Chapter 206 Four-line operation?

After Igarashi and his team left, the research institute fell into silence again. Soon the staff of the Central Court were welcomed. Unfortunately, there were no powerful artifact users, and Dalvila was not found sneakily hiding in a hidden place. Peeping here.

Let Tucker confirm his death. The God Slayer and the Ghost are seriously injured and are being recovered by the people in the Central Court. Do you want to stop it?

On the other side, Hiro, who was busy in the base he quietly established, did not agree.

We are now inferior to the Central Court in terms of top strength and numbers. It's better not to have a conflict. You withdraw first and implement other plans.

Hero, who had long wanted to leave the Central Court and set up his own branch, found that the functions of the secret base were quite complete, and the artifact users he brought had their own jobs, and some even volunteered to participate in the reanimation experiment. In this regard, I hope that Luo was very satisfied.

As long as the artifacts are brought alive, their combat effectiveness can be greatly improved. As for other fatal flaws, Hiro, who does not care about the life and death of the artifacts, does not take it seriously. As long as all the people on his side are turned into alive , after getting the leap upgrade, he is as strong as Igarashi, but he can't beat four hands with two fists.

At night, Igarashi wanted to go to Zero's room as promised, but looking at the smiling Antoineva in front of him and still having the mental energy to feel, Igarashi felt that several familiar people were approaching him in this quiet night. Knowing that he might break his promise, he quietly sent a message to Ling, saying that he was busy and that he might have to wait until next time to coax her to sleep, but he didn't receive a reply from her.

Why, it's so late, do you have anything else to do?

Antoneva did not stop Igarashi from tapping on the tactical terminal, and waited contentedly for him to finish his work, showing a puzzled look.

This should be what I asked you!

This is Igarashi's room. Antoneva is now visiting late at night. A man and a woman are alone in the same room. The atmosphere gradually becomes ambiguous. Although Igarashi and Antoneva lived together at the beginning, they slept in their own rooms. In the bedroom, after the relationship became increasingly close, there were a few more residents, so naturally there was no time to be alone late at night.

I originally had an appointment with Zero, but I just postponed the date a little. If she agrees, it should be fine.

Igarashi did not hide his agreement with Zero. He still understood the first come first served basis, not to mention his relationship with Antoineva, so there was no need to hide anything.

So, the timing of my appearance was not good.

Already aware of the agreement between Igarashi and Zero, Antoineva looked at Igarashi who had not hidden it from her, and her smile became softer, but now that she was here, she would not stop there.

Sister Antoneva, what are you talking about to brother Igarashi?

After receiving Igarashi's message, Zero knew that the other party could not postpone the agreement with him because of fighting or other things. The only thing that would cause this situation was the use of other artifacts with which she had a close relationship.

Looking at Antoneva who was smiling coquettishly in Igarashi's room, Zero couldn't help but pout. He obviously made an agreement with Igarashi first, so why did it become like this.

Antoineva actually felt a little guilty about Zero. Looking at the somewhat annoyed Zero, he was about to offer words of comfort, but was interrupted by two other intruders.

It's very lively here.

They met halfway, watching each other's progress, An Xin understood their respective intentions. Although they wanted to stop them, they were worried that the collision in the central court would attract the attention of more competitors. Orusia and Flora walked hand in hand into the five In Julan's room, they looked at Antoineva and Zero, who had arrived before them but failed to achieve any substantial results, with happy expressions.

It was really overwhelming. Igarashi looked at the four beautiful artifact users gathered in front of him and felt a little weak. He could barely do the two-line operation, but he couldn't learn the four-line operation.

So, what are you going to do, Igarashi?

Seeing that Igarashi's face had lost its usual composure, Orusia, who was originally very eager for love, now suppressed the urgency in her heart and spoke full of bad taste.

Zero thought that he could run ahead of everyone quietly because of the agreement he made with Igarashi. However, the sister who had taken care of him was now present, and Zero knew that he had made a mistake.

Antoneva did not expect that besides Zero, Flora and Orusia would also appear. She sighed slightly and Antoneva smoothed things over for Igarashi.

It's rare for everyone to get together again, so why not talk about what happened in the past few years.

Flora could hear the emotions that almost overflowed from the chests of everyone present, but she didn't expect that they were in such a calm situation. However, she had grown up a lot, so she was not in a hurry and listened to Antoineva's words honestly.

The mental power Igarashi left behind at the beginning did work. Everyone became a divine weapon user after the Black Gate appeared. Before becoming a divine weapon user, they encountered more or less crises. The most serious one was It was Flora who was almost injured by the explosion caused by the appearance of the black door, and Antoineva was trapped in the university campus by the monster. It was Igarashi's mental power that protected their safety even if it appeared.

Fortunately, fortunately, thanks to his own consideration of this, Igarashi looked at the intact people and breathed a sigh of relief. However, he found that the four women were staring at him. After being slightly startled, he remembered that it seemed to be his turn to tell the story. Experienced.

Well, although their names have already appeared on the family list of the system, telling them about their journey across the world would only increase their annoyance. Igarashi just told them everything that happened in the past few days in detail, Liberate the college campus, the Five Elements Formation, the Golden Umbrella, save Seham, and even that unknown existence.

You're not even a match for Igarashi-san?

In Zero's heart, Igarashi is already an omnipotent being, but now he hears that he is invincible. It is unbelievable. This is how everyone feels now.

Don't worry too much, the worst case scenario shouldn't happen.

Igarashi kept the 10,000 experience points just in case, just to deal with the unknown existence that was like a god. The 10,000 experience points strengthened his single attribute to 200 points. However, Igarashi felt that 200 With his physique or spirit, he still won't be the opponent of that unknown existence, but if up to 10,000 of the power of all phenomena are directly used in attacks, it can exert terrifying power, even if the opponent is a god, Igarashi can also take it for granted. God-killer.

However, this is only the worst case scenario. For now, the unknown existence does not seem to have much malicious intent. Except when Igarashi first came to this world, the unknown existence has never appeared again.

Chapter 207 Learn to cook from me

Because of the unknown existence in Igarashi's mouth, the four girls were distracted and did not dwell too much on Igarashi's past. In other words, they would not go against Igarashi's wishes and get to the bottom of it.

After talking in the room for a long time, Igarashi calmed them down and sent them back to their respective rooms one by one after a while. Finally, watching the other three of them go back obediently, only Antoineva continued to stay, and Igarashi Already knowing what will happen next, Igarashi has always liked Antoneva, so naturally he will not shrink from the battle.

The next day, Igarashi, who knew that Antoneva was still focused on the various tasks in the central court, quietly spent 10 experience points to restore Antoneva to her best condition. Although she didn't get much rest, Antoneva Be more energetic and charming.

Originally, there would be Ann's loving breakfast and the service of waking up Igarashi in the morning, but it seemed that Flora and the others knew what would happen to Antoneva who deliberately left last, and Igarashi, so they reminded Ann, making the girl more nervous than usual. The time was delayed by an hour, and Igarashi also had time to take care of Antoineva.

Here, your breakfast.

When a hot and sumptuous breakfast was delivered to Igarashi, An Keai's face showed a slight hint of depression. Although she knew the feelings between Igarashi and Antoneva, she herself was the one after Igarashi came to the central court. The person she first met now has many opponents, and someone has taken the lead, which naturally makes the girl a little jealous. However, thinking of the differences between herself and ordinary people, An's jealousy eventually turned into deep sadness.

System, can I use the power of everything to turn An into a pure human?

Ann longs to become a human. This is something Igarashi knew when he held the coming-of-age ceremony for her. After thinking about it for a while, Igarashi understood the origin of the look on the girl's face. The power of all things can be said to be omnipotent. If he can If so, Igarashi hopes to fulfill the girl's wish.

Ding, changing the race of the artifact to the human race requires the consumption of 10 million of the power of the universe. The target is concerned by the most powerful being in this world. Please consider it carefully, the host.

The words that the system rang in his mind made Igarashi's expression condense. The most powerful existence in this world? That mysterious female voice?

Igarashi, who originally didn't care much about the power of 10 million forms, still did not choose to change An's race immediately. If An truly became a human, he might have to face that existence. Igarashi planned to wait until the rewards of this world were settled. , have enough omnipotent power, and be more secure, then realize An's wish.

Thank you, Ann, the future will be wonderful, don't worry.


An was willing to believe Igarashi's words unconditionally. Feeling his concern for her, the girl's smile returned to her face.

Hiro left and took many artifact users with him. Although Igarashi arranged for corresponding artifact users to fill the vacancies in a timely manner, there was still a shortage of some manpower. Igarashi, who was originally only responsible for liberating the area, also had to deal with many things. Good Igarashi has the ability of photographic memory and is very efficient.

Thank you for your hard work! I learned how to make some cookies myself. Let me know what you think after eating them! Make sure you get plenty of rest! ——Jiaer

Returning to his office, Igarashi found an extra transparent plastic bag with cookies on the table.

Jia'er is such a good girl. After a romantic night and a slow breakfast, Igarashi looked refreshed at the note with Juanxiu's handwriting. However, the weird purple color of the cookies and the... The terrifying momentum all shows its terrifying lethality.

Feeling the little heads peeking at her from outside the office, Igarashi smiled bitterly, carefully opened the bag, picked up a cookie and tasted it slowly.

Bitter, sweet, and a little salty.

Igarashi, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, did not show any pain because of the taste that was not at all beautiful. Instead, he chewed it carefully and swallowed it calmly. Since Jia'er wanted to know how he felt, Igarashi planned to Concretely tell the advantages and disadvantages of the cookie, Igarashi will not let down Jia'er's feelings.

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