Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 321 Bloody fight, flesh and blood strangulation field

The terrifying sandstorm towered into the sky like a 'black wall'!

Dark clouds were rolling all over the sky, as if the whole world was in turmoil!


The ferocious king-level ferocious beasts arrived in an instant, carrying huge energy fluctuations. Their ferocious eyes were red, and they seemed to be unimaginably frightened. They rushed forward without thinking about their own lives, as if they stayed for a second, all of which were in danger of their own lives. Disrespectful.

The three sisters Shen Chan led an extraordinary formation, entered from the left side of the battlefield, aimed at a huge two-headed beast, and immediately rose into the sky.

Waving the ancient weapon in his hand, a mysterious star shines down!


The starlight fell like a sudden rain, hitting the two-headed giant beast and exploding directly. The terrifying power bloomed, and the hard scales were instantly penetrated, making the two-headed giant beast scream in pain!

A killer move with no reservations!

These extraordinary beings know very well that now may be the only chance for them to show their strength. After all, they have not yet been promoted to the destruction level. If they wait for the changes behind the beast tide to come, they may not even have a chance to take action.


A domineering beam of light shot out from the battlefield and slammed into a king-level ferocious beast that was five or six stories tall and covered with sharp scales.

A loud noise erupted.

The king-level ferocious beast seemed to have been hit by a mountain, half of its shoulder was blown open, its scales were lifted in reverse, and a large amount of blood rained down.

The beam of light dissipated, revealing a petite woman, who was Su Qi's former classmate Chen Yaqing. She was an awakened martial artist. With her outstanding talent, she entered the training building several times. With the help of Su Qi, she completed the transformation of the breathing method and made rapid progress. , the Great Obliteration Fist was brought to its extreme.

Now, it has grown to the point where it can stand up to a king-level beast on its own!

On the other side, Wei Shaobin also strode forward with a meteoric stride, green mist swirling around his body. There seemed to be a strange figure disappearing and appearing in it. Several king-level ferocious beasts nearby shot at the same time, killing him directly.

However, as soon as the attacks of these king-level ferocious beasts hit the thin layer of green mist, the energy carried in the claw arms was like a torch falling into the pool, extinguished in the blink of an eye, and even the thick claw arms were attached with a The layer of turquoise aura shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then quickly spread throughout the body.

In an instant, every inch of flesh and blood was completely corrupted, smashing to the ground like a rag bag, and the death was extremely miserable.

As a Sequence 1 on the Hidden Dragon Ranking in District 9, his strength has improved rapidly after entering the apostle level. Because his disease-death ghost path is similar to the 'Plague Rakshasa' that Su Qi just realized, he received special care from Su Qi. He was thrown into the Rakshasa realm of the Plague and trained for three days.

After he came out, Wei Shaobin's father could hardly recognize his son. He felt more like a ghost who had walked out of hell!

In front, a king-level ferocious beast that had just rushed out of the beast tide seemed to sense the terrifying aura on Wei Shaobin's body. He froze, a trace of fear appeared in his ferocious eyes, and then moved out very decisively, trying to Rush out from another direction.

However, Wei Shaobin was faster. Like a stream of light, he followed up instantly and slapped the king-level ferocious beast on the chest.

With a pop, the king-level ferocious beast flew backwards for dozens of meters, and its ferocious body quickly decomposed and turned into a pool of pus!

See this.

Wei Shaobin couldn't help but sigh: "What level of power does Master Su have? With just a hint of it, I can easily defeat the king-level ferocious beast."

He even felt that he should not be placed on the second line of defense, even if he encountered strange creatures, he would still be able to fight.

On the battlefield, the one who attracted the most attention was Yun Rou, or rather Xu Xiaofan.

During this period of preparation for the war, Su Qi took the time to formulate a plan for him to force out the pollution characteristics in his blood and replace it with the divine power of chaos.

Unexpectedly, this would actually liberate Xu Xiaofan's soul from sinking.

Not only that.

Since the divine power of chaos is much higher than the level of pollution traits, its aggressiveness is relatively mild, which greatly reduces the negative effects of the blood secret technique.

Under the joint control of two genius-level souls, it transformed into a two-headed giant made of countless blood vessels that was more than ten stories tall. The blood wings spread out behind it, covering the sky and the sun. Those tentacles made of blood , like sharp arrows, constantly shooting at nearby ferocious beasts!

One of the more feminine heads slowly turned around and said affectionately: "Xiao Fan, you have just woken up not long ago. Don't overload and use your extraordinary power. You'd better let me do it."

The other masculine head looked resolutely at the ferocious beasts that were constantly attacking in front of it.

"It doesn't matter."

"Junior Su Qi hasn't had time to repay his kindness for helping me kill the Xu family. Now he has found another way to reunite us. It's okay if we work harder. As seniors, although we can't protect him from wind and rain, we can relieve the pressure a little. It can be done.”

"Well, I listen to you."

For a while.

In front of the black wall, artillery fire roared, laser jets poured out boundless firepower, and explosions came one after another, forming a death blockade.

The king-level ferocious beast that broke out of the blockade was surrounded and killed by a large number of extraordinary beings.

The scene was extremely tragic.

At this time, the people in the city were standing in front of the TV, nervously watching the battle situation relayed from the city lord's palace, with their hearts almost hanging in their throats.

"Is this blocking it?"

"The advancing speed of the beast tide seems to have slowed down a bit."

"It cannot be said yet. The speed of the beast tide has indeed slowed down, but the number of ferocious beasts breaking out of the fire blockade is increasing. Once the extraordinary beings on the battlefield cannot resist it, there will probably be a complete collapse, and even those big beasts will collapse. Ships and machines are not immune."

"Hey, don't be alarmist. The Destruction Level Transcendents in our city haven't taken action yet, which means that everything is still under their control."

"I'm not being alarmist. You don't know anything. The city lord's palace has set up a defense line in this way in order to retain the power of the destruction-level extraordinary people to the greatest extent. If they have to take action even with this wave of beasts, once it ravages the 14th District, then A strange creature appears, who can resist it?"

"What about other districts? The number of extraordinary beings is not as large as ours in District 9. What should they do?"

"What else can I do?"

"Refer to the 14th District. The battle line is forced to be compressed into the urban area. The ferocious beasts and the weird dance together. Everyone wishes for good luck."

Just when everyone was talking about it.

At District 9 High School, Su Doudou was also accompanied by his parents, watching the battle with great excitement.

If Su Qi hadn't been intimidated before, he would probably have climbed up the city wall to watch now. After all, no matter how real the picture was, it couldn't compare to seeing it with his own eyes.

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