Whether it was Negan or the magic chanters, they all opened their mouths and looked at the scene in front of them. The highest-level angel, the existence that had defeated the devil, was made by a young man with just one sentence. The entire angel group was shocked. An action that had never been done before, it looked funny, but the entire Sunshine Codex, as well as the senior leaders of the Theocracy who were paying attention to the situation here through surveillance magic, couldn't laugh.

Has there been any record of angels surrendering before?

It should be a church, but also a palace. Looking at the scene in front of them, one of several priests with old faces asked.

No, even the six gods from hundreds of years ago, according to the records, could only order the angels they summoned.


The extreme holy strike was launched, easily destroying the surveillance magic and destroying all the Sunshine Scriptures.

Purified by the messenger of God, they must have left very happy.

Igarashi completely ignored the frightened faces that disappeared in the holy light. He sighed a little and glanced at the angel floating quietly beside him. After a slight hesitation, Igarashi let it disappear on its own.

Although the Lord Angel is very useful in this world, Igarashi can summon beings stronger than the Lord Angel.

Now that the Theocracy has seen that it has made the so-called highest-ranking angel surrender with just one sentence, how will it react? Hey, if you obediently accept me as your master, you can save a lot of trouble. Although I guess the Theocracy has not So easy to give in, Igarashi still has such expectations. Being a god is more in line with the public consciousness than being a demon king.

Ding, the host gets 500 experience points.

Although it was a magic activated by a holy angel, at this time in front of Igarashi, the original grassland disappeared. All life was purified, leaving only the soil. The mighty Lord Angel used it to destroy a city with one strike. of power.

When you have free time, how about going to the Theocratic State to play a guest role as a god, the god who serves as the messenger of God.

With this thought in mind, Igarashi opened the portal and returned to Kahn Village.

Chapter 236 The foreigner is so awesome

Returning to the village, Igarashi saw Gazef slumped on the ground, Narberal with an expression on her face, and sisters Enri and Nim who were overjoyed to see him back.


Seeing Igarashi's safe return, Gazef, who had some guesses about his strength, showed a slight expression of joy. Then he thought of the reward that he might not be able to afford, and Gazef, who was already a little weak due to his injury, looked at him. Looking even paler, he opened his mouth and let out a feeble note, but he didn't know how to speak, regretting it? grateful?

Okay, I will tell you about the reward later. Don't worry, I won't let you betray the motherland. Now, take your men to repair it. Ah, by the way, remember to keep it secret from the civilians about me.

He used intermediate healing magic to easily heal Gazef's injuries. Igarashi did not express his desire immediately. If he said directly, Gazef, offer the kingdom, then the loyal warrior commander would probably He committed suicide to make his ambition clear. He was unwilling to break his promise and abandon his motherland, so he could only go so far.


Igarashi's healing magic is amazing, and it can easily heal the injuries of a strong hero. However, Gazef's mood is still full of depression. He saves the villagers regardless of his own safety and provokes Igarashi. Is it a blessing for the kingdom? It's a disaster. If it's a disaster, who in the entire kingdom can stop it?

Lord Igarashi, are you just going to let him go?

Narberal watched Gazef leave in confusion with cold eyes. When she turned to look at Igarashi, her eyes suddenly became softer again.

He will always remember the reward. It's better until he can't do more.


The strongest warrior captain in the kingdom seems to be just a little person of some value in the eyes of Igarashi and Narberal. Enri feels a little scared, but the scene where Igarashi saved her has been deeply imprinted in Enri's mind. , Enri now has full trust and support for Igarashi. As for Nimu, she is ignorant and doesn't care about these things at all.

What should we do next? Just take Enri and Nimu back to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick? How can they, who have no fighting power and are human beings, really live well in Nazarick, which is full of strong men and aliens? Even if they have their own favor, no, maybe because of their own favor, others may be more hostile to them, even if they don't show it at all on their faces.

After hesitating for a while, Igarashi took out an item that could store summons. It was shaped like a necklace and was an artifact-level item. It contained a weapon that was vulnerable to Igarashi but not to people in this world. Said Wanruo, no, it was undoubtedly a monster of a god, and handed it to Enri.

This is a gift from me. It can protect your safety in times of crisis. You must wear it at all times.

Um...thank you.

The artifact-level props lived up to their name in terms of performance and appearance. A teardrop-shaped crystal hung on a golden chain. Enri was instantly captured by the gorgeous necklace in front of her. Although she knew that the thing in front of her must be very valuable, Igarashi was no different from usual. Enri's relaxed attitude made Enri a little greedy, and her pretty face turned red. For the girl, this was the first gift given to her by an important person, and it would also be the most important thing to her.

Seeing the necklace worn by Enri around her neck flickering slightly, Igarashi smiled. The function of the artifact level is naturally not only to store summons. Even if there are no summons in it, the necklace itself is enough to protect Enri and Nim's important task.

Tears of Angels, is its name.

Let Enri and Nim stay temporarily in Karn Village and promise to come back immediately the next day. If possible, they will treat Karn Village as a long-term stay. Igarashi and Narberal directly use teleportation The door returned to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Narberal, who was following behind, hesitated several times and was naturally noticed by Igarashi.

If there's something wrong, it doesn't matter.

Seeing the gentle smile on Igarashi's face, Narberal unconsciously obeyed his words, forgetting her previous scruples.

Lord Igarashi, you have given those two humble humans so much grace.

Narberal is not very clear about the efficacy of Angel Tears, but she clearly knows the meaning of artifact-level items. Even the guardian of the hierarchy did not have a few artifact-level items before coming to this world. Not to mention her as a maid.

Is this jealousy? Seeing the indignation on Narberal's face, Igarashi was somewhat relieved that this little maid finally showed more emotions in front of him.

I like them very much. Of course, I also like you very much. Well, let me think about it, what reward should I give you?

Seeing Narberal panicking about her reaction just now, and wanting to apologize, Igarashi took the girl's hand, leaned in front of Narberal, and kissed the iceberg beauty gently on the lips. It retreated immediately upon touching it, but the soft and slightly cold touch made Igarashi quite enjoy it.

Well, thank you for the gift of the Supreme Being.

A clear blush finally appeared on Narberal's pretty face, and she lowered her head in a respectful and demanding manner.

It was obvious that she had been forcibly kissed, and that her first kiss had been taken away, but there was no sadness on Narberal's face. Instead, there was a hint of joy. If Igarashi hadn't been with her for a long time, he wouldn't have been able to notice it.

As I said before, call me Igarashi, well, that's okay, master.

Yes, Master.

So, the outsider mother is really great, the maid is really great, the obedient outsider maid girl is perfect!

If he had not experienced many worlds and tempered his mind, facing a woman like Narberal with various characteristics, Igarashi would have been eager to let her sleep with her. However, for the current Igarashi, it is not It's so scary that people have become cute.

Chapter 237 Can I be called God?

Sir Igarashi, there are no abnormal conditions on each floor, and there are no intruders.

Sitting in her room on the tenth floor of Nazarick, Albedo reported to the side that the maid responsible for taking care of Igarashi's life was not here. If Igarashi guessed correctly, she should have been taken care of by Albedo. De used his power as steward to make them stand down.

Albedo, how does the new world feel?

Glancing at the ring Albedo wore on her left ring finger, which symbolized marriage, Igarashi gained a deeper understanding of her character. Although Albedo tried to remain calm and elegant in front of him, she did not Conceal your love for yourself.

With Igarashi-sama by your side, it will be wonderful no matter where you are.

Greedily enjoying the time spent with Igarashi, Albedo's eyes were full of joy and infatuation, opportunity! With the maid away, the right place and the right people, could it be that the opportunity that I had been looking forward to for a long time was now?

Lord Igarashi, are you okay?

Shalltear held up her fluffy skirt and greeted Igarashi. Her voice was sweet and serious. However, it made Albedo, who was showing his infatuation, anger. However, Igarashi should have spoken next. Erbedo suppressed the indignation in his heart and remained quiet, but the look he looked at Shalltear was not friendly at all.

Originally, there were many beauties in Nazarick, but almost all of them were aliens, and their true identities were really terrifying. However, before traveling through the Great Tomb, Igarashi used his ample time and the authority of the president to modify the Setting, although their race has not changed, the appearance of humans is a fixed image that will not change. Of course, some racial characteristics are still preserved.

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