Zaryusi clenched the Frozen Tooth Pain in his hand, planning to inflict serious damage on the opponent regardless of life and death. However, he saw the deceased Archmage, who originally had a disdainful expression on his face, showed a humble expression, and actually would rather accept the attack than go to the rear. Make a gesture of salute.


This instant change made the lizard people present extremely shocked. They temporarily gave up the attack and continued to attack. Will it arouse the malice of the stronger ones who were about to come? The clan leaders who had reached a deadlock in order to fight against the dead archmage could not bear the possibility. as a result of.

The blue insect-shaped demi-human will freeze the water-containing ground just by contacting the wetland, and the scope of this freezing is constantly increasing, ranging from several meters to tens of meters to hundreds of meters.

The weapons it held in its hands were faintly emitting light, and the lizardmen could only rely on their poor judgment to conclude that the many weapons in its hands should all be artifacts that were more powerful than the lizardmen's treasure, the pain of frozen teeth.

Wonderful, so wonderful...what a shame.

Cocytus stood there alone, watching the battle that stopped in front of him, sighing at the strength of the weak lizard people in adversity, and lamenting that they could not win in the end.

I am Cocytus, the guardian of the fifth level of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, under the command of the Supreme Being. I am here to conquer.

Not the Supreme Being, but his subordinates? And he is the guardian of the fifth level. This is not a powerful number no matter how you look at it. The lizard people were shocked by the power of Cocytus, and the despair in their hearts began to spread. At this time, what was blowing in the air should not be the coldness of this season. They hoped that the wind was caused by the manipulation of the legendary sixth-level magical celestial phenomena. Otherwise, if it was just the influence of the person in front of them, it would be too terrifying. Looking at Cocytus's undoubted warrior's attire, the lizard People's hearts are shaking.

Chapter 256 Destiny

Ding, the host gets 500 experience points.

500 experience points should be considered too much. Igarashi recalled the difference in combat power between the Lizardman tribe and Gazef, the warrior commander of a certain measurement unit kingdom. In total, these 500 experience points were already a good reward.

Now that the Lizardmen Tribe has offered its loyalty, except for the few subordinates brought by Cocytus who did not participate in the battle, Cocytus continues on the journey. Compared to commanding troops, it is even less good at governance. Although he ruled the Lizardmen under Igarashi's orders, Cocytus had neither the inclination nor much ability to manage them, leaving it to his own subordinates.

As for the issue of loyalty, Igarashi is not worried. Whether he is loyal or not has little impact on him.

Not long after using the portal to send the insect girl Edoma back to Karn City, Igarashi received a report from Demiurge. The captain of the Black Scripture who surrendered to him was killed by a man with high combat power. The guy was killed and then resurrected by the Theocracy. The loyal comrade captain was still carrying out Igarashi's order to destroy the Theocracy. He killed the benefactor who had just resurrected him and continued to destroy it. This time, that The woman who killed the captain before was too lazy to take action, and the Theocracy was there to persuade her.

In the dark corner, the hair is divided into black and white with the middle line as the dividing line. Under the long hair on the black side, there are white eyes, and under the white hair, there are black eyes. Originally, this look should make people look... It's ridiculous, but a girl with such hair and eyes is extremely delicate and cute. The strange and harmonious combination of black and white gives people a strange sense of beauty. It's a pity that her young and pretty face lacks expression. She He was playing with the Rubik's Cube in his hand. Yes, it was a strange toy in this different world.

Jue die Jue die, please kill the first seat of the Black Holy Scripture again. There is no possibility of saving him. It is better to send him back to God.

When the six chief priests of the Theocracy faced the girl named Juedi, they did not have the usual majesty, and there was a lot more anger in their tone. They were not as mysterious and tall as they were when Negan, the captain of the Sunshine Codex, was ordered to do so. look like.


Playing with the toy in his hand, which was passed down from the six gods, Jue De Jue Ming responded without raising his head.


This should be one of the few times that the priests who stirred up troubles in the Theocracy encountered people who openly resisted their orders. However, the priest's tone was still very calm, and there was no trace of anger. In fact, he could not tolerate them. There is anger, and now that the Black Holy Code has been almost completely destroyed and the captain has rebelled, if he angers Juexi again, although the Theocracy will not be directly destroyed, it will lose its status as a chess player after suffering heavy losses and become a chessboard. A member of the above.

I've killed him once before. It was too weak and boring.

One of the only three gods in the Theocracy, Captain of the Black Codex, is not worth mentioning in the mouth of JueDeJieDe. A person whose level far exceeds the hero level is still not the strongest. For someone like Gazef, For a kingdom with a high level of combat power, this is something appalling.

However, Captain Black Scripture should be controlled by someone. We do not rule out the possibility that a super powerful person uses magic to control him. Even so, are you still unwilling to fight?

The chief priest is indeed a chief priest. He always easily grasps the weaknesses of human nature. Juesou, who was playing with the Rubik's Cube, paused and raised his head.

Is that person very strong?

Igarashi, the mysterious human being who appeared in the Katz Plain on the border of the Kingdom of Riestije, destroyed the Sunshine Canon and made the Lord Angel of Might surrender. The Dark Canon was completely destroyed and the captain rebelled. It was probably his hand. , there is no doubt that he is a strong one.”

The priest told all the information he had. This was terrible information. If it was publicized, it would be enough to destabilize the country. In fact, the priest was very afraid of the existence named Igarashi and defined him as one of the six gods. , the Eight Desire Kings are equal to each other. However, these were all before Igarashi became the Marquis of the Riestij Kingdom. The Marquis is really ridiculous. A strong person will not care about this poor title. The original Eight Desire Kings, But it is an existence that has unified the entire world.

Oh, how does he compare to me.

Listening to the words of the chief priest, there was no fear in the desperate black and white eyes. She could destroy the Sunshine Scripture, the Mighty Lord Angel, and the Dark Scripture, the strongest guardian of mankind. These achievements, Incredible to others, it was nothing more than that to her.

I don't know.

Even so, the priest does not think that Igarashi is better than Zetsu, but Zetsu is an existence that breaks the rules. The priest even thinks that if Zetsu is allowed to go out and wander around, he will break into the six gods. , the legend of the seventh god. However, neither the Theocratic State nor Juedi Jueming himself wanted to do this, because the powerful Theocratic State also had things to worry about.

It's impossible to measure this at all. Isn't there a man who can defeat me?

There was a slight smile in Juese Jueming's originally lackluster eyes.

No matter how ugly he is, how twisted his personality is, or even if he is not human, it doesn't matter, because he is the man who can beat me.

She glanced at the chief priest who had an obvious look of helplessness, and stood up desperately. She knew that the Theocracy wanted her to get married as soon as possible and give birth to offspring. The descendants of the strong have a high probability of becoming strong, just like the descendants of gods. He is like a god who is far beyond the level of a hero. However, he has no interest in dying for those whose strength is lower than his own.

Forget it, I'll just kill him again. This time, don't resurrect him. Even if he is resurrected, don't call me again.

Loss of sanity, reduced vitality, and reduced combat power. These are the possible consequences of normal resurrection techniques. The Theocracy only masters such resurrection techniques, and it must have a body. The captain of the Black Scripture becomes weaker as he is resurrected. Therefore, Jue Die Jue Mu is completely uninteresting.


The chief priest nodded. Although the Theocracy suffered heavy losses this time, they will still get the body of the god-level captain of the Black Scripture in the future, which should be able to make up for some losses. However, the person who destroyed the Black Scripture is really five Julan? How strong is he? Looking at the desperate situation in front of him, the chief priest felt a shadow in his heart.

Chapter 257 overlord

The capital of the Theocracy was originally a place filled with a sacred aura, and people in solemn costumes walked by from time to time. However, now, the ground is covered with devastation, and the sound of energy explosions has been going on for several days. It was not easy a few hours ago. After a moment of rest, I didn't expect it to start again. Although the devout believers living in the capital have more or less fighting abilities, just by observing the aftermath of the battle, they can conclude that they are not capable of defeating them. Opponent, such a conclusion.

Before the emergence of Jue Die Jue Mie, there had always been the six-color Holy Code of the Theocracy to contain the captain of the Dark Codex. Although when the Sunshine Codex was completely destroyed and the Black Codex was also destroyed, the Theocracy was left with only the four-color Codex. , and now that Comrade Captain has been resurrected, the Holy Code Troops have once again shouldered the task of containment.

The so-called containment does not mean that they do not want to directly annihilate each other, but that the Holy Scripture troops can only contain them, and even suffer casualties under the attack of the captain. The Dark Scripture, the last and strongest guardian of mankind, is also the number one among them. Xi's reputation is not in vain.

Attack, attack, keep attacking.

Brilliant and numerous magics continued to be emitted, and various kinds of throwing weapons were also launched one after another. The dust generated by the explosions around the captain never stopped. Even the hardest metal should be annihilated under such an attack. However, The Holy Scripture troops continued to attack regardless of consumption.

There was no close combat coming forward. It was not that the Theocracy, which is famous for its large number of magic casters, did not have warriors, but that there were not many warriors who could be the enemy of the captain of the Black Scripture. When the Black Scripture was still intact, perhaps the Giant Shield Wan among them Wall, the God-led Binding Suo can have a few fights with the unserious captain, but now, it does not exist.

No matter the many Holy Scripture troops or the captain of the Black Holy Scripture, no one was found peeping not far away. Demiurge looked at what seemed to be all the elite troops of the Theocracy in front of him, and was about to catch them all, but suddenly someone stretched out from behind. Use a hand.

Keep watching.

Igarashi glanced at Demiurge, whose body was tense for a moment and even entered a fighting state. However, his mental strength felt a figure approaching the battle site at an extremely fast speed. Although his appearance was that of Bishatia Although she was not much older than the girl, Igarashi could tell from her strong vitality that she was an existence that had spent quite a lot of time.

Lord Igarashi?! Yes!

Judging from the appearance and aura that the person in front of him was the Supreme Being who should be in the kingdom, Demiurge regretted the attack he almost made just now and listened to Igarashi's words without hesitation.

Comrade Captain, thank you for your hard work.

Igarashi could see from a distance that the face of the captain of the Black Scripture wearing a magic mask was covered with dust. Yes, the magic mask. His actual age did not meet the requirements of the six gods as his appearance indicated. The adult age is 20 years old, but there is no doubt that gender does not matter, as long as it is male.

As far as the results are concerned, the captain has exceeded Igarashi's inner goal. Originally Igarashi only thought that he could at most destroy part of the buildings in the capital of the Theocracy under unexpected circumstances, but now it seems that Igarashi He underestimated the combat power of the captain who gave up struggling as soon as they met, and also overestimated the Theocracy.

boom! ! !

An explosion louder than the previous superposition of countless magics rang out loudly. A woman who was enough to make Igarashi's eyes light up seriously injured the captain of the Holy Code Troops who could only be restrained with just one blow. After that, there was no interruption for the third time. The second strike killed the captain directly.

Igarashi didn't care about the life and death of the captain of the Black Scripture who once tried to kidnap Enri, but his attention was attracted by the sudden appearance of the girl with black and white hair. If his vision was correct, was the equipment on this girl a divine weapon?

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