Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 366: Chaotic rules, a fly shaking a tree

"Fortunately, this soul crystal is powerful enough, otherwise it may not be able to imprison the strange creatures."

Chu Qingfeng was convinced, and the giant mechanical wings behind him suddenly spread out, and the dense electronic patterns on them immediately lit up with a blue light, and launched a torrential rain of energy cannons, which poured madly on a strange creature covered in fiery red.

Although Su Qi has successfully imprisoned a strange creature, it is not enough.

after all.

According to their previous calculations, at least thirty strange creatures must be imprisoned in the current land area of ​​District 9, which means that one-third of the hundred detention containers must be put into use.

And, faster is better.

Because those strange creatures that invaded the city would not only complete the collection of flesh and blood, but also cause damage to a large number of buildings during the movement of their huge bodies, which would inevitably affect the thousand-meter-high detention container.

To this end, they must complete the confinement of at least thirty strange creatures before the confinement container is damaged to a certain extent.

In addition, this must also take into account the strange creatures that Lu Zhan, Nie Bao and others have contained. Once something happens on their side, more strange creatures will flood into the city, and the probability of destroying the detention container will also be greater.

They are now racing against time!

Only by running at the front can you be free to deal with other emergencies.

Therefore, Su Qi, Pei Jing, and Chu Qingfeng had very heavy responsibilities on their shoulders. They had almost no time to breathe. After imprisoning a strange creature, they had to rush to another container to fight without stopping. .

even so.

There are still some weird creatures that have broken through these lines of defense and broken into the city.

The suffocating feeling caused by those towering flesh and blood bodies is simply indescribable. They walk in the city and cause great damage casually.

Buildings were crumbling and people were screaming.

Various buildings that people are proud of are simply more fragile than paper shells under the feet of strange creatures, and they collapse with a slight touch.

at the same time.

The chaotic rules unique to those terrifying and strange creatures also began to affect ordinary people at this time.

Among them, in a certain area, a large number of humans seemed to be affected by some kind of force. Like hydrogen balloons with their ropes cut off, they escaped gravity and were slowly floating high in the sky.

And above them, there was a strange creature that covered half of the sky!

At this moment, the strange creature was motionless, like a whale eating. It only needed to open its big mouth and use the momentum of the water flow to swallow all the nearby fish.

"What are the countermeasures?"

"Why hasn't it been sent yet!?" In a certain building, a white-haired old man was sucked up to the ceiling of the house under the influence of the mysterious power.

At this moment, while comforting his family, he clutched the communicator in his hand, hoping to get countermeasures from the city lord's palace.

Not only him, many people in this area are waiting anxiously.

Because, they found that the suction force on themselves was getting stronger and stronger, and the ceiling of the floor soon became unable to hold on and could not stop them from floating.

If they had not been blessed by Master Su Qi's amplification ability and their life levels had not been improved before, I am afraid that they would have been directly crushed to death by this suction force.

even so.

There are still many people on high floors, as well as some brave people who go outdoors, who are sucked up into the sky like dumplings and become food for that strange creature.

at the same time.

A team of extraordinary people is moving quickly in this area. It is the rescue team led by Shen Chan who is collecting strange information.

As extraordinary beings, they are better able to resist the chaotic rules of strange creatures than ordinary people, but the degree of resistance is linked to their own strength. Destruction-level extraordinary beings can basically ignore it, apostle-level extraordinary beings can still withstand it, and overlords Those below the level of extraordinary beings have been affected to a certain extent, and their movements have become somewhat inconvenient.


"Everyone spread out, be sure to find someone who is not affected by the strange force as soon as possible!" Shen Chan looked at the countless people floating high in the sky, shouting at the top of their lungs, and her eyes turned red instantly.

But she still very decisively forced herself not to watch that cruel scene.

Although she might be able to save some of them by taking action now, she knew very well that if she didn't find a way to deal with this chaotic rule, the casualties would be even greater.

At this time, the City Lord's Mansion was also operating at a high load, and a large amount of strange information was reported. Some people had already reported countermeasures, but most of them did not report countermeasures.

In this regard, some of the staff who have experienced the destruction of the 14th District know very well that behind the discovery of many measures to deal with the strange rules, the cost is a series of human lives, and more of it depends on luck. They had encountered extreme situations in which, under the influence of a strange creature, all humans in the entire area died, but no countermeasures were found.

Lin Nan couldn't sit still when he saw the strange information reported one by one. He directly gathered a team of extraordinary people and ran out.

When passing through the gate, he told Xiaoyan who was stationed at the City Lord's Mansion: "The City Lord's Mansion is very important, so I leave it to you. I am an apostle-level extraordinary person, and I have no use staying here. I might as well patrol various places. , searching for some weird countermeasures.”

Although they all know that no matter who discovers strange countermeasures, they will report it in time, but the actual situation is often not so ideal. Someone may have discovered the countermeasure, but due to some restrictions, they cannot report it in time.

Therefore, extraordinary people are required to search deep inside.

Even because the resistance of extraordinary people is much higher than that of ordinary people, they will make various attempts in a certain area to find countermeasures.

Xiaoyan glanced at Lin Nan, and then nodded heavily.

Su Qi had already explained this to her a long time ago. The City Lord's Mansion was the center for the collection and transmission of all information, and there was no room for error.

So it was left to her to guard it. After all, she controlled the corpse of a disaster-level ferocious beast and had a power comparable to that of a destructive level. She could effectively block the invasion of some weird creatures. If she was defeated, she would need to notify Su Qi as soon as possible.


Under the attack of mutation.

The real world and the mutated world overlap.

Countless people are in danger due to the ravages of strange creatures.

But at the same time, there are also a large number of extraordinary people running around for that faint hope.

Everything is interwoven into an extremely tragic picture at this moment.

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