The people who were originally standing on the street walked into a slightly old apartment under the leadership of the old gentleman. It had two bedrooms and one living room, with beds and desks in the room, just like a dormitory. Igarashi was The old gentleman was stunned by his operation.

Um, am I living with Antoneva? We have only met for less than a day. Isn't this not good?

Igarashi's hesitant look made the old gentleman's eyes grow more appreciative. At a youthful and restless age, it was really rare that Igarashi could think so. Despite this, the old gentleman's face remained calm and he snorted softly. .

Every room is locked. Don't do anything bad. I live in this apartment too. Be honest.

Originally, this house had been renovated. Except for the living room, it was a small dormitory for one person per room. However, after a weak girl like Antoineva moved into one of the rooms, the old gentleman did not intend to let others live in the rest. Even if the rent for that room is less, the old gentleman doesn't care at all.

This would make Antoneva more at ease, which was how the old gentleman thought it would develop.

However, since Antoneva moved in, the old gentleman has never seen the girl's relatives and friends. While completing her studies, the girl also shouldered all her own expenses by working part-time. She was busy alone every day, which made the old gentleman a little bit agitated. Feeling distressed, I can only find some easy and small things for her to do from time to time, and at the same time give her rewards to reduce her burden in a disguised way.

Now the appearance of Igarashi allows the old gentleman to see some kind of opportunity, an opportunity that can change Antoneva's life. Such a well-behaved young man should be able to make Antoneva no longer enveloped by loneliness, right?

For beautiful girls, Igarashi has never been an honest person. He listened helplessly to the old gentleman's various threats to him. The small door lock is actually not that big for Igarashi, who has already surpassed the limits of human beings. It worked, but he was not a vulgar person, and Igarashi's performance also made the old gentleman feel more at ease. After a few words with Antoneva, he left.

At this time, there were only Igarashi and Antoineva in the room. It seemed that there was an extra person who was not used to her life. Antoineva became embarrassed, and then suddenly remembered that she had another job. He spoke unfinished, slightly anxiously.

Igarashi, please give me your advice in the future. I still have work to do, so I'll excuse you for now. Please wait a moment regarding the guide.

Okay, little sister.

Antoineva changed from a very reliable and gentle elder sister to a young girl who had not yet completed her studies. Igarashi, who had been taken care of by Antoineva before, now maliciously aggravated the title of little sister.

I'm a college student, maybe older than you. Forget it, let's not talk about it.

Antoineva tried hard to defend herself, trying to get rid of the title of little sister, but after seeing Igarashi's malicious smile, she knew that it would be difficult to be effective. She said no more and left the room with slight dissatisfaction.

Watching Antoineva leave, Igarashi gradually stopped smiling. He didn't expect that the eldest sister who had always been gentle in front of him would have such a past.

Poverty, loneliness, and busyness. In such a short period of time, Igarashi could already deeply feel these words that filled Antoineva's life.

At a beautiful age, she experienced things that were completely incompatible with beauty, but she could still maintain her kindness. Previously, Antoneva even planned to work an extra job to pay for Igarashi’s rent. She was so willing to help others that she was harsh on herself in helping others. To the point of, is this the Virgin?

The only thing Igarashi can be thankful for now is probably that he can come to this era and help the little Virgin at this time.

Using the drawings given by Antoneva to build an ark, going back in time and meeting the former Antoneva seemed like a coincidence, but as his strength grew, Igarashi could faintly feel that the world was full of The various rules and so-called coincidences may be inevitable. Everything before may be the result of Igarashi's influence.

Chapter 185 Singer

Standing by the window and watching Antoneva's figure gradually go away, Igarashi placed part of his mental power on her. There was no illusion in the world at this time, so there was no need to worry that the mental power would be depleted over time. .

Giving money to Antoineva like this is tantamount to charity. Igarashi doesn't want to do such a thing that is degrading to her dignity. Now that the two of them are so close, they are not in a hurry.

Let’s first understand the information of this era.

Walking alone on the street, Igarashi used his naked eyes to observe around, and at the same time, he released his mental power to explore and understand the situation of the city clearly. Although there are many differences from the future border city, the general layout is the same, and there are no It makes Igarashi feel somewhat strange.

Compared with the later border cities, the technology and economic level of this city are obviously not high now, but it has a large population, which can be regarded as a place to live and work in peace and contentment.

Igarashi originally wanted to take this opportunity to find out the reason for the arrival of the alien world. If he found a black core or something that might derive a black core, he would destroy it in advance. However, after searching for a long time, Igarashi had no choice but to give up. Now The world is no different from an ordinary world, with neither black core nor illusion. What will happen in the future may seem like fantasy to people today.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Igarashi began to return. However, halfway through, his mental energy, which had been on the outside, discovered that a beautiful girl was in trouble.

Flora, I'm your fan! Your voice is very nice. Can you sing another song for me?

Well, it's time for me to go home.

The blonde girl looked at the excited and disgusting man in front of her with some trouble. As an outstanding singer, many people were moved by her voice. However, singers are different from celebrities and are not popular. In the world of pop music, generally no one disrupts their private life like this. The guy in front of me went beyond the rules.

How could this be? I have always supported you. I have tried to understand every piece of information you have. I have paid close attention to every appearance you have. Now I finally have the opportunity to meet you in private. How could you do this to me?

The words spoken by the man with a sad and angry face made Flora feel a chill. This behavior was no different from that of a stalker. The girl couldn't help but take a few steps back. She took a small road in a hurry, which seemed to be a mistake.

Because she has no obligation to respond to your so-called support. It's really ridiculous. Inquiring into other people's privacy like a peeping tom counts as support. Where did you draw such a conclusion?

Igarashi walked into the alley from the intersection and looked at the man in front of him with an expression of injustice. He had not met such a personality person for a long time.

Ridiculous? You think I'm ridiculous?

When the man saw someone appearing, he did not feel any panic. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with what he did. He glanced at Flora who was blocked by him in a dead end and was not worried that she would take this opportunity to escape. The man began Arguing with Igarashi.

“I gave my time and energy to support her, and now what’s wrong with asking her to sing a song for me?”

The man in front of her with his teeth and claws made Flora a little timid. She only held singing concerts at night and could always leave quietly with the cover of night. She was really not good at dealing with people. Although she wanted to refute what this man said, she felt that he was very rude. , but at this time Flora could not find any basis to refute.

Igarashi believes in the supremacy of strength. Generally speaking, he uses his fists to reason. However, the person in front of him has no serious sins and there is no lust in his eyes. Blocking the blond girl here is really just a matter of pure desire. She just sang a song for herself, well, there was something wrong with her brain.

What you call giving is just to satisfy your own needs. This girl has not gained anything. You are just a rude stranger to her now.

Seeing someone who sings well, seeing someone who is beautiful, collecting information about her, and listening to her songs is called giving. Then everyone will probably have to spend their whole life constantly giving back to others.


An angry look flashed on the man's face, and he was about to continue speaking, and even had the urge to take action, but he felt as if his brain had been hit hard and he suddenly became dizzy.

You go.

Igarashi glanced at the blond girl who was blocked in the dead end and motioned for her to leave.


Half of the small road in the alley was occupied by the man. Flora timidly tried to get around him. After hesitating a few times, she stopped and looked at Igarashi for help. Compared to the disgusting man, A man who can bring favor to others regardless of appearance or temperament, and who helps himself, Igarashi, is more trustworthy.

I see.

Igarashi used his mental power to make the man fall into a state of unconsciousness. If he touches him now, he will immediately fall to the ground and become unconscious. At that time, the girl may have the heart of the Virgin overflowing, and her rebirth will be full of twists and turns. Igarashi has seen Antoineva's kindness. , now I’m a little scared.

Pulling the girl around the man who was barely standing, Igarashi led her back to the road, getting out of trouble. As for the man, Igarashi deliberately used mental power to hit the part of the brain responsible for memory, causing him to He has forgotten a few things. As for how much he has forgotten, it is not something Igarashi needs to worry about. At least, he has definitely forgotten about today's events.

Thank you.

Although she was somewhat grateful to Igarashi, Flora was still a little flustered. After bowing gently to thank her, she looked at the kind-looking person in front of her for advice.

Well, can I go home?


Igarashi shrugged. He was just a passerby who protected the beautiful girl out of interest, and he did not expect anything in return. Since the girl was a little nervous, he just left like this, waving his hands as a farewell.

Seeing the person who helped her turn and leave, Flora opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing. After silently and solemnly thanking her again in her heart, she walked quickly to her home. Although she experienced some twists and turns today, she is indeed a good person. More, next time you have a singing meeting, you should offer a hymn to this beautiful world.

Chapter 186 Well, thank you?

Not long after Igarashi returned to his new residence, Antoineva also appeared. She had not rested all day, but there was no tired look on the girl's face. It was not that her physical fitness was higher than that of ordinary people, but that It's just that her tolerance and temperament are better.

You haven't had dinner yet? I'll prepare it.

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