interrupting it, but after thinking about it for a while, he still gave up. Well, if all the elite troops of the Theocracy are wiped out, then even if you conquer the Theocracy, you won't gain much experience points. Shock is not pure killing.

As Igarashi's voice sounded, Demiurge immediately stopped.

Ding, the host gets 2000 experience points.

Is he your subordinate?

Zetsu glanced at Demiurge, who was kneeling on one knee, and then looked at Igarashi again.


Igarashi's brief answer brought a smile to Jue Se Jue Ming's delicate face again. The beauty of that moment suddenly turned this cruel battlefield filled with blood and gunpowder smoke into something as beautiful as spring flowers.

Then I don't care what his strength is, just be my man, Igarashi.

Chapter 259 Gods

Demiurge, let's go.

Zeusei Zeimei does not really love him. Igarashi finally came to the Theocracy. Naturally, he cannot be delayed by Zeusei Zeimei for too long. He gives some people time to escape, open the portal, and Demiurge stepped into it.

You can't run away.

Before Jue Shi Jue decided to follow Igarashi and leave, the portal disappeared. The girl did not show an angry look. She closed her eyes and carefully searched for the aura that she had remembered. After that, she moved in one direction. Leave quickly.

In front of them were the six chief priests, the leaders of the Theocracy, huddled in a heavily protected place. They looked at the crystal ball on the table that reflected the previous battle. Igarashi's sudden disappearance made them stand on their backs for a moment. Afterwards, he discovered that invincible figure was very close at hand.

Sir Igarashi, we are all human beings and we should not fight among ourselves.

The situation was critical, and the priests quickly came to their senses and quickly tried to persuade him. Igarashi had previously spared Zetsu, making them feel that this was someone they could negotiate with.

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