Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 409 Ladder Theory, Su Qi’s Ambition

"Um...can you be so perverted by controlling three mysterious paths!?"

Kong Yan's body was extremely stiff, and the expression on his face was out of control. From this to the end, he did not deny Lu Ji's power, but he never thought that this person could be so terrifying.

after all.

In the Holy City, there are many extraordinary people who have mastered two, three, or even more mysterious paths, but at most they only have a few more special methods, and there are no examples of qualitative changes at all.

Ji Linglong on the side seemed to know more. She lowered her voice and said, "I heard my ancestor say something about Lu Ji's situation."

"You also know that every Supreme Holy Lord will find his own unique path, so that he can stand on the top of the extraordinary. Whether it is your family or other families, they are integrating various mysterious ways and trying to find new ways. .”

"Someone once proposed an idea to use mysterious paths to continue mysterious paths. Treat each mysterious path as a ladder, and perhaps you can reach higher places."

"But this idea is too difficult to realize. After all, no matter how talented a person is, if he wants to completely master a path, he needs to spend countless energy and financial resources. The more powerful the path, the more difficult it is to master it. For this reason, the Lu family We found another way, went against the grain, and conducted an experiment on a group of Lu family disciples..."

"While others were pursuing powerful paths, the Lu family spent countless energy to find some of the most common and easy-to-control mysterious paths and provided them to those Lu family disciples to practice. However, among those people, the vast majority were lost. However, among everyone, only Lu Ji stood out and was successfully promoted to the natural disaster level."

"My ancestor guessed that this person should have successfully reached the end of the three mysterious paths and undergone some miraculous changes, so that he could surpass his peers!"

Kong Yan felt very unhappy when he heard this.


Many natural disaster-level people in the Holy City will focus on other mysterious ways in order to go further. This is almost a consensus among the upper circles.

However, most natural disaster-level extraordinary beings simply look down on ordinary mysterious pathways, so the progress is not so obvious. They never expected that ordinary mysterious pathways can have such benefits.

Then can I also...

Seemingly sensing Kong Yan's inner thoughts, Ji Linglong quickly gave up the idea: "Theoretically, it can be successful, but you'd better not try it easily."

"Why?" Kong Yan was puzzled.

"Because among those Lu family disciples, only Lu Ji can succeed, and the probability can be imagined."

"Are you willing to spend a lot of time re-walking an ordinary mysterious path, which may not even lead to a ladder in the end?"


Kong Yan thought for a while and finally shook his head.

For his level, an ordinary mysterious path is very useless in terms of bonus to strength. If the success rate is not high, it is better to choose a powerful mysterious path. At least the powerful extraordinary abilities in it can be used as a trump card. use.

So far.

He couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy in his eyes when he looked at Lu Ji.

"Don't think too much. What we have to do now is to bow down in the past." Ji Linglong said helplessly.

She knew very well that such a being who had been at the bottom from the beginning of awakening to the natural disaster level suddenly completed the stacking of stairs and achieved overtaking in corners, how eager to step on others one by one.


Even though many people were reluctant in their hearts, they had to put aside their pride and bow their heads to Lu Ji.

Seeing the postures of these people, Lu Ji felt extremely comfortable. He slowly walked back to his own ship, with a sneer on his lips: "I know that you all have crystal talismans given to you by your elders."

"But you have to think clearly. The further you go, the fewer traces of the real world there will be, and the interference of heaven in the real world will be weakened to the extreme."

"Here, if you die accidentally, your death will really be in vain. Are you clear, huh!?"

So far.

The fleets of all the major forces have been integrated by him, and everyone must obey him, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

"Huh, genius?"

At the same time that the fleets of the major forces entered the foggy river, Su Qi quickly turned back.

It didn't take long.

They arrived at the previous coordinates again and found to their surprise that the battle between the evil god statue and the eight strange creatures was still going on.

The strange creatures that have lost their bodies are like evil spirits hovering around the statue of the evil god, constantly launching fierce attacks.

In the dark sky and dark ground, all kinds of shocking fluctuations occur one after another.

Even if the evil god statue is more terrifying, it can be torn apart with just a raise of your hand.

However, those eight strange creatures seemed to have immortal bodies, and they could be reorganized in the gray mist every time.

This also confirmed Su Qi's conjecture.

The gray fog that trapped them in front of them was the embodiment of a certain energy!

It may even be the highest power that corrodes the real world, otherwise he would never have imagined what level of power could besiege so many natural disaster-level extraordinary beings.

"Lao Yang, your father is really fierce."

"How about you discuss with him, stop getting entangled with these weird creatures, and take us out of this ghost place." Nie Bao couldn't help but joked when he saw that the statue of the evil god was still fighting.

Yang Rihuan also rolled his eyes at him angrily and said, "It's your father."

"I'll carve the name Nie Bao's father on that black coffin later!"

However, Nie Bao was not annoyed. Instead, he smiled and said, "If He is willing, it doesn't matter if I call him Dad."

Joking aside, everyone present could not help but feel half-hearted when they saw that the battle that had continued until now showed no sign of stopping.

If it were them, and they were entangled by strange creatures in the misty river, their fate could be imagined.

In addition, they were also grateful that Master Su Qi had superb spiritual perception. Otherwise, many people would have been sacrificed in the previous wandering.

At this moment, Su Qi's gaze was fixed on the strange creatures. With his strong spiritual perception, he could clearly detect that those strange creatures were absorbing the energy of the gray mist all the time.

It can even be said that they are more likely to be born from gray fog.

at the same time.

Deep in his heart, a bold idea came up.

This is also the key to their escape from the foggy river!

Now it is confirmed that the fog in front of me is the embodiment of some kind of high-level energy...

What weird creatures can absorb, why can't I, Su Qi, absorb it!

do not forget.

In the state of God's Favorite, he can convert any kind of energy into light energy!

Even the divine power of chaos is no exception.

It's just that the energy level of the divine power of chaos is too high, and it has always been hard to obtain, so he has never made such an attempt.

In an instant.

Su Qi's eyes...became unusually bright!

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