"What's the current status of the mutation over there?"

After Su Qi captured five destruction-level experts, Lin Nan was particularly concerned about the changes outside the city.

At this moment, he came to the team responsible for monitoring the mutation to inquire about the situation.

Although he knew that the monitoring team would definitely report all the movements in that mutated world as soon as possible, he still did not dare to relax and remained vigilant at all times, for fear that when he turned around, there would be other changes in the stagnant mutated world. trend.

At this time, a staff member reported: "Lord City Lord, we are always conducting data simulations to monitor changes."

"The current rate of collapse of mutations is generally maintaining a relatively stable trend. In the absence of other sudden changes, it will last for at least five days before it stops collapsing and forms the sweeping trend it had before."

"However, in the northeast, we detected some strange shadows of creatures in the form of trees growing behind them. Near the appearance of these shadows, the speed of mutation collapse has been significantly slowed down. This information has been reported to Master Su Qi. It’s over.”

"That's good, that's good." After listening to the staff's report, Lin Nan felt a little relieved.

Five days, at least five days of peace, this is the last peace Su Qi won for them.

Now, due to the stasis of mutation, a large number of strange creatures have gathered near the collapsed defense line, wandering around. Even ordinary people can observe the terrifying scene.

Many ordinary people continued to upload the horrific images to the Internet through self-made surveillance equipment, which attracted a large number of ordinary people to discuss.

Some people have an optimistic attitude, thinking that if Lord Su Qi and the others can block a mutated invasion, they can conduct a second interception, which will definitely ensure everyone's safety.

In addition, some people feel that there are too many strange creatures gathering at the intersection of the two worlds, and the sudden outbreak will be more terrifying than the last time.

On the other side, there is a small courtyard near the city lord's palace. On the surface, it looks relatively relaxed. In fact, every blind corner is tightly monitored.

In particular, the bodies of Lu Zhan and others were still tightly imprisoned by the sacred rings, making them unable to use their extraordinary powers.

Although they lacked the means of communication such as spiritual thoughts, Lu Zhan and others were still quite sophisticated. They found opportunities to talk, and took advantage of a gap to quietly ask one of their partners.

"Lu Chengjian, this body of yours should not be the original one, please quickly find a way to help us get out of trouble.

"We are just grasshoppers on a rope now. We are both prosperous and devastated. Don't think that we can complete the assassination mission by ourselves. That young man is more terrifying than we imagined."

Obviously, Lu Zhan and others have great trust in this companion named Lu Chengjian, which is also due to their good understanding of Lu Chengjian.

Rumor has it that Lu Chengjian, who mastered Shadow Assault, had extremely strong survivability and even escaped unscathed from the hands of natural disaster-level experts.

This relies on his unique extraordinary ability to control his own shadow at will. In times of crisis, he can hide his consciousness in the shadow and rely on the shadow to completely reshape himself, achieving the effect of the exchange between the body and the shadow.

Some people once thought that Lu Chengjian's ability was a bit close to the legendary immortality, so he was noticed by a certain natural disaster-level figure and captured him.

This was how he achieved his success in escaping from a natural disaster level powerhouse.

However, now Lu Chengjian lowered his head and replied as quietly as a mosquito: "Boss Lu, you are too flattering to me."

"It's not like your style to put your own safety in my hands."

"It's just that you still underestimated the strength of that young man. The moment I was about to transfer my consciousness to my main body, I actually aroused the other person's perception..."

Even now, Lu Chengjian still has lingering fears. At that moment, he seemed to be targeted by some kind of terrifying existence, and his soul seemed to send an early warning. If he moved any bigger, he would definitely be discovered.

Therefore, he only split off a very small part of his consciousness.

When they heard Lu Chengjian's words, everyone was shocked. They originally thought that the young man was just taking advantage of others' danger to kill all his gang.

I never thought that Lu Chengjian would give such a high evaluation to the other party.

Among them, Ning Zhengnan stood up anxiously and walked to Lu Chengjian: "Now is not the time to let others' ambitions destroy your own prestige. How strong can a newly promoted Destruction Level Extraordinary be? Maybe it's just that his perception is sharper."

"Hurry up and find a way to rescue us. When I regain my strength, I will kill him ruthlessly!"

Lu Chengjian remained silent and did not respond.

Now that he is a prisoner, he is not anxious, but he knows very well that no matter how anxious he is, he will not be able to solve the problem, not to mention that this is the time when surveillance is the most stringent.

With a little carelessness, even his last trump card will be revealed!

At the same time, in addition to pinning their hopes on Lu Chengjian, these people were also thinking about the feasibility of abandoning the mission and acting as real supporters.

After all, the other party did not kill directly at the beginning, which means that the other party is not a person who kills indiscriminately.

However, they quickly gave up on this unrealistic fantasy because there was a huge uncertainty involved.

That is, it is not certain whether there are survivors in Area 10.

Once there are survivors in Area 10, everything they said will be self-defeating!

In any case, in the early stages of the disaster, it makes no sense to abandon a whole city of people and rush thousands of miles to the ninth district.

As night fell, there was suddenly an unusual movement in the mutated world. An out of place shadow, like a long black snake, crawled forward in the darkness.

Passing through the intersection of the two worlds, it invaded the real world silently.

Even Su Qi, who had been paying close attention to the movements outside the city, didn't notice it.

After all, its life breath was too weak. No matter how powerful Su Qi's perception was, he couldn't detect all the movements in detail. That would consume too much mental power.

That long shadow snake just avoids all light and shuttles in the darkness. It moves very slowly. Sometimes, in order to avoid some monitoring, it can even lie dormant for several hours.

All this comes from the information transmitted by Lu Chengjian's body. Although the transcendent power of the body is imprisoned, the two of them are symbiotic and can have each other's perspective at the same time.

This was their last resort and they had to proceed with caution. He didn't want to survive in the world with this broken consciousness.

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