Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 408: Invincible at the same level, defeated with one kick


Everyone in the Evolution God Sect felt extremely suffocated. Before they even had time to make a move, they saw a torrent composed of countless sword lights, strangling them at an extremely fast speed!


The two high-level officials were stunned. They picked up the person next to them and rushed out of the big ship.

In almost a second, the towering giant peak was cut into countless pieces like tofu. The large ship hidden behind it was not spared. It was instantly dismembered into countless pieces and scattered down, even among them. The four archbishops who had no time to escape did not even utter a cry of pain.

Hoo, ho—

The knife light cut, and the flames covering it surged and burned, burning the void red. The heat wave rolled and lasted for a long time. All nearby materials became distorted and blurred under the terrifying high temperature!

The two top leaders of the Evolution God Religion felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. The blood on their faces instantly faded and they were as pale as paper.

Especially Guiga, as a destruction-level non-human alien, he is still one step away from the natural disaster level.

I thought that returning to the real world would be enough to crush everything.

He didn't expect that after suffering a series of defeats from Su Qi, he would have to face such a terrifying force again.

All of a sudden.

Indescribable fear filled every corner of his body.

At this time.

The two senior leaders of the Evolution God's Cult who had their traces exposed couldn't help but get angry.

Everyone in the world says that non-human beings lack rationality and are cruel and ruthless, but now, these extraordinary beings from the Holy City don't even say hello and just kill them!

It’s so heartbreaking!


"Aren't you a little too arrogant?"

Immediately, one of the senior members of the Evolution Cult shouted loudly, his voice extremely cold, as if there were two voices superimposed on each other.

Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly swelled to the size of a mountain. The ferocious bone spurs on his back were like broad knives, and there were a large number of bloody tentacles fluttering in the wind, like wings.

The sudden appearance of the inhuman alien made the children of the aristocratic families on the other side of the fleet change their expressions.

Obviously, they didn't realize that there was someone hiding here.

"They are non-human beings, they are members of the Cult of Evolution. The strength of these two people... has actually reached the natural disaster level!?" Kong Yan's eyes narrowed, and his tone obviously changed.

In addition to being shocked at the natural disaster-level inhuman beings, he was also deeply afraid of Lu Ji's strength!

To know.

The Cult of Evolution, at the beginning of the Cataclysm, served as one of the two cornerstones of mankind's fight against the invasion of vicious beasts.

The most important reason is that he is invincible at the same level!

It can almost easily crush the vast majority of other supernatural beings of mysterious paths.

However, Lu Ji was not only aware of the opponent's existence, he even attacked him without any scruples. With this mentality alone, even if he was trying to flatter him, he couldn't keep up!


In an instant.

The two high-level officials of the Evolutionary Cult stepped fiercely, and a big explosion occurred in the air under their feet. Their huge bodies were ejected like angry arrows. The violent energy rolled up the sand and stones along the way and wiped them out. They looked like they were threatening to kill the other party. The gesture of speaking out the Dharma. !

this moment.

Fuck all the previous ideas of avoiding conflict!

When the natural disaster-level extraordinary beings in each fleet saw this scene, their bodies involuntarily tensed up. They knew very well how difficult it was to deal with inhumans and aliens of the same level.

Especially the non-human aliens who have been promoted to the natural disaster level. On the battlefield of other world conquests, they are not willing to fight against the same-level ferocious beasts. After all, they can withstand the power of pollution of this magnitude. The life forms are terrifying enough. If they can still maintain their rationality, it is impossible to imagine how abnormal their bodies and minds are!

But the good thing is.

Everyone knew that the target of these two natural disaster-level inhumans was the Lu family fleet.

So there wasn’t much panic.

He even had the mentality of just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

Continue to be strong?

You deserve the misfortune of the Lu family, it would be better for both sides to suffer losses!

But the next second, the smiles that finally rose on their faces froze completely, and then turned into boundless fear.

I saw.

At the moment when the two natural disaster-level inhuman beings came to kill.

A figure appeared above the two people at some unknown time.

Lift your right foot slightly.

Then fell.

In everyone's sight, this extremely slow movement actually hit the two natural disaster-level inhuman beings with great accuracy.


The slow friction between the right foot and the air produced a series of sparks. The terrifying high temperature immediately compressed the air crazily, igniting all the nearby air, forming a ring of flames visible to the naked eye. The billowing heat waves filled the air, and strange fires appeared. The group bloomed in the sky, covering the sky and the sun instantly!

The terrifying bright light exploded like the sun exploding!

The temperature of the entire world is rising crazily at an incredible speed!


The expressions of the two natural disaster-level non-human beings at their feet suddenly changed, and they were blasted straight into the ground in front of this terrifying shock wave!


Extreme pain!

The burning pain on their backs that made their souls tremble, as well as the pain of every inch of flesh and blood being torn apart on their bodies, almost destroyed all rationality of the two senior leaders of the Evolutionary Cult who were embedded thousands of meters underground!

this moment.

They almost went crazy.

From beginning to end, they never expected such a scene.

Just this one person can crush the two of them!

For those who didn’t know, I thought I had met a Tianji-level transcendent!

Just as they were frantically using the pollution qualities to repair their bodies underground, and were horrified, they suddenly felt two scorching eyes burning through their bodies, and even the heat contained in the eyes was enough to ignite the air.

The two of them were instantly shocked. They clearly sensed from that look that if they didn't show surrender or didn't return in time.

Then, in the next second, what will greet them must be a real decisive blow!

As a result, the two senior leaders of the Evolutionary God Cult did not bother to repair themselves. They endured the severe pain and hurriedly emerged from the ground and knelt down on one knee.

"Sir...Sir, we were too reckless and shouldn't have secretly peeked here. After being discovered by you, we still took action recklessly. It is simply an unforgivable crime!"

"However, I hope that for the sake of the Evolution God Cult... you can let us go."

"You guys, you are using the Evolution God Sect to suppress me." Lu Ji said lightly, but in the ears of the two Evolution God Sect senior officials, he did not hesitate to shock them with thunder, scaring them on the spot. The souls of the dead were all scared and they hurriedly denied it.

And this scene was seen by the other children of the aristocratic family, and one can imagine the shock in their hearts.

They never expected that the collision between these two powerful figures would end in Lu Ji's overwhelming victory!

This completely subverts their understanding of non-human beings.

It also reshaped their understanding of Lu Ji's power!

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