Shalltear, come here now, what's the matter?

Of course I came here to see the one I love, Lord Igarashi.

Well, although the image of vampires in the Yggdrasil game was originally quite terrifying, now Shalltear is just a loli with two small fangs. Moreover, as an undead, she will always be Loli.

So are you satisfied now? Step back, Shalltear, I am discussing important matters with Lord Igarashi.

Albedo, who finally found the opportunity to speak, tried with a serious tone to dismiss Shalltear with the Guardian Headmaster in a business-like tone, continue to enjoy their time together, and then spend a wonderful night, but failed.

What an annoying old lady. Are you worried because the shelf life has passed?

Shalltear looked at Albedo with a mocking look on her face. Even in front of Igarashi, the two people who were extremely at odds for various reasons often had selfless tit-for-tat confrontations.

Then do you still have a place where you can eat? It looks like a rich physical sample, but what is the reality?

Hearing Shalltear's ridicule, Albedo smiled disdainfully and glanced disdainfully at Shalltear's breasts, which were not as plump as they appeared, but were actually padded.

Okay, stop arguing.

Yes! Lord Igarashi.

Igarashi did not arrange any tasks, but simply asked the guardians to be alert. Although the conquest of the world would be faster if the guardians contributed part of their efforts, he still acted to intimidate himself and acted to intimidate his subordinates. , how big a difference will it make, and whether it will reduce the experience points that he can obtain or even prevent him from obtaining experience points. Before the results are obtained, Igarashi can only do everything himself.

With Igarashi's silence, the atmosphere in the room with only Shalltear and Albedo besides himself gradually became strange, both of them glaring at each other with hostility and vigilance.

Maybe, this is an opportunity.

Igarashi did not intend to let go of either Shalltear or Albedo. The moment they were created in the game, Igarashi cleverly snatched them away. Of course, their creator was very happy because There are bonuses and holidays.

And because of their own settings, if either Albedo or Shalltear becomes the closest person to them before the other, the other will be furious, and may even go berserk, so there is only one solution. .

Before taking a compassionate action, Igarashi looked up and down Shalltear curiously.

Shalltear, have you ever sucked blood?

Shalltear was startled by Igarashi's question. She nervously speculated on Igarashi's intentions. How should she answer? Although she didn't pay special attention to it, Shalltear still knew that Igarashi was a human. As a human, would he hate himself as a vampire? After a while, Shalltear could only tell the truth.

No, because of Lord Igarashi's help, blood-sucking is no longer necessary.

By changing the settings and using krypton gold props, Igarashi had successfully made Shalltear's desire for blood disappear early in the game, but her control over blood still existed.

Well, try sucking my blood.

Igarashi's plain words did not make Shalltear look happy, but instead showed panic.

Shalltear will never attack Lord Igarashi, and will never do anything detrimental to you!

Shalltear understood Igarashi's words as a test of her loyalty. However, even before her thirst for blood was eliminated, she would never attack the Supreme Being for that little interest, let alone now. , panicked, innocent, was Shalltear's state of mind at this time.

What an idiot. Looking at the panicked Shalltear, Igarashi was a little helpless. He just wanted to confirm the effect of his blood. According to his guess, the so-called six gods hundreds of years ago should be lower than level 100. As a player, can I also be called a god if I am far stronger than level 100? At least, her blood should have some special effects. As the ruler of blood and a max-level existence, Shalltear should be able to discover its characteristics relatively safely.

Directly putting his fingers into Shalltear's mouth, the girl's originally pale and pretty face turned red. Albedo on the side even had a faint tendency to turn black. At Igarashi's signal, Shalltear The small fangs carefully pierced Igarashi's finger, which deliberately let go of all kinds of defenses, and even deliberately forced out blood. A drop of bright red blood was swallowed by Shalltear.

boom! ! !

Chapter 238 I have a bold idea

Shalltear's energy is running rampant, like a barrel of oil being bounced into Mars. The energy that was originally powerful enough for a level 100 existence is running wildly, but it seems to be suppressed by something. The intensity of Shalltear's energy has always been It was maintained at a fixed node, but this situation did not last long. After a while, the node was broken. Shalltear, who was originally at level 100, now exuded a power that was one point stronger than level 100.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Albedo gradually tightened her hand. Shalltear became stronger because of Igarashi. This was a crazy thing for her. However, the ring on her left hand finally Let Albedo restrain himself.

Was it because of his own blood that he broke the shackles of class?

Igarashi looked at Shalltear, whose eyes were still closed, and thought for a moment. He had been paying attention to Shalltear's condition, so he naturally knew that the girl in front of him was changing for the better. As for her stronger aura, she should It is because it relies more on blood. If it were someone else, it should only be able to break the constraints of level, but not directly become stronger.

Albedo, since my blood does have some effect, you should also take a drop.

The mental power rolled up a drop of blood that was finally forced out, and put it directly into Albedo's mouth. Just as Igarashi expected, Albedo also untied the restraints. Speaking of which, as his strength increased, , even if I want to see my own blood, it is not easy.

Feeling the mental strength that has always been invincible, and the feeling of weakness caused by trying to break through the extremely relaxed body, Igarashi was a little helpless. He tried so hard to self-mutilate, but he only managed to make his fingers bleed. Is it possible that next time? , do you need to specifically strengthen your mental power to achieve the effect of easily breaking through your own physical defense?

It turns out that Lord Igarashi was experimenting on Shalltear. After seeing that everything was normal with her, no, seeing that she was changing for the better, he gave me the gift of blood.

Immersed in her own changes, Albedo thought so with an unconcealable smile on her face, and the negative emotions in her heart disappeared in an instant.

Well, Lord Igarashi...

Seeing Shalltear open her eyes, Igarashi was about to ask her how she felt, but found that there was uncontrollable emotion in the girl's eyes. As a veteran, Igarashi naturally knew that this emotion was called lust.

Hey, your own blood can also make people feel passionate? Unfortunately, I want everyone who has reached level 100 in Nazarick to break their bonds.

Faced with Shalltear clinging to him, and Albedo beside him who opened his eyes and showed an expression similar to Shalltear's, Igarashi, who had already made plans, naturally would not refuse. Mian, speaking of it, the feeling of being sucked by Shalltear was quite comfortable. Igarashi had a bold idea.

The next day, through Igarashi's research, he discovered that his blood, in addition to breaking the bonds, does not have the effect of making people lustful, but deepens people's loyalty. This seems to be the effect of the law. As a man named Igarashi As a part of existence, compared to the outside world, the effect of the laws contained in the blood in its body is more significant.

After doing some experiments with summoned objects, Igarashi determined that people with positive emotions towards him who take his own blood will change to the good side and deepen their loyalty, while those who have hostile emotions towards him will change after taking his own blood. Death suddenly, this is probably the influence of the law.

Lord Igarashi.

Albedo and Shalltear were lying next to Igarashi. Like Albedo, Shalltear also wore a ring on her hand. Because they were not weak, they would naturally not reveal anything now. After a long battle, they looked weak. On the contrary, they looked ready to make a move. Intentionally or unintentionally, the two women ignored each other's existence. Compared with bickering or even attacking each other when they met, this should be regarded as a better relationship. Bar.

If you want to fight, I will fight.

As an undefeated legend in the game, how could Igarashi admit defeat here.

Although he is not in the state of a sage, Igarashi is feeling refreshed now. Looking at Narberal, who is wearing a maid outfit and has an expressionless face, he already knows through his mental power that she has been waiting outside the door a long time ago. Igarashi was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Albedo and Shalltear used the transfer function of the ring to leave, otherwise the situation would have been even more embarrassing.

That, Narberal.

Yes, Lord Igarashi.

Looking at Narberal standing next to him as usual, Igarashi always felt that something was wrong, and asked after a while.

Did I forget something today?

Yesterday Lord Igarashi promised to return to Kahn Village again today.

Embarrassed, Igarashi even felt that the expressionless Narberal looked at him with contempt. Of course, this was impossible. Narberal should have a little temper now, but not in this matter.

Get ready, we'll leave immediately.

Narberal is always on standby.

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