Seeing Igarashi, Antoineva, who had been busy all day, once again showed her heart-breaking kindness, thinking about others like a tireless machine.

Igarashi didn't know what influence could make Antoineva maintain such a good character under such conditions. He didn't want to change Antoineva, but he wanted to improve Antoineva's life.

I'll prepare dinner. Well, you can go out to eat. I'll treat you.

How about that...

Igarashi interrupted Antoneva who was trying to refute.

You picked me up and took me home. This is just a small reward from me.

Antoineva shook her head slightly. Before, she thought Igarashi was a man living on the street, and she wanted to help him. Now that she thought about it, it was really ridiculous. Igarashi's clothes and temperament were incompatible with a homeless person, even without herself, He'll be fine too.

I guessed wrong at the time. What's more, I couldn't help you with anything. Why do you still live here? The conditions here are obviously not good.

Although Antoneva knew that the addition of Igarashi as a tenant in this apartment would bring an extra income to the old gentleman. Without Igarashi, she might be the only one here for a long time, but Antoneva still I hope Igarashi goes where he should go. This shabby apartment is not his destination.

Because I like you and want to be close to you.

At this time, Igarashi said something sudden without hesitation. If he directly said that he wanted to help Antoineva, he would be putting himself in a superior perspective and showing mercy. However, this mercy would not be enough for Antoineva. Maybe it won't make her happy, so just show your desires.


Antoneva, who had been talking to Igarashi in a calm and generous manner, suddenly became unnatural. Even though she was not an introverted girl, Antoneva was a little at a loss when faced with a confession for the first time.

Um, thank you?

Seeing Antoineva hesitantly thinking about an answer that would not make him sad, Igarashi was more or less expected. For him, he had known Antoineva for a while, but for Antoineva To put it bluntly, Igarashi is just a guy he has just met for less than a day. Even if he is a person with a good impression, it is impossible for him to give a positive answer to Igarashi's confession.

Well, you're welcome.

This shouldn't be the conversation when expressing love, right? Even if Antoneva was inexperienced, she knew that the conversation between the two at this time was a bit strange. Knowing Igarashi's evil intentions towards her, Antoneva was slightly relieved. Although the person in front of her spoke straightforwardly, her actions Still very well behaved.

Seeing that Antoineva was stunned by his answer, Igarashi felt filled with a sense of accomplishment. Even though the current girl has not experienced the Black Gate and has not become an artifact user, her indifferent temperament seems to be innate and has always been He has always had a calmness that is not alarmed at all changes. It is really rare for Antoineva to show surprise like this.

Do you really know how to cook?

Watching Igarashi walk into the kitchen, Antoineva was a little worried, worried about the kitchen.

This is really Antoineva! Still underestimate yourself as always!

Igarashi took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to complain, and turned back to look at Antoneva seriously.

Believe me!

All right.

Igarashi proposed to prepare dinner by himself. Naturally, he used his mental power to detect the ready-made ingredients in the kitchen. Although the old gentleman renovated the house, the kitchen and bathroom remained the same. There was only one bathroom. Igarashi almost began to imagine the future. some scenes.

Although it was all vegetables, it did not prevent Igarashi from displaying his skills. However, Igarashi had a clearer understanding of Antoineva's living conditions.

Well, it's delicious.

Carefully putting the normal-looking dish into his mouth, Antoineva found that not only did it taste normal, but it was also delicious, and she couldn't help but praise it.


Igarashi held his head and looked at Antoineva who praised him generously with a smile. Although he had many private contacts with her in the future in the central courtyard, the current Igarashi discovered her again. A more charming place.

You should eat too.

Discovering that Igarashi was only looking at her and not doing anything else, Antoineva gradually became unnatural. After hearing Igarashi's confession to her, the girl could no longer be as casual as before and could only eat. Relieve your own inner tension.

Sensing Antoineva's emotions, Igarashi secretly smiled inwardly. The eldest sister at the time was now the little sister regardless of age or temperament. Even though the difficult environment had allowed her to grow a lot, it had not allowed her to reach the level she had reached. The position of one of the future leaders of Central Court.

After dinner, Antoineva locked herself in the room alone. Even if she was usually very generous, it was impossible for her to remain as calm as usual after there was a member of the opposite sex in her place whom she had only known for a day. , showing the shyness and reserve of a young girl.

Igarashi didn't interrupt, nor did he try to use his mental power to spy on what Antoineva was doing in the room, and just returned to his room.

Although the decoration is not exquisite, it is at least very neat. Igarashi does not think that this is the work of an old gentleman. The only one who would clean it so carefully is probably Antoneva.

Now he has indeed come to the past and met Antoineva. When Antoineva took the initiative to design the ark for him, Amusa reminded herself specifically that Igarashi knew that there must be something very important in the past that needed to be done. They did it by themselves, but none of them said it clearly. This half-hidden attitude made Igarashi quite confused now.

What is going on? Remind me but don’t tell me. If I really can’t find it, won’t I regret it later?

Even in the face of a future where the world might be destroyed, Igarashi, who didn't panic much, began to have a headache.

Chapter 187 Trading Life

The next day, Antoineva had classes and needed to go to school. Although university studies rarely consume a whole day because of classes, in fact, if you want to spend a semester with good grades, it is not It's an easy thing. As a literary girl, Antoineva is a well-known good student in school, so she will naturally not be absent.

Igarashi did not go to college with Antoineva. His relationship with the girl has not yet reached that close level. Even if they live together, they are just living under the same roof. They are more like neighbors than living together, and Igarashi Although Arashi had been a light novelist and was a light novelist who set various records, Igarashi still didn't have much interest in literature.

Since there were things in the past that needed to be accomplished by oneself, it would be better to hang around outside more.

Igarashi walked out of the house helplessly. He obviously wanted Antoineva to be his guide before, but it turned out that this was the second time he went out. Even though he was tasked with preventing the destruction of the world, he just went out and wandered around when he had nothing to do. Compared with For Antoineva, he really seemed like an idler.

Our institute needs volunteers to participate in experiments. The rewards are very generous, but the experiments are also dangerous. If you are willing, please contact us.

After Igarashi walked out of the apartment, he passed by a hidden slum for a while. From time to time, he could see slogans like this or researchers in white coats making propaganda. Most of the people living here were completely poor. , you can get paid for participating in so-called scientific experiments, which is something worth trying for many people.

I'll sign.

The researchers didn't publicize for long before a man in ragged clothes stepped forward and directly took the most lucrative and dangerous life and death certificate called the Information Letter.

This experiment may be life-threatening, please think carefully.

Although there were volunteers, the researchers did not show much joy, but gave serious advice.

I'm disabled, no one wants to hire me, I have no friends or family.

As if complaining or explaining, the homeless man shook his empty sleeve on his left side without any hesitation, while the researcher's eyes showed slight pity, but he did not stop him. He had already seen such a miserable person. Lots and lots.

Igarashi just watched quietly. He didn't know what the city's attitude was towards this kind of risky experiment, but the people in the slums didn't show anything when facing these guys who tried to buy their lives with money. There was a look of disgust on his face, but there was a hint of hope on his face. These people in front of him may be the only hope after falling into despair in the future.

This is probably an unspoken rule that cannot be put on the surface, but has been known by relevant people. Science and medicine require experimental subjects, and for some people who are trapped in poverty, this is what allows them to survive or even reach heaven in one step. method.

Igarashi did not step forward to stop him, and even spent his own money to save the person in front of him. Even if Igarashi could be saved for a while, he could not save his life, not to mention that life-threatening experiments are rare in themselves.

In the future, the Black Gate will come and monsters will run rampant. Although a lot of buildings in the city will be destroyed, causing economic losses and casualties, after the Central Court is established, there will be no so-called slums, and perhaps the entire city bordering the future will be restored. About the support of the world.

Comforting himself with this thought, Igarashi, who had already left the slums, paused and remembered that he had massacred the army in anger. Later, even though his behavior was still considered polite and considerate, his inner attitude towards ordinary people became more and more contemptuous. , after coming to this world, only the beautiful girls he has come into contact with can attract his attention. Even if he becomes the commander of the Central Court, he still ignores the many artifact users he has never met.

Because of the improvement in strength, have you put yourself in a higher position and look down on the weak?

Life is not equivalent in Igarashi's heart. The lives of strangers are not worth mentioning at all. The lives of those who like him and those he likes are extremely heavy, and can even exceed the sum of other people.

Such a mentality cannot be called true, good or beautiful at all, but Igarashi did not change his past completely. He turned back to the slums and shouted to cherish life, and used money to give the poor in this small corner of the city a few days of happiness. Just keep moving forward.

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