Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 360 Analysis of the current situation and a desperate battle

"Master Su Qi, why don't we take advantage of this moment to go inside and do another sweep."

Nie Bao observed the densely packed strange figures in the mutated world and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

This number seems a bit high. If they all come in all at once, only Mr. Su Qi can resist it.

However, as the strongest among them, Master Su Qi should not be hindered in this first round of encounters, so Nie Bao proposed to take the lead in sweeping away the strange creatures to reduce the number of strange creatures.

Su Qi slowly withdrew his gaze and said thoughtfully: "Well, this is indeed worth trying..."

At this point, he changed the topic: "However, we still have to be prepared to rush into the place where the mutation originated. According to my observations in the past few days, our previous approach of destroying the world of mutation and blocking the invasion of mutation, There are quite a few hidden dangers.”

"On the surface, it seems that we have defended District 9 and withstood disaster."

"But you can see now that the invasion of mutations has been blocked, and the number of strange creatures has also increased. This is equivalent to us temporarily building a dam to resist the flood. The carrying capacity of the dam is limited. As the heavy rain pours, we need It has been reinforced, and at the same time, the amount of water accumulated there will also reach a terrifying level."

"Once the upper limit of the dam's capacity is exceeded, an unparalleled encroachment will occur, leading to an even greater disaster."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel horrified.

If Su Qi's statement is true, then in the end, neither resistance nor letting go will work. Isn't this an unsolvable situation?

Moreover, such a large-scale mutation cannot be directed to other places by changing the direction of the beast tide as before.

"Doesn't this mean that this city will face the impact of a sudden change no matter what?" Yang Rihuan frowned.

This is not good news.

For example, those guys in Jiuyuan Holy City, after the city fell, endless attacks were waiting for them. If they were unlucky, they might not even have a chance to breathe, and they would be killed directly in this disaster.

Therefore, the stronghold behind them is very important, and it is an important guarantee for them to seize opportunities for heaven in other worlds again and again!

At this time, Pei Jing was very keenly aware of another meaning in Su Qi's words.

The mutation may be unstoppable.

But for District 9, the strange creatures in the mutation are the most threatening thing.

"Su Qi, what you mean is to let the changes erode, and then try to kill the strange creatures, or lead them to other places."

"That's right." Su Qi nodded.

"The most important thing for these strange creatures is flesh and blood, which is the carrier to share the power in the body. Extraordinary people...or us, destructive-level extraordinary people, are their primary targets. Mutations cannot be guided, but they can Minimize their impact on urban areas.”

"After overcoming this wave, reduce the number of weird creatures in this area as much as possible, so that the city's power can resist it, and at the same time, the mutation cannot collapse and cause the accumulation of weird creatures."

"In this case, we will have time to leave here and rush into the place where the mutation originated."

Now, all the Destruction Levels in District 9 are gathered here, except of course the five prisoners.

After listening to Su Qi's analysis, Chu Qingfeng suddenly asked: "This...do you already have a specific plan?"

Su Qi smiled slightly: "It's not a detailed plan, I just have some ideas. I want to seek your opinions to see if there is any possibility of implementation."

"You see, weird creatures pose the greatest threat to the city. At the same time, they are the carrier of the power of mutations. We need to ensure the safety of District 9 without letting the mutated world collapse and accumulate weird creatures like it is now."


"I wonder if we can capture some weird creatures and imprison them. This will not only ensure the safety of the people, but also prevent the accumulation of weird creatures."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

This plan……

It seems that it is actually feasible.

First of all, in the mutated world, the distribution density of strange creatures follows certain rules.

Under normal circumstances, they are more discretely distributed, spreading the power of mutation to the maximum extent. However, in the early stage of mutation erosion, due to the resistance of the real world, they will gather together and form the vanguard of the invasion. .

After the invasion is completed, it continues to spread.

If after surviving the first round of impact safely, dozens of strange creatures are captured and imprisoned in the ninth area, maybe they can actually deceive other strange creatures and avoid the ninth area.

"Isn't this approach a bit risky? After all, it is related to the lives of millions of people. A little carelessness will lead to irreparable losses. Besides, all of this is just our speculation..." Nie Bao was Su Qi was startled by his thoughts, and his tone was somewhat hesitant.

However, Pei Jing waved his hand and agreed with Su Qi's approach: "In extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done. Su Qi can stop the invasion of mutations once, twice, three times...or even more, but the strange creatures among them will also Therefore, it continues to accumulate until even Su Qi cannot resist it. Once that happens, if the disaster is not truly over, then you can imagine what District 9 will face."

"It's better to take this opportunity to fight and win. Only then will District 9 have a real chance to breathe."

It has to be said that as a legendary figure who once saved a city, Pei Jing has courage that ordinary people cannot match in this situation.

Instead of placing your hopes on the elusive and unknown outcome, it is better to fight on your own.

At least, be able to take the initiative.

Chu Qingfeng, in particular, was shocked when he heard Su Qi's bold idea, and then said that he could build a container to hold strange creatures.

It is true that mechanical path transcendents can only use mechanical confinement to control the weird creatures that invade from their own mysterious paths, but now most of the weird creatures they face have condensed into entities, and they only need to be imprisoned, so it should not be a problem .

However, in the face of such a major event, he still had some scruples, and asked anxiously: "Would it be more appropriate for this kind of plan, which is related to the life and interests of everyone, to be announced?"

"No need." Pei Jing denied directly.

"In fact, everyone in District 9 is mentally prepared for a strange invasion. Now that we have announced this plan, not only will it have no effect, but it will cause some people to have some bad ideas."

"You have to understand that not everyone is willing to break the deadlock. Sometimes, it is normal to be unwilling to die without seeing the Yellow River. If you can delay it, they are more willing to choose the latter."

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