Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 367: Get rid of control and gradually stabilize the situation

"Son of a bitch!"

"Die to me!"

Hundreds of kilometers away from the city, strange creatures gathered in groups. In the center of the terrifying encirclement, Lu Zhan and others were naturally attracted by the first wave of strange creatures.


Almost every one of them was surrounded and killed by dozens of strange creatures, and their numbers continued to increase.

Even as a top destruction-level transcendent, it was extremely difficult to delay in this situation, and his body was exploded time and time again.

If it weren't for the Pearl of Apocalypse hovering above, which was continuously delivering life to them, they would have died on the spot.


Lu Zhan's long hair fluttered, and he crazily activated the power of qi and blood in his body, draining the extraordinary power out of his body again and again. The terrifying sword intent condensed into substance, blooming one after another like a nuclear explosion, constantly bombarding the strange creatures around him.

The terrifying fluctuations even made the nearby ground tremble like chaff.

Tong Qi also controlled the female figures without facial features, and fought fiercely with the strange creatures that surrounded them. The strong resentment was transmitted in waves, almost forming a huge undercurrent.

Her current condition is extremely poor, her whole body is badly damaged, and even the vitality delivered by the Pearl of Apocalypse cannot keep up with the speed of her injuries.

This is because all her extraordinary methods are basically focused on killing enemies. She has killed even more weird creatures than Lu Zhan, but in this way, she attracts more weird creatures.

Among these people, the one who is in the worst situation is probably Lu Chengjian. The shadow assassin method he has mastered is not good at facing the enemy head-on, let alone the situation of being surrounded and killed, even if he uses various shadow swaps to avoid it. The attack still resulted in his head being blown off several times.


In this kind of collision that squeezed out all the strength, Lu Zhan and others' eyes suddenly became confused.

It was as if the regret that had been seduced was gradually being consumed, and the effect of the Hammer of Repentance was much worn away.

If Su Qi saw this scene, it would probably be nothing more than a surprise. After all, without the blessing of his amplification ability and the immortality provided by the Pearl of Apocalypse, these people would have died several times. No matter how regretful it is, they would have died several times. It’s not surprising that sins have been canceled out.

over time.

Lu Zhan and the others seemed to have recalled something, and they felt that they should not fight with the strange creatures here.

It seems like there should be more important things to do.

It's just that I can't remember it for a while.

"I seem to be going to kill someone..."

"The one who killed..."

Not long after, a vague figure broke into their minds.

Pei Jing!

When this name was remembered, the confusion in his eyes refocused, and the memories covered with regret came flooding back.

"And... Su Qi!"

In an instant.

Lu Zhan and others trembled, as if they saw that demonic figure again. The expressions on their faces instantly became extremely ferocious, and their eyes were almost bloodshot!

They finally remembered.

The young man named Su Qi actually controlled their mental consciousness and allowed them to use their bodies as bait to defend District 9 from the attacks of some strange creatures!


Even though they recalled all this, they were still surrounded by strange creatures and couldn't escape at all.

After realizing this.

"Fuck your ancestors!"

Suddenly, Lu Zhan spurted out a mouthful of old blood. The grief and anger of being played with by others instantly completely ignited his chest. Under the burst of uncontrollable anger, the offensive in his hands became more and more intense. Be sharp.

He wanted to rush out and give the young man a sword!

Not only him, but others have also fallen into madness. The failure of the mission is not terrible. What is terrible is that until now, they are still involuntarily working for each other!

"Su Qi, you and I are inseparable!"

"If I am lucky enough to survive, I will kill you!"

"Ah ah, even if the mysterious path collapses and a strange disaster breaks out, I will still spray blood all over me!"

All of a sudden.

The screams filled with grief seemed to tear apart the battlefield and soar into the sky.

At this time, Nie Bao and the others who were on the second line of defense were desperately running with a large group of strange creatures. They were avoiding the attacks that were coming from behind. They vaguely seemed to hear the shouts of Lu Zhan and his gang, and couldn't help but feel... He said with emotion: "The guys from Jiuyuan Holy City were originally thought to be the least likely to win over Lord Su Qi."

"I didn't expect that they would fight so hard, and even in danger, they would not forget to shout Lord Su Qi's name. This kind of performance is simply embarrassing."

Thinking of this, Nie Bao and the others couldn't help but work harder, frantically provoking the strange creatures rushing towards them, and then using their dexterity to move them around in circles.

at the same time.

The battle on Su Qi's side also reached a peak.

They surrounded each detention container, constantly fighting the strange creatures, and then saw the right opportunity to severely damage them and complete the detention.

Until now.

Under Su Qi's terrifying efficiency, the three of them imprisoned more than thirty strange creatures in total.

even so.

They still didn't stop.

On the one hand, the more weird creatures can be imprisoned, the better. On the other hand, they observed that some containers that had previously held weird creatures were damaged, causing the weird creatures to come out again.

This kind of thing is unavoidable, after all, it is relatively easy for the container to be destroyed from the outside.


All the efforts they made were not in vain.

Su Qi observed that as the mutation covered the ninth district and spread rapidly into the distance, the strange creatures that emerged seemed to have consciously avoided the ninth district, and the number of intruders into the city was greatly reduced.

This proved that his guess was correct.

The number of weird creatures is not endless. In order to erode a larger area of ​​the real world, the mutated world will guide the weird creatures to spread out even more.

As long as there are enough weird creatures imprisoned in District 9, the weird creatures that come out later will subconsciously avoid this place, leaving District 9 in a relatively safe scene.


Su Qi couldn't help becoming more anxious, speeding up, holding the meteor knife in his hand, and led the six ghosts and gods to kill the strange creatures near the container.

At this time, in the city.

As the three sisters Lin Nan, Chen Zhen, Qiu Ran, and Shen Chan, and a group of apostle-level transcendental beings worked desperately, they successively found people who were not affected in areas affected by strange forces, and analyzed the Countermeasures are passed on.


begin descending.

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