As the current sole commander of the Central Court, Igarashi has to think more about the Central Court. There will be no restrictions on the artifact users in the Central Court. They will be paid after work. This is the main theme of the world. Let Yuya and If Mu Ya's two artifacts are used outside, they will inevitably be used by some dishonest old man.

Don't worry yet. When we invaded the central system just now, we discovered an interesting place.

Yan Hua's voice came through the communicator, stopping the group of people who wanted to leave.

A map was projected in the air.

Looking at the laboratory marked in red, Igarashi remembered that there seemed to be a stronger monster there. When the self-destruction program was activated, Igarashi deliberately left that area alone, hoping to let the explosion kill it directly. .

There is a monster there. It is lower than Leviritan and stronger than other monsters I have seen.

It seems to be world-class, Igarashi, please.

After listening to Igarashi's description, Yan Hua showed a solemn look. It was not a wise choice to let this monster stay in the research institute. The only option was to destroy it, subdue it or expel it.

let's go.

Igarashi led everyone towards the laboratory. Although the unconscious Yuya was a burden, facing the world class, Igarashi would never rely on artifact users. The previous agreement had already worked. What was in front of them was something they could not match. opponent.

They were able to capture a world-class monster? Oh my god!

Jia'er stared blankly at the monster in front of her that was bound by layers of alloy chains. She had never seen Levitan before, and felt that the energy in the monster in front of her was something she had never seen before.

With my Eye of Horus, I saw that the way its energy flows is completely different from ordinary monsters. Combined with the previously discovered information, this is a man-made monster created by Jean Tucker. Maybe he is really a genius...

Even Yan Hua, who is known as the Brain of God, sighed a little after getting information about the monster through his artifact.

Anyway, recycle it.

The bound artificial world class should be something that Igarashi and his team can handle. Yan Hua, who came to this conclusion, hopes to recycle it. The monster in front of him is of high value.

God destroys ghosts, and the bonds are lifted.

A mechanical beep sounded. The monster named Kametsukisei, who had been suppressed by chains and drugs, shook its clumsy body that had not moved for a long time and let out an ear-piercing howl.


Seeing the situation in front of them, the artifact users subconsciously protected Igarashi. The huge size of the monster in front of them and the terrifying energy fluctuations all showed how powerful the opponent was. The girls clenched the weapons in their hands, knowing that A dangerous battle ensues.

Okay, you don't want to compete head-on with the world class, do you?

The so-called world level is the highest level that the whole world should treat with caution. It requires the combined efforts of many artifact users to expel them. Although there are many artifact users around us now, they are not considered to be numerous at all, and there are two small burdens. Igarashi stretched his muscles. He had used his mental power many times since he came to this world, but there were not many opportunities to do it. Although the monster in front of him was not as good as Levitan, it should be able to withstand his punch.


The god destroys the ghost will not give the enemy time to talk. Purple riot energy surges on the several-meter-long ferocious arm, and it swings forward rapidly. After being sideways avoided by Igarashi, the sturdy arm specially built in the research institute A huge crater was left on the ground, and the girls standing not far away tried their best to maintain their balance in the earthquake-like laboratory.

Igarashi avoided not because he could not withstand the attack of the world-class monster in front of him, but because he hoped that the girls would retreat when faced with difficulties. Seeing their more solemn expressions, they did not retreat in their steps. Instead, they were full of worry and wanted to rush forward. After helping, Igarashi sighed helplessly.


God Destroyer Ghost failed to hit a single blow and was restrained for a long time. Unlike Levitan, it had a relatively mature wisdom. It let out a crazy cry, and its two giant claws glowed with energy at the same time. Only one of them could cause damage before. With earthquake-like fluctuations, if it were to attack with both claws, this specially reinforced laboratory would almost certainly collapse.

That's it for now.

Running along the huge body of Kamekisei, he ran all the way to the top of it. After taking a look at the monster that was trying to attack him with energy, Igarashi punched it down.

Chapter 205 I don’t understand love, please teach me


The girls half-opened their mouths and looked in surprise at the world-class Demon Beast God Slayer Kimesi who fell to the ground after just one punch from Igarashi and passed out. The monster that was so majestic just a second ago has now become Totally incapacitated.

Ever since the appearance of black gates, monsters, and artifact users, the common sense of this world has been almost destroyed. Previously, in full view of everyone, Igarashi punched away an artifact user who seemed to be inclined to attack. Although it was a bit unbelievable, it was still okay for the time being. The acceptable range, but now Igarashi's punch directly makes the world-class monster lose the ability to resist, and looking at his relaxed look, it is obvious that he still has some strength left. Is the gap between people so big?

In fact, Igarashi, whose physical abilities were no longer in the human category, was filled with admiration when he looked at the huge Kamekisei in front of him. Although he didn't use much strength just now, he could actually withstand that punch. As a puncher, Igarashi said he was very comfortable.

The brain of God, Yan Hua, and the messenger of God, Antoineva. As the people in the central court whose status is second only to the commander, have such titles, does it mean that the commander above them is a god?

Although he knew that the reason for his title was just others touting his wisdom, Yan Hua, who saw Igarashi's actions through the communicator, could not suppress his inner surprise and silently disconnected the communication. Igarashi was stronger than the world-class monsters. , also poses a greater danger. However, Yan Hua sighed helplessly when he remembered that in addition to himself and the artifact users who left with Hiro, the other artifact users who stayed in the central court were almost die-hardly loyal to Igarashi. , I can only believe in the vision of Antoneva and the others.

Well, what should we do now?

The girls' outlook has been almost destroyed by Igarashi, but they are recovering quickly now. Looking at the huge body of the unconscious Kami Slayer, Jia'er is a little embarrassed. She won't have to fight it all the way back to the central courtyard. ?

Someone will come over to deal with it later, and we will leave directly after getting the black core.

The Central Court's research on Warcraft rarely takes place within the headquarters. In that case, if an unexpected situation occurs, there will be heavy losses, let alone a world-class Warcraft. Igarashi knew that even if Yan Hua witnessed this scene, there would be some If you have any ideas, relevant personnel will be notified to come and handle them.

The black core of the institute was hidden in the research room just now. Igarashi easily found it using his mental power and spent his life to purify it. He discovered that the girls who had previously shown sadness when they saw him purifying the black core It seems to be much better now. The unusual combat power he has shown has also confirmed that his lifespan will indeed be very long, which reassures them.

I will be obedient, don't hit me!

Muya, who was quiet along the way and tried her best to reduce her sense of presence, listened carefully to the conversation between Igarashi and the others. When she noticed that his eyes were looking at her, she immediately expressed her stance that Wuya, who could seriously injure the gods and demons with one punch, Shilan, if his fist falls on him, he will definitely be hurt to death. For Mu Ya, this is the most tragic ending.

I'm not that violent. Even if I pull your face occasionally, it will only cause you pain. If I really use force, do you think your current condition will still be this good?

Obviously, apart from pulling Mu Ya's face and verbal threats, he had no other actions at all. Why was he so scary in her eyes? Glancing at the others who were suppressing laughter, Igarashi coughed lightly.


Mu Ya thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was indeed the case. Looking at the friendly big sisters around her, she finally felt relieved and followed everyone out of the research institute.

The comatose Yuya was left in Zero's care. They were about the same age, at least on the surface, and they might become good friends. The smart Zero easily understood Igarashi's meaning. After hearing Igarashi say that Yuya had been covered with wounds, he had to take good care of them After taking care of her and making her feel warm, Zero spoke with an innocent face.

But I don't understand what love is either.

Tsk, looking at Zero who seemed to be lamenting his own shortcomings and feeling sad that he couldn't help, Igarashi almost felt sympathy. However, what I said was clearly warmth, not love. Why did you change the concept secretly? How did I take care of you? Why don't you just do the same now?

So, how can I help you?

Igarashi spoke fondly. For this girl who has always relied on him in the past, but now comes to the central court and works hard to help while not disturbing him with trivial matters, Igarashi is willing to fulfill all her wishes.

I want Igarashi-nii to put me to sleep tonight like he did in the past!

Although Zero had a mature mind in the past, he was a little frightened after losing his father and coming to a strange residence. However, Igarashi had more interactions with Antoineva than before, so he took on the responsibility of coaxing her to sleep, saying It's coaxing. In fact, it's just sitting by Ling's bed to make her no longer feel lonely. Sometimes she also tells stories.

Looking at Zero, whose eyes were as pure and flawless as ever, Igarashi nodded with difficulty. Not to mention what Zero would do next, Zero lived in the central courtyard, not far from other people's rooms, and they saw him. What would I think if I walked into Zero's bedroom in the middle of the night? Anyway, Igarashi didn't dare to think about it.

Great, I will take good care of Yu Mi.

Watching Zero walk towards the infirmary where Yuya was after making his sworn promise, Igarashi temporarily ignored the consequences of this promise and walked towards his room.

However, most of the area in the central court was covered by surveillance. Sitting in a room with countless screens, Antoineva witnessed what just happened with a smile on her face. She would not let Zero walk in front of her, even if With a good nature, Antoneva will not give in here.

On the other hand, Flora, who became the wielder of the artifact, not only possesses the limited power of speech and spirit, but also has her hearing strengthened to a very high level, even to the point where she can hear the emotions of others. She also listened to the conversation between Igarashi and Zero word for word, but her face remained calm.

Unlike others, Orussia didn't know what had just happened. She was more devoted to love and could no longer bear the pain of waiting. She just planned to quietly go to Igarashi tonight to feel more love.

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